Master's Meeting: The Fourth Night

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The morning after Perseus' little mission finds him in the park, keeping an eye on his master as she plays with Illya. He sits quietly for a few minutes before speaking to the air,"You know you can come out right?"
Kiritsugu Emiya emerges from behind him with a Thomson Contender pressed to the back of Perseus' head,"I should kill you now."
Perseus smirks faintly,"You won't though. Look up."
Kiritsugu' head tips slightly upwards and his eyes widen when he sees the shadows in the tree above him grow red eyes and growls,"You kill me and my companion here will turn your body to paste before going after your wife."
For a brief second the master of Saber tightens his grip on the trigger before feeling a claw graze the surface of his face. A Darkling grins from his place on Kiritsugu's shoulder,"Hey monkey, the boss told you to drop the gun or die. Personally I hope you take the latter option."
The mercenary slowly holsters the weapon and Perseus lets out a unnoticeable breath of relief,"That wasn't so hard now was it? Besides, I was gonna drop your daughter off at your place tonight. Since you're here though it allows me to ask you a question that's been bugging me. What's your wish? I can guess it has something to do with your daughter but the specifics elude me."
Kiritsugu frowns,"Why are you so curious about my dream? What's your angle?"
Perseus tips his head back to stare at the mercenary,"My curiosity comes from my desire to understand the other players in this fine game. As I learn more I can accurately decide who I want to have the cup."
"This is all just a game to you? Do you mean to say you haven't taken this seriously this whole time?"
Perseus grins,"Yup! Only time I got remotely serious was when I had to rescue my master, and getting your daughter. Now your wish?"
Kiritsugu sighs,"I want peace. An everlasting peace for my daughter to grow up in."
The servant frowns,"A noble dream. Too noble for the likes of the human race. Such a wish is only remotely possible by committing genocide. In other words, it cannot be obtained."
He holds up a hand to cut the mercenary off,"Wait and allow me to explain. I have interacted with the original spirits of evil. The temptation of sin is overpowering and violence is engraved in the souls of humans. It fills the very air around us even now."
He sighs,"I guess the only way I can justify my idea is by asking you a question. Why do newborns cry?"
Kiritsugu is caught off guard by the question,"What?"
"I know it seems random but it fits with my thinking. For a brief moment when a baby enters the world they can feel the presence of sin and cry in fear. The first thing a human experiences is fear of a disembodied force imposing itself on them."
The mercenary is struck by the explanation and misses Perseus getting up and putting Sakura on his shoulders,"Think about your wish Emiya-san. When we next meet I will ask you again, and I hope you have a more realistic wish."
He vanishes in the shadows of the trees and travels back to the temple where he places Sakura down,"Okay little master, show me what your practicing has produced."
The child nods and moves a few feet away from Perseus before red energy crackles around her fist,"Bala!"
The blast makes a clean puncture wound in the stone wall before fizzling out and a red orb the size of a marble appears in front of her fingertips,"Cero!"
The small beam cuts through a headless statue and the wall behind it with no resistance. Perseus claps while praising the girl,"Well done! Your affinity is making it so you're progressing much faster than myself when it comes to gathering spiritual power and forming it. Now I think I can teach you another little trick to defend yourself."
Sakura perks up at that and Perseus closes his eyes,"Watch carefully little master. Oh light that splits the binding heavens rear your heads and descend in a flash of glory! Falling light exiled from the boundless reaches of the sky strike swift and true! Roiling black, melodious thunder, spark of the skies, strike! Fangs of Apophis!"
The skies above the temple darken as clouds cover the sun and two bolts of lightning slam down through the stone roof and melt through the floor between servant and master. Perseus draws in a deep breath and wipes a sheen of sweat from his forehead,"That was something that took a year of work on my part. You won't be able to do anything like that anytime soon since it could make your circuits explode.....please don't look at me like I'm the bad guy."
Sakura's eyes don't lose their pleading look and the servant sighs,"Fine. I guess I can teach you something else. What I'm going to do is the equivalent to what magnus call reinforcement, at least when it comes to making it harder to be wounded."
In the wake of Thrafsma's absence Perseus makes do with circulating his own spiritual power throughout his body and fully faces Sakura,"Hit me."
"Come on, hit me!"
"Alright?" Sakura half-heartedly gives in before directing her energy into her hands,"Bala!"
The two orbs of red slam against Perseus' chest and splash off without any damage,"That was a very good shot, and would've definitely gone through a normal human. Luckily my hierro, or iron skin, can nullify impact and weapons made for cutting."
He carelessly backhands a small tree that grew through the cracks of the floor and his hand gouges a piece out of the trunk,"It can also be used to make a regular hit rather lethal depending on where you hit. To do so simply circulate your energy around the inside of your body through your circuits. If you do it right when I flick you my finger should feel as if it's striking steel."
Sakura nods and visualizes her prana moving through her circuits, unaware of the glow under her skin. Perseus frowns but proceeds to stretch a hand out and flicks her forehead. As soon as his finger connects with her skin he's blown back by a invisible force and skids across the ground,"Holy!"
He gets up while casting a minor healing spell on his back, and a major spell to heal his broken hand,"What'd you do?!"
He stomps towards the girl and she cringes in fear before he sweeps her off her feet and swings her around,"That was so cool! You've done something I've been trying to do for half a year!"
"Wait," Sakura starts,"you mean you aren't angry?!"
"Angry? Why the hell would I be angry that you can protect yourself?"
"I broke your hand!"
"Oh this?" and Perseus waves the healed hand in front of her,"that wasn't too bad. Compared to nearly having my entire arm taken off that was nothing."
Sakura stares at her servant, trying to figure out what he did that nearly cost his arm before giving up,"I'm not even gonna ask. what I'm doing good enough?"
She gets two thumbs up and Perseus grins,"Better than good! However, you might want to practice and try to see how long you can actively create that energy shell. If my guess is right you'll only be able to do so for a minute, two at most. So lets-"
The part of him connected to the Darkness buzzes and he changes gears,"Hold that thought. We've got visitors. Hide, quickly!"
Sakura runs behind Perseus and stays quiet as his shadow crawls up her and conceals her form. A man wearing a skull mask and an executioner's hood appears before Perseus in a plume of ash,"A meeting has been called between all masters and servants concerning Caster and his master. It will take place at nine thirty tonight at the church where you registered."
He vanishes in a blur and Sakura steps out from behind Perseus,"That was Assassin?"
The servant doesn't answer verbally but the faint trace of bloodlust in the air is enough to tell his master he wanted to kill the messenger. After a period of time Perseus sighs and relaxes his anger,"I guess we have a meeting tonight."
The rest of the day is spent working Sakura into the ground to increase the amount of damage her shield can take and the amount of time she can sustain it. By the time the two have a dinner of fish and rice Sakura is capable of holding her shield for five consecutive minutes before needing a break, and can withstand a few low power middle tier elemental spells Perseus uses against her. When the time of the meeting is upon them Perseus decides to forego using his wings in favor of conserving both Sakura's power, and his own.
He puts two fingers to his mouth and whistles before a roaring sound comes from the shadows of the trees and his motorcycle roars up the stairs to where he is. It purrs while he gives his master a white helmet and shoves his own black helmet on before flipping the visor down,"Hold on tight little master!"
He roars off the top of the steps and soundlessly hits the ground. The wheels try to grab the ground for a moment before the two are roaring towards the closest road and pop out of the foliage onto asphalt. The road is clear so Perseus guns it up to 60 and the two take off down the road towards Fuyuki. Perseus weaves through cars and people, never slowing down at all until he nears the church.
When he does slow to a stop its on the top of the hill before the building and he pauses a moment to activate Dark Vision. He can see several outlines, one marked as an enemy, and five others as potential allies. He roars down the hill just as Rider finishes dismounting from his chariot and gains the attention of the boisterous servant,"Ah Joker! I venture you've been invited to this little gathering as well?"
Perseus nods,"Yeah. I would've spied the place out if I hadn't been invited though, so this just makes getting information easier. On another note your chariot looks rather intimidating while mine just looks kinda scary."
Rider laughs,"True! Now then shall we go in? Apparently all the others are waiting for us two and your master."
Alright. How do I explain why this chapter took so long to write? I guess the only thing that I can say is that about halfway through this chapter I lost interest. I literally forced myself to write this because I know you people who read this story want another chapter. brings up something I've been thinking about. In my opinion this story is becoming too long and so I've decided to find a way to finish this story after I'm done with Fate/Zero.
I'll still continue to write about Perseus, Empathy, and Thrafsma but it will be in a follow up story. Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up and see if I can get some help on how to end this.
Anyways, this is Krios530 here telling you all to stay frosty and hold tight until I can get the next chapter done! See ya!

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