True Darkness

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As soon as Perseus' sleeping body falls out of the shadows covering the ceiling of his room his soul is transported to the home of the Darkness. His soul projected body flickers into existence as he stares at the symbiotic being inhabiting his body,"Did you really have to drag me here? I was hoping to get some mental rest as well."
The Darkness snickers and speaks in its true voice,"You sound like a child, and such is unbecoming of my host."
The projection of Perseus yawns,"Yeah, sure it is. Can we just get to the point so I can really get some sleep?"
The Darkness grins to show a full set of fangs,"I thought you were anxious to acquire more power? No matter. I dragged your sorry self here to perform a ritual to increase the amount of power you can draw from me."
Perseus simply scowls and waves a hand,"Hurry up then!"
The Darkness grins,"Oh yes, I will enjoy this!"
His body is enshrouded is a miasma that seems to contain the souls of all the hearts he'd been fed from his birth, before it explodes into seven streaks of light. The seven lights swirl around the Darkness before rushing towards Perseus with faces forming at the front of each one. Yellow, green, pink, crimson, purple, blue, and a sensuous red slam into Perseus' soul located in the middle of his chest. The young monster falls to his knees as a deep spiritual pain wracks his body for what seems like an eternity, but is really just a minute.
He climbs to his feet and bares his teeth in a scowl,"What's was that?!"
The Darkness chuckles while lazily waving a hand,"Avarice, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Vanity, Sloth, and Lust. The original spirits that represent the seven cardinal sins of humanity approached me long ago seeking shelter from those who would use their power for their own means. They've watched your progress sowing destruction through my eyes and have agreed to become a part of your power so that you may continue doing so. You will need them to open a portal to Hell as well."
Perseus' soul glows in the middle of his chest,"I don't feel any different. What exactly happened?"
Instead of answering the Darkness fires a bolt of its essence from its hand. Just before it can reach Perseus the shadows swirl together to stop it by forming a set of fangs to chomp down and consume the energy. Perseus stares at the single red eye glaring back at him,"Well then.....I'm impressed."
The Darkness chuckles,"I figured you would. What you're seeing right now is Pride. The one who cannot be approached by the unworthy and devour those who set themselves before him."
Perseus stares at the solid shadow and the two seem to have a silent conversation which ends with Pride bowing its head to him,"Master."
It slinks back into Perseus' shadow but a single red eye keeps watch for possible threats before Perseus' form flickers,"It seems our time will be cut short for once. Grow strong my host, or I will devour you!"
Perseus yawns as his soul starts to move back towards his body,"Yeah, sure."
In a moment the projection is gone and the soul darts away from the Darkness and tears through the dimensional barrier to go back to its body. In the world of the awake it's noon and Alex pokes Perseus with a stick he got from somewhere,"Hey," poke,"bro."
Perseus simply groans and shifts his body so his head is facing the wall away from Alex and his arms are wrapped around his pillow,"I swear to every god I've done jobs for. Alex, this better be important."
His voice comes out with a bite and Alex pales," Uhh, you promised to take a look at that human boy's head, right?"
Perseus huffs and sits up,"Fine. Scram so I can get change."
The werewolf hightails it out of the room as Perseus swings his feet over the edge of his bed and replaces the clothes he'd fallen asleep in with a fresh white shirt and jeans. He lumbers out of his room and makes his way to the door leading outside, snagging a sausage from the breakfast June had made. He wolfs down the meat as he makes his way to Sakura's home and knocks on the door,"Yo, Sakura! I'm here to check on the kid!"
The door is opened on its own and Perseus slips in while closing it behind him,"You're getting better with your vectors, Lucy."
The girl giggles,"Thanks. Mom isn't feeling too good right now, so I'm in charge."
The man squats down so he's eye level with her,"Oh? In that case, can you take me to where Naruto is?"
She nods and races away with Perseus' large strides easily keeping up with her,"Has he showed any signs of awakening yet?"
Lucy shakes her head as she opens the door to his room,"Nope. He does roll around a lot, and sometimes he even starts getting really warm."
Perseus nods as he slips in and stands on the side of the bed,"Thanks. You can stick around if you'd like?"
Lucy just sits down on a chair next to Naruto's head as Perseus rubs his hands together,"Okay kid, lets see what's keeping you asleep."
He places both hands on the blonde's head and synchronizes his breathing with the child's before muttering something unintelligible. His eyes slowly close as his head drops down onto his chest.
Inside the seal
Perseus opens his eyes to see he's in his full monster form,"Well, this is new."
Thrafsma is crouched alongside him with Empathy, in his small form, wrapped around Perseus' neck like a scaled boa. Both stay silent as he advances down a hall filled with sewer pipes,"Kid definitely needs to get his head outta the gutter."
Thrafsma smacks him with his tail after making the pun but stays on high alert while the bloodlust in the air begins to build up. The three creep down the hall, pushing back the ankle high water with a water spell until they reach a section that opens into a room,"Thrafsma. Empathy. Cover me."
The dragon unwraps itself from his master's neck and floats in the air while Thrafsma flexes his tail to deploy the spines under the appendage's skin. Perseus slowly makes his way across the room towards the barred gate, and the darkness within. He stops when two glowing red eyes appear and a claw rushes towards him. He quickly sidesteps the claw and grabs ahold of the human-like paw when it's withdrawn into the cage. He jumps off when a set of canines try to to bite down on him and whips his wings out to carry him high enough to get a view before casting a spell,"Fos!"
Golden light explodes from his hands and drives the shadows away to reveal the animal that tried to bite him,"Kyuubi."
The nine tailed beast roars and the force pushes Perseus back before his eyes narrow,"You don't like me calling you that. No matter."
He swoops down with his claws bared and attempts to claw the animal's eyes out. A tail swats him away before he can do any real damage, but he manages to leave several deep scratches on the fox's muzzle. He tires to retreat again but a paw slams him against the ground and holds him there as the kyuubi's head descends to rip his head off. As it opens its mouth Perseus throws his left hand forward to launch a miniature cero while the brand on his right hand glows,"Spróchno!"
The cero breaks the sound barrier with the force spell and fires straight down the fox's threat before exploding. The beast stumbles back while clawing at its throat, giving Perseus enough time to shout,"Awaken beast of humanity, Kyōkan sezoku!"
In a moment his body elongates and scales covers his skin until he's assumed Empathy's form. He roars and a beam of blue energy explodes from his mouth to wash over several of the Kyuubi's tails. The fox roars in pain before being cut off by the three clawed fist that slams down on its head. The pale energy bubble covering the fist seems to expand outwards as the air around it cracks and sends the Kyuubi slamming down on the floor of its jail. Titanic waves are caused by the force and Perseus uses the opportunity to wrap his serpentine body around the Kyuubi's neck and waist,"Yield!"
The fox struggles but Perseus uses his body like a winch, pulling the part of him wrapped around the demon's throat towards the part of him wrapped around its waist. The fox claws and tries to rend the scales from Perseus' body for a few more seconds before ceasing all movement,"You done?"
The fox snarls but falters when its breath is cut off,"Fine ningen, you win."
Perseus uncoils himself and floats in the air so he's eye level with the fox,"Despite my actions, I did not come here to fight. I came here to find what has kept the boy asleep."
The fox lays down on its front paws and huffs,"He's right here," and uncoils its tails to show Naruto snuggling into the orange fur,"the kid's tough, tougher than most of the miserable ningen I've devoured."
Perseus floats over to the boy and his claw easily holds the boy in a loose fist before flying towards the bars of the cell. Just as he's about to pass through he stops and turns to face the demon fox,"What's your relationship with him?"
The fox growls,"You're reading into this too much. I'm the Kyuubi, mightiest of the bijuu! I won't settle for one of my jailers to be killed by some pathetic meat bags. It is a matter of pride. Nothing more, nothing less."
Perseus nods,"I see. Thank you anyways, Kurama."
The fox's eyes widen and Perseus vanishes before it can demand how he knew its name. It looks at the space where the dragon was, and simply closes its eyes to rest,"At least this time I won't be stuck in a boring jailer."
Outside the seal
Perseus opens his eyes and lifts his head up just as Naruto groans and his eyes crack open,"Where am I?"
His voice sounds like sandpaper and Lucy hands him a glass of water that he takes short sips out of. When he's drunk the whole glass Perseus answers,"You're in Haven, my home."
Lucy looks between the two as they're speaking archaic Japanese,"Where's Haven? I've never heard of a place called that in the Elemental Nations."
Perseus grins,"Well, that's the beauty of it. We aren't in the elemental nations. Simply speaking, I pulled you from a different dimension into my own."
Naruto's ocean blue eyes dig into him,"Why?"
Perseus shrugs,"My master wants me to train you."
The boy's eyes narrow as his muscles tense,"Master? You mean I'm going to be a slave?!"
Perseus looks appalled,"Goodness no! When I say master, I mean the man who took me in when humanity rejected me. I'm as free as you since my master just regards life as one big game for entertainment. he allows for me to go where I will and do whatever I want, save for a few occasions such as now when he sent me to retrieve you. If you do not wish to be trained then I will take you back to your home and wipe your memory of this meeting before leaving you as you were."
The boy stares at him,"Can you make me strong?"
Perseus shakes his head,"No. I can give you training and the tools, but it's up to you to make yourself strong."
Naruto nods,"Can you teach me how to kill?"
"If you so wish."
"Can you promise me your master will never discard me like a broken tool?"
"I swear on my life he will never do that."
"Will you train me until I can't even stand?"
"I'd be disappointed in myself if I didn't."
Perseus gets up while patting Naruto on the head,"Think about it for today, and give me your answer tomorrow. If you say yes then we will proceed from there."
He walks out of the room and Naruto glances at Lucy while she waves at him,"Hiya!"

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