The Battle of Hubbard pt1

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"Normal people see themselves in a mirror. When I look in a mirror, I see something else wearing my skin."~ Krios530
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

Over the next week we set things up at Hubbard Glacier and I tell the surrounding sea life to stay clear of the area during the battle. When the day comes we're ready for the gods and demigods who, according to Mrs.O'Leary, have just entered Alaska. I use my new ability that I'm calling Soul Shadow to circle around the surrounding twenty miles, and find them on my third lap around. I return to my body and sharply yell,"Twenty miles till they reach us! Get everything ready just like it was planned, and everybody get to your spots!"
They all listen as my lion skin morphs into bronze modernized armor and I take my position on top of the glacier, in clear view of anybody who is looking on. My lips pull back in a smirk and I say to myself,"Come and get me then. But be prepared for what you're about to face."
I feel a chill run up and down my spine. What would do this to me? I'm leading the demigods from Camp Half Blood to the location the gods said they would meet us at while Reyna is right next to me, leading the Romans. We've talked a bit and she's asked me where Percy is but I haven't answered because I don't know. Ever since that incident with Jason and him jumping off Olympus we haven't heard anything from him, but June came back from seeing him yesterday and she hasn't talked to any of us. I've been working with my mother to find out anything about The Outsider since Percy claimed to have been chosen by him. Whatever we could've found out was in one of the books he took so a sound strategy is out of the question. A shout from the flank of our friends makes me turn and I see a figure perched among the trees. The Hunters are shooting at him but their arrows pass through him until a raspy voice says,"That doesn't work on a shadow little girls. I'm not really here, but soon you'll be facing me so be ready."
He flickers like static on a old tv before vanishing and the moment after the gods are in front of us in full battle regalia. Zeus steps forward and all of the gods suddenly shrink down to a six foot height and stumble before Athena states,"Seems as if we're reduced to a de-powered form while we're in this accursed land. We will only be able to have as much power as our children. He must've figured this when he made this place his home."
Poseidon rolls his eyes,"Oh he did? I thought it was just because of the nice weather?"
She glares at him and Reyna asks,"Lady Minerva, er Athena? Whatever! What is so powerful that you've called us all together?"
She looks at Reyna with a hint of respect,"Well lady praetor we would be fighting-"
We all turn our heads to see the form of Percy Jackson as he leans against one of the many pine trees in a trench coat. The gods instantly train their weapons on them except for Poseidon and Hestia. The sea god steps forward and Riptide is out in a instant as Percy says,"Step back before I kill you. I can now since you're in my territory."
He stops and asks,"Percy why are you doing this? Your mother wants you to come home."
He pauses before a smile spreads across his face and he laughs a cold laugh that makes us all wilt a little. When he's done he wipes tears away from his eyes and looks at Poseidon's expression before almost laughing again,"Oh so you were serious?! I know mom doesn't want a monster around the house. She doesn't want me around Poseidon. I checked using my powers and I found she knew full well about my trial and yet she didn't even try to tell me! Now what does that say about her wanting me around? No answer huh?"
We're all stunned at his tone, cold and harsh. Reyna whispers from alongside me,"What happened to him?"
Percy's red and green eyes lock onto us and he answers her question,"They all happened Reyna. I'm warning you and the Romans, back down now. If you continue on this path you will regret it and unnecessary violence will happen."
She glares at him,"We run from nothing, monster, mortal, or god!"
Percy smiles a sad smile,"Then you stand no chance. I await all of you."
He races past in the midst of us at a speed near identical to Hermes' and is instantly out of sight because of the trees obscuring our view. Everyone is silent for a little bit before Reyna glares at me,"When all this is done you and me are going to have a long talk about what just happened. Romans, advance!"
The Romans run forward and the Greeks follow close behind with me leading them. The gods are spread out around us and keep pace with us while Jason and Zeus fly ahead to see if there are any obstacles. We burst out of the tree line after about a day of walking and camp on the shores of the huge lake. Reyna sits next to me while sipping a glass of hot chocolate and hands me a mug of the stuff. We drink it in silence until she asks,"So what happened with Percy? He seemed much more angry than the last time I saw him."
I don't meet her eyes and say,"Something we all regret. Reyna do you remember the final battle against
She nods and I continue,"Apparently before Gaea was destroyed by Leo she cursed Percy. She cursed him to become part monster. We found out accidentally when a monster attack happened and he had to kill a Nemean lion with his claws. He even managed to kill the chimera by biting off its tail and slashing it with his claws. After that we.... we sorta-"
"Saw him as a monster."
I look up to see June a meter away from us and she continues,"You all shunned him and drove him into depression. I pulled him out of it because I could tell the difference between a person and a beast while you all saw the beast. You all hurt him and tortured him because you'd jumped to the conclusion that he hurt me even if he was loyal. The gods sentenced him to death by being hunted by Artemis and his mother didn't want him. He managed to escape though by bringing down the throne room and payed a visit to camp before causing a earthquake to pay you all back for what you did to him. He defended himself as he was being hunted and did what he had to do to survive. And you have the gall to want him back? I should kill you right now because of what you did."
Reyna turns around to glare at her,"And who might you be?"
June gives her a ghost of a smile,"June Tanner. Sister of this girl here, and a close friend of Percy's."
Reyna keeps glaring at her,"Is what you say true?"
She nods,"Every word. He warned you to back down. You should because when he fights now he goes for blood, being a monster and all."
She walks off and Reyna looks at me,"When this is done the demigods will part ways, and no Greeks are allowed in our territory. Understood?"
My mouth is dry as I nod my head and Reyna storms off into the darkness. A deep chuckle sounds from all around me and Percy says,"Never knew she could be so dramatic. I like it."
I look for him but he says,"I'm not here right now, I'm dreaming. Did you think I'd be stupid enough to walk into your camp, really?"
He laughs again and whispers,"Sleep well Annabeth. You're gonna need all your strength for the fight tomorrow."
I do manage to get sleep but I'm plagued with nightmares of Percy tearing through our ranks and he's covered in blood, our blood. From the bags under the other demigod's eyes I can see that they didn't sleep well either and when I bring up Percy they flinch and Jason says,"Same here. Did we all have the same dream?"
Both groups of demigod's nod their heads. We strap our gear on and take off at a slow jog while the images keep replaying themselves in my mind. We eventually reach a expanse of water and see a figure standing atop it in modern armor. He holds a hand out and gestures with his pointer and middle finger in a "bring it" sign before taking off at a speed which sends up a huge wake. Poseidon manages to conjure up several boats with his depleted powers and we all cram onto the ships. We sail for a while until we hit ice and are forced to go forward on foot. Hubbard Glacier is in front of us and a lone figure stands atop it in black battle armor. The wind whips his dark hair away from his face to show the sharpened canines and harsh smile of Perseus Jackson. He raises a arm in the air and brings it down while yelling,"Pull!"
From the glacier pieces of ice are pulled aside and arrows are shot out faster than we can raise our shields. Cries from wounded demigods ring out and Reyna yells,"Romans return fire!" while the Hunters fire off their arrows.
The ice moves back into position and our arrows either bounce off or stick in it. Percy lets loose a roar and harpies and syphliyn drop down from the skies and release the packages held in their claws. When they make contact with the ground they explode in flames and Poseidon hurriedly puts them out while Percy shouts,"Like my little gift? Appropriate for trespassers! Advance!"
He jumps off the glacier and just before he hits the ground his mark glows and the winds set him down gently. He charges for us and behind him a sheet of ice is moved away to show a army right behind him. We barely have time to get ready when he crashes into us and starts hacking his way through. Nobody can touch him simply because he's too fast for us to hit him and if we do it just bounces off his armor. Soon a fourth of our soldiers are on the ground, too hurt to get up, while Percy stands there covered in their blood. He locks eyes with me before a malicious smile works it's way onto his face and his mark glows before he vanishes. His voice whispers behind me,"Now who's the dummy Annabeth?" and I whirl around to catch his downward arc on my sword handle.
He pushes but I manage to angle my sword so that we separate and he jumps back while pocketing Riptide. His claws extend to a foot in length and he says,"The human body has hundreds of pressure points Annabeth. Did you know that? Over half of them can kill you if they're pierced too deeply by say, animal claws?"
He rushes forward while swiping at me and I quickly block his strike with my sword, only to have to duck when his other claw passes through the space where my head was. I'm so preoccupied I don't see his foot until he kicks me in the stomach and sends me flying back from the unnatural force behind it. Percy lunges for me only to be intercepted by more demigods and he growls in annoyance before making a fist and punches into the ice. Spikes shoot up to pierce the demigods all over and hold them there as he strolls towards me. Orion joins him as he walks and he asks,"Need help?"
Percy shakes his head,"Nah, I'm good. So how long do you think the gods will stay out of this fight?"
Orion looks at the watch on his wrist,"Five minutes give or take. I'll take the Romans while you deal with the Greeks?"
Percy just glares at me and the people gathered behind me,"Sure." and his skin pales while black linear markings cover his entire body as his fangs lengthen and his eyes become like a snake's.
He steps forward and I shrink a little from the fear surrounding him like Thalia's shield, except five times more powerful. He takes another step and vanishes while the snow strewn on the ground whips up from where he was standing. Before I can move I hear a yell from behind me and turn to see Percy skidding across the ground while straddling Jason and pushes him deeper into the ground the further he goes. Percy gets off him eventually only to be blasted with lighting and thrown back. He gracefully flips in the air and lands on his feet like nothing happened and slashes his hand across the air. A thin stream of water cuts into Jason and sends him to the ground, unable to move from the pain. I stare at Percy and yell,"What'd you do?! The old Percy never would've hurt his friend!"
He just laughs lightly before staring at me and I see hurt and betrayal overflowing in that gaze. He quietly says,"You're right, he wouldn't. But I'm not Percy Jackson, I'm a monster. And he isn't my friend, he's a enemy that hurt me before and would hurt me again."
He slams a fist into the ice again and says,"I summon thee from the depths of the Underworld. Come forth and serve me, ghosts of the betrayed!"
The ice splits and skeleton warriors climb out of the frigid water before forming ranks in front of Percy and he yells,"Take them down no matter what the cost!"
The warriors all charge for us with Percy right alongside them, with a mad gleam in his eyes and laughter coming from his mouth.

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