Siege's End

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Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts
Bold+Italics- Sword Technique

"Massacre, Cosecha Mantis!"
Wonderweiss' sword suddenly stops spinning as his body is consumed in a pillar of green reiatsu. Joan is watching with equal parts fear and curiosity,"He has a second form?!"
Inside the pillar Joan can make out the outline of a massive creature with the appearance of having curving claws on the end of each arm. The pillar suddenly vanishes just as abruptly as it started as Cosecha Mantis is revealed. The tiara-like fragment is gone in favor of covering the entirety of his face except his right eye in a mask shaped like the head of a praying mantis. His hair is brushed back and shines like gold while his body has stayed roughly the same, except for the two twitching antennae and extra arms. Two additional arms are connected to his torso and in each one is clasped a scythe shaped like a mantis claw with serrated edges. He gazes at Joan with his visible eye as he flexes his arms,"I've only unlocked this form recently, so please do forgive me if I'm unable to properly restrain myself."
He charges forward and Joan lifts her sword to meet all four arms, only to be shoved away like she weighs nothing. She flies through the air and slams against a wall before falling to the ground. She rolls just as two of Wonderweiss' scythes cleave through the crystal like butter where she just was. She swings for him with her sword while a whip made of water lashes out at him at the exact same time. With almost no effort he swings his two free scythes through the air to disperse the whip while also crashing against Joan's sword. She struggles while he just looks at her before yawning,"Why does fighting have to be such a pain? I could be catching a nap right now if I didn't have to fight you."
Joan's face reddens in anger before she pushes her sword with even more force to cause a sound like scraping metal. Wonderweiss winces at the sound and his eyes widen when his scythe is actually being forced back,"Impressive. To move even one of my arms in this form speaks volumes of your power."
He quickly slams the other three scythes against her sword and she's thrown away once more,"But I've got three more arms just as strong as that one. Can you please just give up or at least agree on a draw?"
He gets his answer in the form of multiple water whips flying through the air. He tries to destroy all of them but quite a few manage to cut into his body because his arms moved too slowly. The wounds heal almost instantly as he sets his one visible eye on Joan,"You cut me."
Joan smiles haughtily,"Of course I did! I can create as many whips as-"
"That was a mistake on your part."
Wonderweiss runs a finger on his upper right arm through the wet blood left over from his wound,"I've been meaning to try this out on a willing subject, but I guess you'll do."
He runs the blood coated digit over the serrated surface of the two scythes on his right side. He continues talking as he repeats the process with his left side,"I don't like doing this since I'm not really into self harm. However since you managed to provide me with the blood," and each scythe glows an angry green,"it would be foolish to not acknowledge your strength as a warrior."
He lunges forward with a speed that catches Joan slightly off guard. She quickly throws up barriers of high density water seconds before Wonderweiss slams into them and utterly shreds through them. She raises her sword to block the strike as Wonderweiss positions each scythe in a way that the back of the actual blade rests against his chest with the blades themselves nearly stacked one on top of the other. A flash of light blinds Joan as four clean lines of blood drip down her abdomen as Wonderweiss is crouched behind her with all four arms extended outwards and the scythes covered in blood,"Mantis Garra: Cuatro huelgas Banishing."
Joan screams as the wounds seem to stretch around her whole body while shattering her sword at the same time. Wonderweiss releases his form in a burst of power and slides his sword back into its sheath,"Cuatro huelgas Banishing. It uses the reiatsu infused blood coating my scythes to force any injury I deal to worsen. Right now you should be in so much pain that even breathing will almost force you to pass out."
Joan is listening with the little bit of her mind not consumed by pain and watches with glassy eyes as the mortal, no he was not a mere mortal. He was a monster hiding in a human form. She watches the monster turn away from her and notices he has his hand lifted in a lazy goodbye,"Come find me when you get stronger."
He looks over his shoulder with his teeth bared in a smile,"Perhaps we'll have more fun the next time we meet."
Her world darkens and she succumbs to the pain raging though her body with the image of Wonderweiss walking away from her with his hand raised.
I struggle against the spears stuck in my back and hands,"I never pegged you for a coward."
Chaos growls as he tries to heal Eternity,"Shut up! I was just waiting for the right moment to stop you!"
I chuckle,"Of course you were. After all, why would the 'great' Chaos dirty his hands with work while he could have his sister do it?"
His gaze snaps over to my downed form,"Just shut up!"
I wait for the next minute as Chaos tries to heal Eternity before speaking again,"You can't heal what I've done to her."
He ignores me but I continue talking,"Sure you can heal the surface wounds and most of the damage I inflicted with The Darkness, but you can't heal her blood."
I see the primordial go rigid and grin,"Before she could fully heal from my lightning assault I placed a pill made of dried blood in the wound. As we speak my blood is destroying her from the inside."
Chaos scowls and intensifies the power going through his hands,"You're lying! There's nothing I can't do!"
I laugh harshly,"Ha! My blood is a poison only I can control. The only way to keep the poison from reaching your dear sister's heart is to let me go so I can extract it."
Chaos glares at me but releases me with a snap of his fingers,"You had this all planned beforehand!"
I shrug and flex my hands,"Of course. I figured you wouldn't allow your sister to fight me alone even if she had her soldiers. I needed something to use if you managed to trap me."
Chaos growls,"What is it you want in exchange for extracting your poison?"
I grin under my helmet,"Not much actually. I just want that order to kill me to be repealed and the efforts to recruit me to stop."
Chaos nods his head quickly,"I'll let everyone know. Now, heal her!"
I kneel next to Eternity's body and make a quick cut over her left shoulder before draw both arms back like I'm pulling a massive weight. Soon green liquid can be seen forming a orb the size of a marble before toss it into my mouth and swallow. I try to leave but multiple spears of energy stop me until I make a fist and Eternity screams in absolute pain,"I've healed her body of most of my poison, but I left enough to kill her if I truly want to. Here's how this is gonna work, I'm going to walk out of here with my friends. You won't try and stop us or I'll kill her."
Chaos snarls at me and before I know it I'm pinned to the wall with my arms to the side,"I'll take my chances! You move your hands so that means you can't control the poison at will yet. Now I've got you where I want you."
He approaches me but a man appears between us,"That's enough you brat. Still a lier, just like you were when Void was on his deathbed."
Chaos and I are equally shocked,"Lord Outsider/You!"
My patron waves his hand and I'm free from the restraints,"You've gotten your revenge Perseus. Let me deal with my brother."
Before I can object raw magic dances between his fingers in the form of golden sparks and the world goes dark.
Perseus hits the ground and The Outsider snaps his fingers to create a dimensional tear under his vassal's body. The body falls through while a blade-less handle falls out of his jacket. The Outsider picks it up with and handles it as if it's made of The Darkness,"You broke the Ancient Laws, that were put in place by your father no less. It seems you don't even respect the wishes of the dead."
Chaos snarls as a lance of purple energy forms in both hands,"You're one to talk!"
The Outsider shrugs calmly while extending the blade stored in the hilt,"You should know by now that I don't care about Void's wishes. Why should I when he never treated me as his son?"
Chaos face contorts into a smug grin,"He just saw you for what you are, a nobody."
He's slammed into the ground by The Outsider's hand pushing his head down,"Are you just trying to make your ego even bigger? Or is it because you know I'm more powerful than you and you're scared?"
Chaos teleports away from his position underneath his "brother" and hurls one of his lances at him,"Just stating the obvious!"
The lance tears through the air towards its target, only for it to harmlessly splash off his blade and drip onto the floor. The Outsider lifts the blade into a position with it directly in front of his body and one arm behind his back,"You talk like you are the strongest yet you're still a baby compared to me and Eternity. Let me show you how magic should truly be used."
He raises the arm behind his back with his hand in a grasping motion to catch the bolt of lightning that pierces through the roof of the crystal structure. Electricity arcs across his right arm while his eyes are alight with bright blue energy replacing the glittering stars,"Now this," and he readies to throw the bolt,"is a true lightning lance."
The room is destroyed when the lance connects with Chaos and said primordial is panting in an effort to stay standing. His body is charred and smoking while The Outsider brushes some crystal dust from his shoulder,"Well....that was fun. It's been too long since I've gotten to use even a fragment of my full power in battle. I guess it's only fair I fix the damage my chosen caused along with myself ."
He speaks so softly that Chaos can't hear him even with his perfect senses but recognizes what language he's speaking by the effects. Walls repair themselves and a glow spreads out from him to the entire castle as The Outsider speaks the language of magic, the first tongue spoken by Void. When he's done the throne room looks perfect with even the smallest fragments of crystal back in place. He turns to go but glances back at Chaos,"You'd do well to respect my chosen's wishes if you wish to not experience this again. Just to make sure you do I'll let you witness what the consequences will be."
The Outsider brings his sword out with the point facing Chaos,"I, The Outsider, swear by magic and the body of Void that I will use this weapon against Chaos the next time he or his soldiers approach my chosen with intent to harm."
He fades away while leaving Chaos in the middle of an empty room and a look of horror on his face.
Mantis Garra: Cuatro huelgas Banishing- Mantis Claw: Four Banishing Strikes
Cosecha Mantis: Reaping Mantis
So sorry it took so long to get this one out. I didn't know how I wanted to finish the chapter so I had multiple ideas, but I finally picked this one. Enjoy and stay frosty!

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