The Facilility Massacre

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Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts
Bold+Italics- Sword Technique

I float over the research facility with my wings extended and a fist pressed against my temple,"Terrorist attack. Okay, how do I make this look like a terrorist attack?"
I sigh and enter Dark Vision to see if, and where, any Diclonius are inside the facility. I can see over 50 glowing bodies ranging in size and feel a knot in my stomach when I realize they're holding children inside the facility. I let my eyes go back to normal and raise a hand over my head to conjure a medium sized fireball,"Boom."
I swing my arm down and the fireball streaks through the air before slamming into the facility and creating a small explosion. I drop down and my wings sink into my back and graft to my skin while my eyes turn green and I become human,"Oi Thráfsma, Empathy!"
I feel Thráfsma shift in the back of my head as he wakes up,"It wasn't me!"
Empathy chuckles,"Calm down Thráfsma. Perseus merely woke us up to help him punish some humans."
I nod my head and summon my iron mask,"We're going to try and get you to possess that fire construct. Empathy, I need you to manage my emotions so I don't go kill crazy."
I land on the absolute edge of the rock where the facility is located and summon Dyrwyn from my shadow and manifest the fire armor with Thráfsma's avatar looming over my shoulder before its eyes gain intelligence and it separates from me, taking the armor with it. I look down to see only Dyrwyn's handle is left while the blade and hilt are absent,"So that's the price needed for you to separate from me."
I shove the handle into my pocket and mentally summon Excalibur to my hand. The blade seemingly leaps out from my shadow and into my hand before I warm up my right arm by swinging Excalibur a few times. When I'm ready I let Thráfsma go a few meters ahead of me as he surges forward towards a steel wall,"Surprise motherf*****!"
He melts straight through the wall and bursts into the facility while cackling and burning up some scientists unfortunate enough to be in his way. I jump through the hole after him and swing Excalibur to send pieces of ice flying through the air and skewering security guards. Before they can even scream spikes of ice erupt from their bodies and out their mouths while piercing their hearts and brains. I can hear Thráfsma laughing from deeper in the facility and I surge after the sound while butchering the people who get in my way. I slide around a corner and instantly jump back as a wall of bullets races past me. I wait for the firing to stop and hear guns being reloaded,"Hurry up people! It's just one against all of us!"
I breathe out and charge around the corner while channeling power through the symbol on my right hand. Time slows down in our general area just as a wall of security guards with automatic pistols snap up and fire. I do my best to dodge the bullets as I run but my reflexes are slower than what they would be if I was in even my most basic monster form so I get a few deep stripes down my cheek and a few on the sides of my abdomen. It isn't enough to stop me though as I pull Excalibur back,"Invincible Sword:" and swing forward with as much force my human muscles can muster,"Frozen Wind!"
A tempest seemingly erupts from my swing before freezing to form crescents of ice that fly through the air and cut through the guards with no resistance. Blood splashes on my form but I don't pay any attention to what's going on around me except to dodge a leg the flies towards me. Time speeds up once more and I'm drenched in the blood that fall around me before I speak to The Darkness,"Eat your fill."
My shadow extends outwards to absorb the blood while the creeper heads extend over my shoulders to rip out and devour the hearts left in the bodies. I can see the outline of the organs travel up the creeper's bodies and vanish behind me before I feel a shift in my power with The Darkness and my bullet wounds healing. Within seconds I'm on the move again and my shadow returns to normal but the creeper heads nuzzle my cheeks,"Fine. You two can stay."
The let out a quiet screech before quieting as I enter a wing of the facility to see I'm in something akin to an observation booth,"Perseus. Come look at this."
I turn my head to see Thráfsma motioning me towards the glass viewing window and pale when I see what he's so serious about,"I think I'm gonna be sick."
My mask vanishes as I turn away and vomit on the floor until I'm dry heaving. Sweat is pouring off me in buckets as I look at Thráfsma,"How?"
His fiery form shrugs as his eyes never leave the window,"I would've if I had a proper stomach. I know I'm gonna have nightmares after this though."
I shakily stand up while pointing a finger at my open mouth to make a small stream of water to wash the taste of bile out. I spit the foul water out and my mask reappears on my face while I feel anger burning in my stomach,"Thráfsma?"
He glances back at me and sees the look in my eyes,"Yeah boss?"
"The scientists left here. Don't you dare hold back on the violence."
He grins darkly,"You got it. You'd better do the same though."
I nod and we both look through the window, over the sight that caused me to vomit. Diclonius bodies of all ages are strewn halfhazardly across the floor while open wounds bleed onto the floor. A quick look through Dark Vision later tells me most are still alive so I have Thráfsma melt the glass so I can go heal them before he takes off. He vanishes as soon as the glass is gone and I drop down with my wings extended so I land softly. My feet tap on the metal surface and I can see red eyes barely opening to look at me before closing with a sense of acceptance, thinking I'm here to finish killing them. I spread my hands out as raw power crackles between them in the form of white sparks,"Figure of death, banished by the spirit of the living clothed in white. An empty coffin who's purpose is thwarted and death is swallowed up by the faceless being who surveys all creation. Avatar of light that descends to those long deprived of joy, and raises the dead to their feet with only a word. Fumetsu no komando!"
A dome of white light spreads out with me in the center and my limits are stretched to the max as my power is converted into healing energy that rushes out of my body and literally saturates the air. I start walking and the dome moves with me, healing those who are still alive before my shadow spreads out and absorbs them. Soon only corpses are left before the skin of my left arm peels back as I use Soul Touch and the spell I used to anchor Reyna's soul to her body,"Kaló̱ tous nómous ti̱s zo̱í̱s kai tou thanátou. Afí̱ste af̱tó to korítsi na epistrépsei apó ti̱n ákri̱ ti̱s laví̱s tou thanátou kai anapnéoun ti̱n anása ti̱s zo̱í̱s. Egó̱, o énas échei epilegeí apó to aoutsáinter, epilégoun na apsi̱fí̱sei ti̱ moíra kai na ascholi̱theí me tis synépeies to̱n práxeó̱n mou. Thánatos sti̱ zo̱í̱ kai ti̱ zo̱í̱ sto thánato, anapnéei anapnoí̱ enós angélou."
My left arm burns before my eyes roll into my head and I pass out.
I grumble before incinerating another scientist,"How many of these guys are there?! It feels like I'm killing cockroaches, kill one and two more show up!"
A bullet passes through my gut and burns up even before it exits me,"Now that was just rude. Make up for it by dying!"
The guard screams as I grab his head and cook him alive before burning his body to ashes. I wade my way through the remaining people left in the facility until I reach a new room. I feel sick as I look out at the countless embryos floating in test tubes,"My god."
The ones closest to me are the furthest along in their development with a fully functioning body. I cool my hands before I press them against the glass and the child inside the tube kicks around. I notice the timer on the bottom of the tube counting down from ten. I watch as it becomes a nine and four numbers after it. I quickly move away and notice a door on the far side of the room. I quickly walk down the aisles and feel a chill crawling up and down my spine at the silence filling the room with the occasional sound from the computers managing the tubes. I almost jump when I run into the door and wait for my heart to stop pounding before I grab the handle and literally rip the thing off its hinges. I discard the hunk of metal and see a set of stairs spiral downwards into darkness. A cool breeze makes my fiery form flicker and I hear what sounds like muffled screams. I let my form collapse into a single ball of plasma that falls down the middle of the stairwell and is suspended in air for a few seconds before hitting the ground. I let my body spread out and drop onto all fours to make my approach as quiet as possible. As I get further and further down the hallway the screams get louder until they reach a point where my ears start to hurt. At the end of the hallway only a reinforced door stands between me and the cause of the screams, right up until I punch it in and it falls inwards. The screams increase one more time and I creep down the hallway while noting the prison cells on either side of me, cells that still have people in them. My tail readies itself to attack by positioning itself just above the crown of my head with the spike on the end extending. I will my tail to gain density and the flames stop licking off it and instead glow within it like my tail is a lantern. I crawl up the wall by burning my claws through the stone and go through a crawl space above one final wooden door and enter the room where the screams are coming from. My non-existent blood boils at what I'm seeing. A man thrusting into a woman who's strapped down to a table. My lips part as I growl and the entire room heats up thanks to my fire body turning from its cherry red to a neon blue. The man pulls out of the woman and whips around,"Who's there?!"
I hiss above him and the woman's eyes are wide with fear and....hope? I let a few drops of plasma drip down and the man looks up just in time to scream as I fall onto him. I let my body disperse and swirl around him in the form of a fire tornado. When I speak my true voice is heard,"Rapists. Very few things I hate more than rapists. Only thing they're good for is killing."
The man whirls around to try and find me in the tornado,"However, imprisoning and experimenting on a species who's only wrong is existing puts you above being a rapist. I'll enjoy killing you."
The tornado I'm creating closes in on him but he holds up his hands,"Wait a moment! I'm not experimenting to hurt Diclonius, I'm trying to help them replace the human race! Let me show you I'm serious!"
He pulls his hair back to show two horns protruding from his head and I stop closing in,"A male Diclonius? That still doesn't justify all the broken bodies I saw. Still, I'll give you a chance. Enjoy your nap."
He looks up as I appear behind him and crack my fist on the back of his head. He goes down like a sack of potatoes before I let my tornado disperse and form my temporary body,"Now that he's done let's take care of you."
My tail lashes out to cut the straps holding the woman to the table and she curls into a ball while staring at me with wide eyes while I snort,"Please, you've got nothing I haven't seen before. We can wait here for my boss since he's the sensible one."
The woman doesn't respond so I just leave her there while I go out into the corridor with the jail cells. Tongues of flame lash out from me to grab onto the bars and rip them apart with little effort to expose the occupants. Women are lying on the floors of the cells with empty eyes and I sigh,"Hurry up and get down here Perseus. I'm lost when it comes to this sort of thing."
Hey everybody! Krios here with another chapter, and a major apology for all my readers out there. I am sososo sorry for not updating almost all month! With school, marching band, and focusing on getting my driver's license eating up my time I've been super exhausted and just not able to focus on writing! Now that the initial rush is over and done with I'll be able to focus on this story and update at least twice, maybe three times, a week. For now though, have a good day/night and stay frosty!

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