The Fire of Purity

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My tongue clicks as I do a mid-air roll to avoid another tentacle before Vincent retaliates by using the hooks on two of his own to grab the main body and gives a thunderous roar as he pulls. I'm not really expecting what happens next, as the upper-tier demon's lower body is actually lifted out of the water and slammed down on the vacant bridge connecting the two parts of the city. Metal screams as the iron supports bend and distort from the weight of the monster before I fly up above where I think the monster's head is and snap my wings closed,"Avarice!"
As I start to fall Avarice takes its place at the forefront of my soul and the sin's power manifests in physical form to cover me in its armor. I tuck my knees against my chest and start spinning,"Metéoro!"
I'm covered in a shell of blue fire while at the same time the gravity affecting me is temporarily tripled to make me appear as a missile of pure destruction. I feel myself carve through the flesh like it's butter and exit out the other side before yelling,"Evlogía tou Raven!"
My wings snap open once again, but now a blue light covers them to indicate I'm using the blessing bestowed on me by the Native American god. I use the few seconds I have to fly around the massive body and punch through the side of the head perpendicular to the hole I made before. I exit covered in blood but Gluttony quickly steps in to absorb the demonic extract and puts it in reserve. I feel the blessing start to give out and dismiss Avarice and draw Dyrnwyn from my shadow as I start to fall.
A demon arm flies from the end of my own to pierce the skin of the demon for me to hold on to as it starts to get to its feet. The scream it lets loose makes me go deaf and I can feel the blood dripping from my ears, but I hold on and start to slide down while circling the demon and cutting into it with Dyrnwyn's blade coated in holy fire,"Lets see you come back from this!"
When I reach the bottom I pump more of my energy into Dyrnwyn and the slices all around the demon explode outwards in white fire. I only get a second to admire it though as something slams against the side of my face and sends me skipping over the surface of the water, slamming against someone as I do, and crashing against the shore. I can feel my jaw is dislocated and quickly snap it into place with a wince before seeing who I hit on my little joyride,"You okay Saber?"
She nods and accepts a hand up,"I've been through worse. You?"
I shrug,"Same. Still, I got it pretty good with my last action."
She points and I swear when the wounds left by Dyrnwyn seal up,"That just not fair!"
"As long as Caster remains inside the creature it'll continue to regenerate. We need to get through that skin and expose him for Lancer to strike him down."
I glance towards the demon,"That's a problem we can't solve...yet. Vincent's still a baby and he's almost out of energy. Once he goes we gotta hit him with everything we got."
Saber nods,"If I was at full strength I could use my noble phantasm and destroy it."
I don't respond but put a finger on my temple,"Berserker, now."
The link I established with him through the Darkness doesn't let me hear his response, but I hear the screaming of fighter jets as they fly over us. Berserker is clearly visible on top of one while the other is snatched out of the air and devoured by the demon,"Distract Archer until we're ready!"
I see the sickly red veins of energy covering the aircraft as it roars towards the golden ship where Archer is seated. I don't bother looking at Saber as I explain,"I don't know where Archer stands during this, so I'd rather make sure he can't hinder us."
I nod and mentally communicate with Empathy and Thrafsma,"How long?"
"Less than five minutes."
I nod to myself and ready Dyrnwyn,"Shall we?"
Saber's eyes narrow on the demon and grips Excalibur tighter,"Of course."
She darts across the water while I rocket towards the demon, and leaving a huge wake behind me. I circle around the demon and pepper it with shadow bullets and scorching holy fire before taking to the air,"Lets give this one last good push!"
The veins in my left arm turn black as I get in close and my fist connects with the midsection of the demon. A thunderous sound explodes in the air as the demon is forced a few feet back. I quickly dismiss my sword and gun and go in wailing on the demon to keep forcing it back until it smacks me away and forces Vincent to retreat from sheer exhaustion,"Guys?!"
"You're good to go! Lets beat this SOB!"
"You got it! Bloody your claws, Thrafsma! Awaken beast of humanity, Kyōkan sezoku!"
My voice warps towards the end as the transformation takes place and I duck under the water. The burning discomfort that comes with the transition passes quickly and I roar as my head explodes from the water.
The servant are stunned as a gigantic head breaks the water,"C'mere you!"
The roar snaps the servants out of their stupor and Rider dives towards the demon, not noticing the tentacle that tries to eat him until it's too late to dodge. At the last second a blue hand with three claws grabs and crushes said appendage and lets rider cut it off,"Come on you freak! Focus on me!"
The dragon twists around the demon and uses its powerful jaws to clamp down on its head before whipping its own head from side to side. The demon screams in pain and tries to pry the jaws off but the tentacles just create sparks when they strike the dragon's scales,"Freeze!"
The demon wails when part of its head is covered in blue ice, and is promptly shattered when the dragon closes its jaws fully before retreating into the air. The missing piece of flesh quickly regenerates as Perseus swings around and his entire body and s covered in a thin sheen of transparent energy,"Lets see you get up from this!"
He rams into the beast headfirst and for a second the air around them ripples before fracturing into thousands of pieces. The two rocket over the water and towards the open sea, with the demon forcefully bent over Perseus as he continues to use his earthquake ability to simulate a magnitude eight earthquake. Inside the beast Caster screams in anger and pain as he's tossed around like a rag doll and the demon's entrails either explode or liquidate from sheer force.
Just as the two are about to leave the city completely behind Perseus ascends until they break the clouds, and lets the demon slide off him. It flails in the air and Perseus mumbles,"Wrath."
The sin howls in his soul as he combines his power with Empathy's to give the middle of his blue scales a red filling. Perseus can feel the veins under the scales popping out as he roars and dives after the demon. As he pierces through the sky his body straightens like a spear as he bares his claws in front and allows Wrath's power to surge through him. Red energy explodes from under his scales and shapes itself into the form of a towering warrior that crashes into the demon and tears through its right side before wrapping its arms around the beast and slams it down into the river where they began. A second later the dragon darts away and zips over the water towards the other servants.
As it gets closer it gets smaller and the scales become skin stretched over a set of lean muscles and unruly black hair flows from a human head,"Oi. If you guys are gonna do anything you should probably do it now!"
The silence lasts for only a second more before the demon roars and shakily gets to its 'feet'. Over the mad roaring I hear a gunshot and the monster stops for a moment before resuming its rampage with twice as much ferocity as before,"Saber!" I yell,"What the hell did your master do?!"
"I don't know!"
I grab Saber's master and jump away just as a tentacle slams down where we were standing a second ago,"Hello again!"
The white haired woman is too shocked to answer as I land and set her down safely before rushing back into battle,"Wrath!"
The sin roars as a crimson aura engulfs me and shoots upwards to create a faceless human avatar,"Lets get to it!"
The sin growls in agreement as I charge across the water and the avatar follows my movements. When I get close enough my fist screams upwards,"Avarice! Empathy!"
Blue scales cover my right arm before turning black from the sin's ability as a white energy bubble of pure seismic energy covers the limb. Above me my avatar gains the same features as me as its fist comes up to deliver a crushing uppercut that stuns the demon long enough for me to get into position. On my command the avatar wraps its arms around the demon and pins its tentacles against its sides as I draw in a deep breath,"Thrafsma!"
My mouth opens and a sea of blue flames explodes from my lips and burns the lower part of the demon while my avatar cooks its head. The demon screeches as it flails its limbs trying to get free before my avatar moves on its own to slam their heads together,"Perseus! It's a crescent moon tonight! What's say we give those servants a taste of our full power?!"
I grin,"Why not? Lets get wild, partner! Bloody your claws, Thrafsma!"
My skin is stretched taut as my body grows a few more inches and my hair clumps into strands. The strands instantly harden to create quills while the tattoos covering my body completely cover every inch of my skin. My hands become truly monstrous claws and a bloody tail erupts from the end of my spine and lazily swishes over the water's surface.
My transformation is topped off when a bone mask carved in the visage of a roaring tiger covers my face and my feet grow claws meant to tear off strips of meat. Blue fire gently blazes over my arms up to the elbows while my feet are covered up to the knee,"This is new."
"I'll explain after this. For now lets get crazy!"
I sink down onto all fours and the fire on my arms and legs intensifies to the point where I have to make the air denser under me as the water is pushed away from my body. Wrath dismisses its avatar and I'm left alone in front of the demon,"It's been a while since I've fought in this form, so bear with me."
A tentacle crashes down on my position but I hold it in both hands to stop it from fully coming down. Blue fire explodes from my arms to swallow the appendage before I draw Dyrnwyn from my shadow and swing. The demon screams as the burnt flesh is cut away from its body and flops in front of me before being reduced to a cinder,"Y'know," and I once more reach into my shadow to pull out my pack of cigarettes,"I haven't fought someone who can get my blood pumping like this in a long time. However," and I raise a finger to light the drug,"all good things come to an end."
I raise my blessed blade above my head,"Burn, Dyrnwyn!"
The wind around me gently blows before abruptly converging around my sword and becoming a miniature tornado,"I am the fire that consumes all."
The air around me heats up,"I am the fire that dwells in the heart of humanity."
Now the heat is causing the water around me to steam, bubble, and evaporate,"I am the fire that punishes the greatest of evils."
I blow out a cloud of smoke as the tornado around Dyrnwyn explodes into flame,"I am neither good nor evil. I am the fire of hope and despair."
The tornado compresses until the fire pierces the sky and flattens to form a massive blade,"My wrath is as a roaring inferno, unquenchable. My love is as a gentle hearth, warm and bright."
I take a single step forward and grab my sword with both hands,"For I am the fire that purifies the earth and burns away all corruption. Purify, Dyrnwyn!"
I swing down with all my might and the white fire falls like the edge of a guillotine, slicing through the air. It crashes against the demon's skin and it screams in defiance until Dyrnwyn explodes in power that slices through it. The fire screams through the air, cutting through the bridge behind the demon and scorching the sea bed before it goes out. I can feel the soul of Gilles de Rais leave the body before I hold my left hand out,"Come."
The soul flies into my hand as I activate Soul touch and I look down at it,"You were a great foe. Your passion for your friend was...admirable. Well fought, Gilles de Rais."

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