Siege pt2

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Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts
Bold+Italics- Sword Technique

"Blaze, Emperador del dragón de fuego!"
A pillar of fiery reiatsu pierces through the mercury and the sky above Tutankhamun as a bestial roar booms from the center of it. The boy king shields his face from the heat coming from the reiatsu and grins,"Astounding! So this is the power you had hidden away!"
Two amber orbs pierce through the fire and a growl answers his exclamation. A single clawed hand rips through the fire and disperses it to show Ignitus in his released form. The mask fragment that once covered his left eye is gone and in its place is an armor of bone. His nails have lengthened and turned into five talons while the tips seem to glow white. A smooth tail swishes behind him while flat segments cover his spine. He's bare chested save for a single piece of armor that covers his right pectoral and part of his right shoulder. He retains his black leather pants but his shoes are ripped to shreds by the new claws he has. He drops onto all fours and his back is covered in smooth plates of bone. Tutankhamun frowns while readying his khopesh,"It seems you've become nothing more than a mindless beast. Perhaps Lady Eternity will retrieve your soul when I kill you?"
He quickly blocks a slash from Ignitus and is struggling against the claws before Ignitus roars and rips the sword from Tutankhamun's grasp. Time seems to slow as Ignitus' free hand swings around and approaches the pharaoh's head. Tenths of a second before he can make contact the pharaoh ducks under the strike with a smug grin on his face before he sees stars. Time speeds up again and shows his head trapped with his chin against Ignitus' knee and the back of his neck being held down by the hollow's left elbow. A shockwave originates from the impact and before he can recover the former pharaoh is yanked along in a Sonido and thrown agains the surface of the main tower. His vision clears just as the tip of his own khopesh pierces the middle of his chest and stops at the handle to hold him in the air. He looks at Ignitus and the hollow grins,"My win."
Tutankhamun chuckles and blood spills from his mouth,"Indeed."
The pharaoh keeps chuckling until he passes out and Ignitus yanks the khopesh out of him. He catches the soldier before he can fall and floats down to set him on the ground,"You really made me work for that win. Still," and he flexes his claws,"I should thank you for helping me reunite my soul."
He sits down on the natural crystal formation next to his opponent and breathes out. A quick blast of heat later shows him back to normal with a smile on his face,"I did my job boss. Hopefully you've done yours."
I slam into the wall and narrowly move my head to the side as a energy blade slams into where it was a second ago. I jump over a blast of clear energy before raising my gun and firing off multiple shots from both barrels. Eternity raises a hand and a transparent shield is raised in just enough time to absorb the shots and launch them back at me. I duck and my new tail sweeps out to clash against Eternity's staff with enough force to make sparks fly,"How the hell are you predicting my attacks?!"
Eternity nearly freezes me with her glare before holding a hand out,"Fire!"
I quickly raise my right hand and will the wind to create a vacuum in front of me before rushing forward. I break through the fire and slam into Eternity headfirst. We hit the ground and roll before she kicks me off her and I slam into the roof of the throne room. I quickly dig my claws into the crystal and a red orb forms in front of the mouth of my mask,"Cero!"
The room explodes in red light and I will The Darkness to protect my eyes so I can watch through the blast. Eventually it clears to show Eternity standing with the ends of her hair singed and four red spots where my horns cut her,"Oh come on!"
Ulquiorra blocks the commander's slash almost lazily,"Give up. I've yet to meet anybody outside of Perseus and White who can defeat me in swordplay."
He deflects another cut and makes a small slice across the commander's hood that makes it fall. He pauses for a moment to fake in the revealed face before resuming slicing into the commander without mercy. He disarms him with a particularly strong strike while his opponent rubs his right hand,"You're holding back."
His opponent grins,"You can't prove that."
Ulquiorra's eyes narrow,"You're strikes are too slow but you are a commander, so you have to be experienced with your weapon. I can barely feel your presence but I can feel you have more strength when we clash blades. You're deliberately limiting yourself and I feel disgusted to face such trash while White is off butchering your teammate."
The commander's eyes get cold,"Are you implying we're weak?"
Ulquiorra nods impassively,"I can feel the presence of Ignitus' opponent is gone while his remains. If you're as powerful as him then you're weak."
The commander glares at the hollow and holds his hand out. His sword flies off the floor and back into his grip,"That's it, pick up your blade. Show me your true power so I can utterly crush you and take you to the deepest part of despair."
The commander grins as his power suddenly skyrockets while Ulquiorra readies his sword,"That's it, show me your power so I can crush it along with you."
A Greek helmet materializes on his head,"I wanted to stay out of this, but I'll show you my true strength!"
Ulquiorra readies his sword,"My name is Ulquiorra, third strongest of Espada-sama's group. Tell me the name of the man I'm about to defeat."
The commander chuckles,"Cocky aren't you? My name is Luke Castellan, son of Hermes and Lord Chaos' commander!"
Ulquiorra raises his sword while drawing his other arm back,"Prepare yourself Luke Castellan," and his fingers on his left hand glow green from a cero charging,"to know true despair."
"F****** d*** it!"
Eternity bats away a blast of ice shards while producing lightning from the tip of her staff,"Aaaahhhh!"
My body smokes as I pull myself to my feet and snarl at her,"Break all limits, Moíra Kófti!"
My tattoos on my body and jacket gain a golden filling in the middle while I extend the collapsible blade from my right wrist. It shines as golden circuitry seems to cover the surface of the metal and I Blink across the gap between us. My entire arm screams towards her throat and she brings her staff up to drive my arm away from its goal, only for me to Blink behind her. She gasps as my blade rams itself into her back up to the hand I place flat against her spine,"Lightning!"
She screams as electricity arcs through her,"Lightning!"
She screams and her regeneration is forcing my blade out, but I manage to force a small red pill into the hole before it fully heals. I jump back when her staff nearly crushes my ribs and grin,"What's the matter? Can't take a little pain, or are you frustrated you can't determine my future attacks now?"
She glares at me with power gathering around her in the form of ethereal fire,"You! My brother truly has corrupted your mind to make you fight against me and my brother!"
I grin,"Nah. I can't be controlled by anybody now. And your soldier taking control of June, under your orders, just makes me furious. Now," and my body emits a blood red aurora,"lift up that staff of yours and prepare for your blood to be all across this floor!"
I rush her and we clash, but this time I've got the upper hand with Moíra Kófti active.
Mia brings her wazashi up to redirect the long sword of her opponent while punishing out,"Bala!"
Her opponent dodges to the side and the blast of concentrated reiatsu takes out the wall behind her,"Stand still!"
Her opponent tries to cleave Mia in half, only to cut an afterimage and gain a cut along her dominant arm. Mia takes the temporary lull to back off and catch her breath,"You're pretty good. Nice to finally fight a strong woman instead of Espada-sama or White."
The woman nods her head,"Indeed. What is your name young one?"
Mia grins,"My name is Mia. No last name. I'm the fastest of Espada-sama's group. What's your name?"
The woman's arm finishes healing and she raises her sword,"My name is Arthuria Pendragon, King of Knights."
The two clash and Arthuria sweeps Mia back with her longer weapon. As soon as Mia hits the ground her form blurs and copies appear all around Arthuria with their weapons poised to make her into a pincushion. Arthuria grins,"Impressive. However," and slams her sword into the ground,"against me your copies are useless."
A pulse of wind magic shoots out from her blade to dispel the copies and throw Mia down the hall at an incredible speed. She slams her waszakashi into the crystal floor to slow herself down and looks up to see Arthuria bearing down on her with her strange blade. She takes the hit and is blown outside the tower in a cloud of smoke. Arthuria waits and sees a pale yellow light in the smoke before dodging to avoid the Cero fired at her. The next second Mia is in front of her with both arms outstretched and her hands clenched in fists,"Doble Bala!"
Her fists make contact with Arthuria's abdomen and red energy explodes from her back to send the King of Knights flying. She hits one of the statues lining the hallway and goes through it and into the wall. When the smoke clears it shows her groaning while the armor around where she was hit is gone. Her bare abdomen is shown to be heavily bruised and burned and Mia whistles,"That's some tough armor you've got. My Doble Bala is strong enough to vaporize a human in an instant."
Arthuria drops onto the ground and shakily gets to her feet with her sword half raised,"Oh sit down. If I can't fight you in peak condition I'd rather not fight you at all."
Arthuria sinks to her knees as her regeneration takes effect to slowly heal the damage from the Doble Bala while Mia takes the time to ask some questions,"You said you're the King of Knights right? I thought that person was named Arthur."
Arthuria weakly shakes her head,"I had to play the part of a man when I was alive. My people needed a king, and a woman could never be king during my time."
Mia frowns,"Yeah, but you were supposed to have a son-" "Daughter." "-fine, daughter. How did you and Guinevere have a kid?"
Arthuria's cheeks have a light blush over them,"Unless you have a-" and Mia's face reddens considerably,"Forget it! Shutting those thoughts down!"
Now thoroughly embarrassed Mia looks at Arthuria,"You almost ready to go?"
She doesn't get a verbal answer but Arthuria stands up without hesitation,"Yes. I believe it's time to release our true power?"
Mia grins,"I'm game!" and Arthuria breathes out a second before her power explodes and the invisible sword in her hands is revealed,"How can you have Excalibur?! Excalibur is being used by Espada-sama!"
Arthuria just looks at her,"When I died Lady Eternity gave me my weapon back while replacing Excalibur with a pale imitation."
Mia frowns,"I'll have to let Espada-sama know when I meet up with him. For now though," and she tosses her sword into the air and catches the hilt,"Scream: Rayo del Avispón!"
Her body's reiatsu is expelled in a huge burst that obscures Arthuria's vision momentarily before a gust of wind magic clears it away to reveal Mia's released form. The fragment covering her brow is gone and in its place is an armor that covers her whole body. Smooth plates stretch down her arms to her wrists while her legs have turned white and narrowed to a point sharp enough to dig into the crystal floor. Her stomach is bare except for minor armor on the sides and the top of her cleavage is visible before being completely covered in the same armor. Two curved blades starting from her elbows and ending three inches from the tip of her middle fingers gleam in the light,"Well then," and she licks her lips,"let's have some fun."
Rayo del Avispón- Lightning Hornet

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