A Punishment Long Overdue

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Perseus exits inside the temple, right next to the bed where his master is sleeping. He stares at her for a few seconds before a small real smile creeps across his face and he rubs her head like he would Anna. She smiles in her sleep and snuggles deeper into her blankets. Perseus sighs and walks out to the room he'd claimed for his own training, flexing his magic reserves to get them warmed up. When he reaches a bare room lined with faded restoration seals he chants,"Thou who reigns over the frozen heavens, let loose your chilling breath. Cover the world in a sheet of frozen magnificence and rob mankind of Prometheus' gift. Lord of Ice and Snow lend me your power to deliver the final justice. Niddhog!"
Ice creeps out from where he stands and then explodes outwards to freeze the floor, the walls, the ceiling, and even the dust in the air. He takes a few deep breaths before pulling Dyrnwyn from his shadow and runs a finger down its center to coat it in magic,"Spirit of malevolence and damnation hear me! Steel becomes your body and flames of purity become flames of corruption. My sword directs your will and my intentions become your master. Strike down all who dare oppose me and deliver unto them a death worthy of yourself. Iblis Blaze!"
The white flames covering the sword become blackened and writhe off the steel like they're trying to escape. A simple swing downwards becomes a crescent of heat that melts the floor down into the very ground the stone was laid upon. He dismisses the flames by sheathing his sword and stairs it to his back,"What should I do today?"
He drums his fingers on Dyrnwyn's handle and ponders the question for a few more seconds before an evil grin spreads over his face,"Oh yes! I've been putting this off long enough."
The shadows spread over him and pull away to show him wearing his lion skin, in the form of his biker jacket, and a full faced biker helmet. His guns are holstered in special pockets near his waist and Excalibur's handle gleams as the blade rests in its sheath on his back. A dark muffled chuckle escapes his lips before he vanishes in the shadows and appears just outside the Matou estate,"Paltó tis nýchtas."
Magic surges through his body to turn him gold for a moment before he vanishes from sight. He takes a moment to admire the spell that refracts the moonlight around him and cloaks himself in mist, passing through the bounded fields without any trouble. He enters the house and makes his way down to the basement where he found his little master. His nose wrinkles in disgust and a silent shudder passes through his body when he smells and hears the worms wriggling in their stone pit. An old man stands on the edge facing the disgusting familiars and Perseus creeps behind him.
Excalibur soundlessly slides out of its sheath and he just barely sees the smirk stretching over the side of the ancient face and quickly Blinks to the right. Just in time too, as the stone underneath him heaves upwards to form sharp spines. Deciding to drop stealth altogether Perseus uses both hands to bring Excalibur down in a deadly arc that nearly cuts clean through Zouken,"Die!"
Flesh is split but no blood issues forth from the wound. Instead worms appear to rejoin the two pieces of separated flesh until no damage is left,"Interesting ability you have there."
Zouken's smile resembles a skinless skull,"Indeed. As interesting as yours, Joker."
Perseus flinches slightly and Zouken chuckles,"So you've come to kill me eh? For Sakura I suppose?"
"No," Perseus shakes his head,"because I just don't like you."
He races forward and Zouken displays agility no man his age should have by dodging the peerless blade, but is caught flat footed when a bullet made of darkness blasts through the right side of his head. The creeper head growing from Perseus' shadow screeches in triumph before Zouken laughs and the hole is healed in seconds,"You'll have to do better than that boy!"
Water swirls around him and freezes before being fired towards Perseus as sickle shapes projectiles. He jumps between a few, using them to jump upwards until he nearly scrapes the roof of the room,"Oh trust me, I intend to!"
He quickly mutters a barrier spell and a light blue light surrounds the worm pit, cutting off any escape. A second after that he Blinks in front of Zouken with only one hand gripping Excalibur,"Invincible Sword: 200 fold strike!"
The man is vaporized without a even a scream and a wriggling red worm lies in his place. It tries to escape into the cracks in the wall but a skeletal hand latches onto it,"You're not going anywhere."
He lifts the worm to eye level and sneers,"Such a pitiful human. Clinging to life at the expense of others, instead of being brave enough to face the final justice. Now though...you will not escape."
He drops Excalibur into his shadow and a golden spear rises up slowly. The aurora of power coming off it makes the worm holding Zouken's soul wriggle fiercely in an attempt to escape,"This was gifted to me by the ruler of the Land of Shadows, Lady Scathach. It's name is Breithiúnas."
The spear now fully exits his shadow and he grips it in his right hand. Runes of power that shine like stars covers its shaft and the etching on the underneath the head shows a set of scales held by a woman wearing a blindfold. Perseus throws the worm into the air and brings his right arm back while the runes lining the spear glow brighter until he throws it. A sound like thunder booms against the stone walls as the spear shoots out like a bolt of lightning to strike the worm and carries it through the ceiling, the floor of the house, the second story, and out the roof into sky. Dawn breaks over the horizon as the spear continues to climb until the runes lining it flash all at once to consume Zouken in a sphere of divine fire that erases him from existence.
The dawn shines down on Perseus and the Darkness screeches as the creeper slinks into his shadow. The grin on his face is paper thin as he looks down into the worm pit. As he stares his eyes turn red to signal Thrafsma's near return to his soul and he beckons towards himself. A collective screech rises from the pit as the water that keeps the worms from shriveling up is sucked out from their skin and floats above Perseus' head before evaporating. In only a matter of seconds the screams are replaced with ominous silence and Perseus whispers,"Dóxa tis Estías."
A small spark flies forward, passing through his barrier before exploding outwards to bathe the underground room in light and enough heat that the stone begins to melt and fill the worm pit. After watching for a minute longer Perseus takes his leave and walks up to the main floor, and right out the door without even trying to hide. He can feel the eyes on him and he barely turns his head so the Matou family left can see a single red eye filled with laziness and boredom before he vanishes in a pillar of flame, leaving only a scorch mark to show he was real.
When he arrives back at the temple he sees Sakura playing with Kariya and gives the man a tired nod of greeting and gives his master's head an affectionate rub before going to the room he had claimed. As soon as his head hits the pillow he's asleep while his consciousness going inwards to talk with Thrafsma and Empathy,"How you two doing?"
The two parts of his soul stop the game of chess they're playing and Thrafsma growls,"This overgrown lizard has beaten me 35 times. 35!"
"You forgot to mention that's how many times I've beaten you in a row to date. Your strategies leave much to be desired."
"Bah!" Thrafsma yells,"you don't need to plan out how to kill somebody, you just do it!"
Perseus laughs lightly at the two's arguing before taking a seat in between them and moves Thrafsma's queen,"Checkmate."
The two soul fragments are speechless before Thrafsma starts laughing uproariously and Empathy checks the board before sighing,"I concede."
"Yeah you lizard! Who's not good at strategizing?!"
"Perseus won the game for you. It doesn't count."
"Like hell it doesn't! I'm a part of him so naturally it counts as me winning!"
"By that same logic then I've also won."
Neither notice their host setting the pieces back up again until he pushes Thrafsma out of his seat,"Two v one. By the way how is recovery coming?"
A crystal tube appears alongside Empathy and Thrafsma,"Smooth and steady boss. You should be back to full at midnight tonight."
"Yes. Perhaps even a few minutes sooner if you relax today."
Perseus nods as he pushes one of his black pawns two spaces forward to make room for his bishop to move. Thrafsma makes his side's move by boldly putting his own white pawn out to meet the black one. Perseus studies the board for a few seconds before slowly moving his bishop out just in front of his pawns. The game continues and increases in intensity due to Thrafsma's instant moves combine with Empathy's own thought out ones make Perseus work until,"Checkmate."
Both sides are missing most of their pieces, but Perseus uses his remaining queen and single knight to trap the white king,"My win. Good game though."
Thrafsma groans from his position on the ground,"I've got a headache from trying to outsmart you."
A bit of steam exits his ears like a cartoon character while Empathy curls up in a loose circle,"It seems your games with the Outsider have payed off."
As he speaks Perseus yawns and his soul transforms the floor under him into a soft mattress that he dives into and a blanket falls on top of his body before he's truly asleep in both mind and body.

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