The Messenger of Conflict

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Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts
Bold+Italics- Sword Technique

The sound of steel clashing rang out though the still woods as two combatants seemed to blur at random intervals. One sword cuts through a tree without resistance as its target jumps over it and lands while doing a vertical slice. The sword slides off the other fighter's skin with a red line of blood left in its wake while the other comes up to easily stop the katana screaming for his neck,"That's enough Ulquiorra. No need to get overexcited in a mere training match."
He winces as he slides his sword into the sheathe affixed at his side,"Sorry Perseus-sama. I'm still in the first stages of reconnecting with the primal part of my soul and it's starting to bleed over."
I nod solemnly,"I know that feeling. When I attempted to contact Thráfsma the first time after Gaea cursed me I felt more bloodthirsty for a entire week. Thankfully I took it out on the monsters in the woods around Camp Half Blood or else I would've been caught for sure. You sure you don't want me to help subdue him?"
Ulquiorra nods and I sigh,"Okay then. When you try to reconnect again make sure you aren't around the house or the town. The last thing we need is a mountain of monster dust and people complaining to me about it."
Ulquiorra nods and blurs away in a burst of static as I face turn the opposite way and sink into my shadow. I pop up on a small ledge overlooking the frozen ocean and listen for a minute. I pick up the sound of steel smashing against steel and Blink towards it until I can see White using his dark katana and his bare hand to deflect June as she uses Destroyer and Earth Shaker against him,"Come on girl, you can do better! At least make me sweat this time!"
June growls in anger and her swords become streaks of light that seem to catch White off guard. It breaks through his guard and he protects his face with his arms as June keeps slamming her swords into him. He's slowly being pushed back while I watch in shock and no small amount of awe when she roars and sends White flying through the air. He has a surprised expression on his face when he goes flying past me and I whip my head around to see him go through a medium sized block of ice and sliding across the glassy surface of the frozen water. I look back at June to see her swords gone and in their place are two iron gauntlets that reach up to her elbows and are molded to her arms. She's breathing heavily and her eyes roll into her head before her body starts to fall forward. I Blink across the space between us and catch her while the gauntlets seem to liquify and drip off to create her swords. I'm trying to make sense of what just happened,"What the actual hell just happened?"
White staggers over to me while multiple bruises fade from his skin. His face is set in a serious expression I've seen only once before and that was apologizing to Masaki and Isshin,"Those aren't normal swords are they?"
I shake my head,"Not at all. I just looted them from a monster colony when I was clearing this area out before I gave them to June as her birthday gift last year."
White is shocked and rolls his left shoulder as a particularly nasty gash fully heals,"Those aren't swords Perseus, they're zanpakuto."
My head snaps in his direction,"What?! They don't even look like sealed zanpakuto! And how in my patron's name was she even able to bond with them if they were zanpakuto?!"
White places a hand on his head as he explains,"The memories of the souls used to build me are scattered, but I'm able to recall something from one that lived in the outer districts. Supposedly a rumor was going around about a brat being able to imprint on a dead shinigami's zanpakuto. It's possible June did the exact same thing when she first touched them."
I can practically feel the headache coming as I try to figure this all out,"But she doesn't have her reiatsu unlocked, and I sure as hell didn't unlock hers!"
White shrugs his shoulders,"I didn't do anything. Maybe she just forced the lock on a living human's reiatsu to shatter?"
I sigh and my danger sense suddenly lights up like a Christmas tree a second before I feel something impact the side of my head. A second later I'm flying and the small of my back slams against an outcropping of ice. My body folds backwards while spit flies out of my mouth before I grit my teeth and forcefully bend my body forwards and push myself off the outcropping. I drop onto my feet and have to catch myself so I don't go to my knees from the pain shooting up my spine. I raise my head and glare at June as her body rolls over and gets to its feet with a smile on its face. The change is small but I notice her eyes turn from their usual grey to a light blue just before she seems to teleport in front of me and punch me with a smirk on her face. My hair shadows my eyes before a frigid breeze exposes my two red orbs with the green flecks standing out against the background,"What are you trying to do?"
The being inhabiting June's body widens its eyes when I tighten my grip on their hand,"Who are you?"
The being has a small smile,"Lady Eternity warned me you'd be strong." and forces their hand out of my grip,"My name is Ikari, a Iki-Ryo."
My eyes narrow as I spit out,"Spirit!"
Ikari dodges a claw swipe and a crawler protruding from my right shoulder knocks him away from me. He gets up while spitting out a small bit of blood from their split lip while giving me a crooked smile,"I didn't think you'd hurt your friend's body. Guess you're more cold-hearted than I figured."
I settle into a casual standing position,"You aren't June, and I know for a fact your link works both ways. Any pain I inflict on your host body will transmit to your real body when you leave. That being said I'm hoping you'll be conscious after this."
I reach out to The Darkness and allow it to wrap around me in a small bubble before it shatters to show me donned in Hell's Plating,"Get ready for some pain."
I surge forward and Ikari tries to jump back but my fist slams into their chin before my arm ripples and cracks like a whip to send them skipping over the ice. They get to their feet while cradling their face with their hands,"F***!"
His hands come away to show blood trickling from a broken nose as he snarls and makes a tugging motion with his arms. Destroyer and Earth Shaker flies into his hands and something clicks in my head,"You're the one who broke the seal on June's reiatsu."
Ikari has that crooked smile on his face as he crosses both swords over his head,"Rip the earth open, Tsuinmaunten ken!"
The gauntlets are back and Ikari controls June's body to crash them together and create a small shockwave. I make a "come at me" motion and Ikari surges towards me with more speed than I thought June's body was capable of. I duck under the first punch and slam my own closed fist into the second one. We battle for dominance and Ikari is clearly struggling as he grins,"You're one tough son of a b**** aren't you?"
I don't respond but draw even more power from The Darkness and whisper,"Black Hole."
The light in the surrounding five miles is swallowed up and darkness reigns in the middle of the day. I grin and slip away without a sound while Ikari stumbles forwards from the sudden loss of resistance. I open my eyes and grin as multiple sets of eyes open in the darkness. Ikari notices because he swings around in slight panic,"Where are you?!"
My voice reverberates through the entire space,"I'm here. What's the matter spirit of discord? Scared of the dark?"
He tries to put out an air of confidence but the physical manifestation of The Darkness that infects this area squashes that right away. I give a silent command and the Darklings surge forwards and attack Ikari with their claws and the occasional knife. Ikari tries to fight them off and manages to kill a good many of my Daklings before I pull them back and step forwards. He's lying on the ground and looks up at me with fear in his eyes,"What are you?!"
I grip June's face and the sharpened digits of Hell's Plating pierce the skin while I lift lift their body up,"I am pain."
I punch him in the stomach and hear something break before blood shoots out and covers the mask covering my lower face while I appear unfazed,"I am strength."
I lift their body over my head and throw them into the ice. Ikari skips over the ice and tries to get to his feet when he stops, only to fall on flat on his face. I walk towards him and I demonize my appearance so he sees only a vague shape wrapped in shadow and two yellow eyes glowing like spotlights,"G-Get away!"
I stop in front of him and turn him over with my foot before stomping on his chest. I feel a pain in my chest when I see June's face contort in a scream of pain but squash that feeling in favor of the fury building up in me. I lower my head and growl,"I am hatred."
Ikari seems on the verge of hyperventilating but a clawed hand clamps around his throat and pulls him off the floor so he's eye to eye with me with his legs dangling in the air,"I am fear."
His face is turning blue and I release him and swiftly punch him while he's falling with my full strength,"I am the hand of a god."
Ikari flies through the air and I appear above him and kick him down into the frozen water. He crashes through the ice and starts to sink before I pull him out by his hair,"I am the embodiment of humanity's evil."
I haul him out and he coughs up the water in his lungs while a crawler slinks over my left shoulder and opens its mouth to show the barrel of a gun. Ikari's body jolts when a bolt of pure power slams into the middle of his back and I gently lift his chin up to look at me,"When you return to your mistress tell her that she's crossed the line. Tell her that I will come after her and her brother with every bit of my power."
Ikari nods and I let my mask fall away as I give him a smile that makes him flinch,"Good. Now normally I'd banish you with a kido, but I've got something you'll just love."
I reach into the air and when I pull my arm back I'm holding the handle of Excalibur. I let the sword dangle over Ikari's head as he looks up in fear,"T-That sword!"
I grin,"Good to know my Excalibur is so feared by demons and spirits. The sword who's light blinded the enemies of King Arthur will be the blade that drives you from my friend. You won't die unfortunately, but you'll wish you were. Goodbye Ikari, and pass my message along."
I let go of Excalibur's handle and the sword seems to fall in slow motion before piercing the back of Ikari's head and easily drives itself up to its hilt in the ice. June's lips part to let out a unholy shriek as I let Black Hole drop just in time to see a vapor of yellow energy leave June along with her injuries. I watch as the vapor spirals off into the sky and White appears next to me,"You're just gonna let them go?"
I turn away and pick up June without trouble,"He's going to deliver a message for me. We needn't concern ourselves with him anymore."
White looks skeptical but follows after me as I vanish in a Blink towards my home.
A curl of yellow energy bolts through the palace of Chaos and Eternity until it phases through the door to the throne room and enters the body of a young man. His eyes open and a scream tears itself from his throat while he falls to the side. Multiple wounds and bruises mar his body in a matter of seconds while his breathing becomes harsher and harsher with the blood filling his mouth. Eternity descends from her throne and runs to his side,"Ikari! Ikari!!"
She tries to heal him but pulls her hands back as if burned when a black substance bleeds from his wounds. He locks eyes with her and coughs to stain the front of her dress with flecks of red,"Mistress..."
He fades in and out of consciousness but manages to latch onto her wrist with an iron grip,"That boy...horrifying. So many eyes in the darkness, so many."
He sobs and Eternity can only watch in horror as one of her warriors breaks down in front of her,"It was so cold! So much pain!"
His eyes suddenly turn frantic as he claws at her,"He coming! He's going to kill us all!"
Eternity stumbles back and away from her warrior while he starts laughing,"He's coming to take our souls! Ha..ha..HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"
Ikari's eyes roll back into his head as he passes out in a pool of his own blood to let silence fill the room while Eternity's eyes widen in horror at the message.
Tsuinmaunten ken- Twin Mountain Fist

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