Twilight Clash

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I slam my foot down on the neck of another Brotherhood member and it cracks with minimum resistance before darklings swarm him with their syringes to drain him dry. As soon as they're done one of the creatures hands me the medical tool,"Yer nearly there monkey. Three more bodies should do it."
I lean to the side and the darkling speaking to me has his head blasted off before Darkness covers my arm,"Make that two."
My arm swings out and in the form of a demon's arm and pierces the man through the throat and pins him against a tree,"Harvest him."
The darklings seem unsettled as one speaks up,"Eh, you sure monkey? He's still alive."
A crawler sprouts from my shoulder and buries itself in the man's chest,"One second. Aaaand," the crawler rips the man's heart out before devouring it,"he's dead. Get to work."
The darklings swarm him and I take off through the woods with Dark Vision active,"Bloody your claws Thrafsma!"
I transform in mid-stride and land on all fours while keeping pace. I dart through the wooded area with absolute silence until locating a Brotherhood member. I slow and slowly advance before purposely stepping on a twig. The man's head shoots up and pulls a single shot from his pocket. The barrel glows a dim purple and I duck under the bullet before roaring and charging him. He fires shot after shot while constantly moving back before I bunch my legs and leap. I crash into him and drag him to the ground before snapping at him. He moves his head and a patch of soil is gone from the ground before he punches me. My eyes widen when I actually feel some pain and am sent flying back.
I land flat against a tree trunk and glare down at the man,"So you're one of those guinea pigs. I'll enjoy killing you, thief."
He fires at me again but I jump off the tree with enough force to shatter the bark and twist my body around the bullet. I land behind him and he turns to fire his gun one last time before a blur moves past my head and knocks the gun out of his hand while wrapping around him. My tail slinks around the man and crushes him,"Usually now I would extend the spikes my tail has to skewer you, but I can't waste any of that filthy blood you have. Don't worry this'll only hurt," and my tail squeezes,"a lot."
I can hear bones breaking and the man goes limp after I break his spine. The usual two crawler heads crawl over my shoulders but several additional ones slink out of my shadow before opening their mouths to show the tips of needles. Soon enough the man is bloodless and heartless while I stop one of the crawlers,"How much longer will I be restricted?"
It spews out some flies and the bugs form a number two,"Two hours? I'll be dealing with Angelus before then. Accelerate the process by using all the Darkness I have. I can create a crude version to use with Thrafsma and Empathy helping."
It shrieks and head-buts me softly before retracting into my shadow. I make my way back towards the camp where everyone is sleeping and pass a he hellhounds as they're feeding and pet Mrs. O'Leary. She pushes her head into my hand and I use both hands to scratch her ears,"Who's such a good girl?"
She barks and I laugh,"Yes, you are."
She goes back to feeding and I walk into camp,"Wakey wakey!" and I my eye twitches when nobody moves,"I said wakey wakey!"
My voice slips into Thrafsma's and everyone jumps before Alex swats me,"F*** you and that voice."
I grin and settle on my back legs like a dog,"It worked though. While you were all asleep I found Leo."
That instantly causes the rest of the seven to wake up fully,"Where is he?"
I raise a clawed hand and point a digit towards where the cave is,"Inside a cave a half hour away from us."
After a quick meal of cereal everyone climbs on their hellhound while I stretch like a cat,"You guys get a head start and I'll catch up."
There are no complaints from the demigods as they take off while I take care of Blackjack,"Head on home and have Monique get you some doughnuts. You've earned them."
He whinnies and nuzzles me,"You got it boss!" and takes off.
I drop onto all fours and bunch my leg muscles before taking off racing across the the ground and darting over downed trees. Within a few minutes I catch up to them and stay alongside Zoë for the rest of the run before stopping a few yards outside the cave entrance. Jason starts to step forward but My tail whips in front of him,"Hold it."
Everyone looks at me and I elaborate,"The entrance of the cave is lined with runes to suppress supernatural power and to alert the inhabitants if anybody passes through."
"What do we do then?" Piper asks.
I grin,"Well since you asked, we make our own way."
I grin from my spot on top of the hollowed hill,"Alright Empathy, help me out here!"
Both of my arms assume their dragon appearance and the the scales on my arms seem to open up to expose the veins struggling against my skin,"Hold on to something cuz this is gonna be," and I slam both fist down to crack the air,"rocky!"
The ground starts shaking and caves in under me before I pull both arms back while white bubbles surround my hands and steam explodes from under my scales,"Come," and I slam both fists down again,"on!"
The bubbles around my arms strike the ground and a shockwave blasts out around me while soil is blown into the air. The others are holding onto grass while I keep whaling on the ground until one punch breaks through,"All right!"
I charge up an extra hard punch and blow a hole through the rock and open up an entrance to the cave,"Honey, I'm home~"
I poke my head through and lock red eyes onto Angelus' astonished face before dropping down. My tail swishes behind me and the Angelus cocks an eyebrow,"So this is your true appearance, Darkness."
My tail suddenly stops and I bare my teeth,"This face is just one of many my dear. I haven't unlocked my true form yet. I doubt I'd need to use it for you though."
Her face hardens and her hands clench,"We shall see. Attack!"
Brotherhood members spill in from behind her and two others step up alongside her and I feel the Darkness thrashing around inside my skull,"ImpoSsiBle!"
By now the others have dropped down the hole and have their weapons drawn while I growl with the Darkness showing its influence,"CharGe!"
I rush forward unexpectedly and slam into Angelus while two demon arms wrap around the women standing alongside her and use Blink to take us deeper into the cave. Shouts along with the sounds of gunfire follow us and I whip the demon arms to throw two of the women away while firing a cero point blank into Angelus. The blast launches her back but she easily flips in the air to land on her feet while the visible burn on her chest heals instantly,"Quite a bit of punch in that weak attack."
I smirk,"That wasn't meant to hurt. I just wanted some privacy to talk."
Angelus frowns while a spear of light forms in her hand,"What purpose would that serve?"
I lose my smirk while my eyes turn pure yellow while I let the Darkness take over.
"It interests me how aggressive you've become compared to the old days."
My counterpart freezes and growls murderously,"So you've already corrupted your host."
I grin,"Oh no my dear, if anything he's the strongest host I've ever had. Hosting two others along with myself as a symbiotic relationship is quite impressive."
My eyes slink over to the woman who's arm resembles my own,"My little blade. How've you fared?"
She doesn't answer and I notice her host's eyes are glazed over before I feel fury course through my temporary veins,"What have you done to my daughter Angelus?"
She grins,"I have no idea what you mean. My daughter wants to destroy you just as much as I do."
My instinct flares and I cut under the spear that slashes over my head before slamming a palm against my attacker's torso,"Magdalena. I'd wondered if there would ever be one after Bendetta. I'm glad."
She levels her spear at me and growls,"Why would a beast like you be glad I exist?"
My eyes flare,"Watch your tongue girl, or you might find it gone. And to answer your question I find myself thrilled at the chance to battle against one who wields the holiest of spears. Now," and I feel Percy getting ready to take control,"shall we dance?"
I get back in the driver's seat and call to Excalibur while drawing Dyrnwyn from its sheath,"Ladies," and Dyrnwyn's naked blade is engulfed in flames while ice creeps up Excalibur,"shall we?"
I grin when a pain originating from my core rips through my body and Dyrnwyn's blade dissolves in flames while Excalibur's blade shatters. In mere seconds the fiery form of Thrafsma stands next to me with his arms crossed while a miniature Empathy is formed from the shards of Excalibur. Both aspects of my soul charge forward and Thrafsma pushes the Witchblade's user back while Empathy sends the Magdalena flying. In moments only the Angelus and myself are left while I draw a handle from my pocket. The Angelus smirks arrogantly,"Even now you are foolish enough to challenge me without a weapon."
Her grin fades when I start chuckling and flip my hood up to drape my face in shadows,"My dear if you believe even for a second that this will be like your former battles," I lick my lips while the blade springs out from the handle,"then you will die."
I Blink across the space separating us and swing down savagely. The Angelus grunts when she intercepts me with her spear and we struggle for a moment before she tilts her spear so my blade slides off it and I stumble forward. She brings the head of her spear down to try and take my head off but I cloak my free hand in Darkness and knock it off course while twisting my body with unnatural grace to turn my head so I'm looking up. Her eyes widen at the sight of the red orb in front of my mouth and the two others in front of my eyes,"Three prong cero!"
The energy slams into her and creates a cloud for me to slip away in and prepare in the case she counterattacks. Before the smoke can clear a massive amount of light spears hurl towards me and forces me to evade before cloaking my hand in Darkness once more and grab one while testing a theory. My eyes light up when the light spear gains a black core and I hurl it back into the cloud. A grunt can be heard and the cloud clears to show the woman with burned hands that are rapidly healing. I quickly summon some darklings and they rush for her while I prepare a generate purple spiritual power,"Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!" and the black coffin forms around the Angelus while the darklings jump into the shadows to escape,"Hado 90: Black Coffin!"
The spears fall and pierce the coffin while the Angelus screams and I have a grim look on my face. That took a fifth of my available power without Thrafsma or Empathy to help out. My thoughts are disrupted when the coffin shatters and the Angelus emerges with blood staining the rapidly closing holes around her body. I feel a flicker of madness in my mind at the enraged look on her face,"That's right, get angry! This just makes this more fun for us both!"

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