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"You do it!"
"I did it last time! And besides, you're more durable than me!"
The two voices rouse me from my slumber,"June. Hetalia. Please be quiet. I'm nursing the mother of all headaches from last night."
June giggles before I hear someone sit down next to me and roll over,"That's what you get for staring at a screen for six straight hours."
I lift my head so she can see my scowl,"And if I recall, that only happened because someone decided to skip her turn finalizing the defenses."
Her cheeks darken and she slowly pats me on the head,"H-Hey! Hetalia skipped too!"
"I'm well aware of that, since I asked her to look over our enchantments and fill in some spots that she thought needed it. Since we're on the topic, Hetalia, did you manage to get a meeting?"
She bobs her head,"All good to go later today. They agreed to meet you at the border."
"Good," my back protests before popping as I get to my feet,"I'll swing by later, but for now let's call everyone in to finalize the plans."
The girls nod before leaving to grab the others while I pull out my phone and select one of my numbered contacts,"Hello and have a happy day."
I wait a few seconds,"You good? Aright then, plans have changed a bit. We might be getting some extra help pending a meeting later today. Standby for extra instructions within the next day or two. Goodbye and good graces."
I hang up and run a hand through my hair before pulling out the dagger my master gave me to admire it. It really looks and feels more like a display piece than an actual weapon with the blade being as thin as a sheet of paper and reaching halfway up my forearm. The runes carved into it shine a dull red against the silver they're inscribed on, pulsing as if the blade had a heart. I make my way over to the door leading out of the established security building, or "The Brain" as dubbed by most of Haven, and exit while running over the list of things I want to get done before the day is out.
As if reading my mind a small squad of telekhines waddles directly into my path,"You five," and they freeze,"I trust that the weapon orders have been finished?"
The lead monster slowly turns his head,"N-No leader. B-But we figured that since there are so many of us and the order is mostly done that we would-" "Shirk your duties?"
He flinches as my words convey a trace amount of anger,"However, I may be convinced to let you go if you do me a favor. It wont even be difficult."
They can't nod fast enough at the chance to escape their predicament,"Good. Now listen, here's what I need you to do..."
3rd person
Perseus drops out of the sky on the top of one of the many skyscrapers in New York City, his silver wings crumbling to dust as he does. A quick hop later he's on the ground across the street from Strawberry Fields. It's almost...humorous in a sense, being here after everything that's occurred. The crossing light shines as he leisurely makes his way across Central Park West and enters the jungle in the concrete jungle.
It's amazing even after all this time, a true place where people of all types can come and mingle without fear of opinions. As he passes a stack of rocks he's temporarily hidden from sight and emerges wearing a set of silky shorts, a tan breathable short sleeve, and running shoes. His face becomes hazy as his black hair turns a dark blonde and his eyes changes from their shared red and green to a warm brown. A perfect disguise instead of his normal wear and looks.
With a huff he starts running towards The Lake, following the curve until he reaches The Loeb Boathouse and sits down on a nearby bench as if he's taking a small break and pulls his phone out while he waits. It only takes a few minutes for his two targets to walk out of the cafe, and he waits for them to get a few hundred feet away before getting up to chase after them until he's within earshot,"Ma'am, excuse me!"
The woman stops abruptly at his voice and slowly turns to face him,"Y-yes?"
He jogs up to her and pretends to catch his breath before speaking in a slightly higher voice,"A guy paid me twenty bucks to tell you that he's waiting for you at Bethesda Fountain. Said it had to do with some trouble with your family or something?"
Sally Jackson nods hesitantly and gives her disguised son a smile that doesn't reach her eyes,"Thank you for telling me. Did he say what his name was?"
"No, but he was tall, like really tall. Had black hair too."
He has to fight to not let the satisfaction he's feeling at that moment from showing as his mother's face pales before he turns around,"Well, see ya."
He jogs away and waits until he's out of sight before swinging around and sprints a wide loop around towards the fountain. He ducks into the restrooms past the Minton Tiles and dispels the transformation rune scrawled on his forehead and throat while using a "swap" rune to change back into his tank top and jeans. By the time he's done and gets back to his spot his mother and stepfather are already sitting on the fountain's edge,"Been waiting long?"
His mother jumps at the sound of his voice and for the first time in almost two years her eyes fall on the son she'd sired with Poseidon. He towers over her at six foot three with his predominately red eyes glaring down at her, highlighting the flecks of green scattered within his irises. Her eyes rove over his face, noting that his cheeks have narrowed and black stubble has grown along his jawline, almost as if highlighting his enlarged canines.
"It's been a time hasn't it, since we've seen each other's face," and he does his own examination, with his eyes narrowing when he reaches her stomach,"and you two have been busy."
He raises his head to meet her gaze,"Nothing to say? Even after I've come all the way from Alaska to see you?"
Her lips part but it takes a few moments for the words to come out,"Y-You've changed so much. You almost don't look..."
"Human? Yeah, I'm still figuring that part out. Right now I'm more of a demi-monster. But," and he swipes his hand across his face to show his eyes have turned their normal green, and his fangs have shrunk down to a normal size,"I can freely switch between features."
Some of the tension runs out of her at the sight of her son's real eyes,"Why are you here Percy? Your father told me about your status and you aren't welcome in the U.S., much less New York."
"I know, but I have to get this done before Olympus finally decides to get off its collective ass and marches up towards me."
He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking,"I hate you."
Those three words make Sally take a step back,"I was your son. You carried me in your womb for nine months and then raised me up, teaching me what was right and wrong. You held me at night when I had nightmares and put band-aids on my scraped knees. We made many memories together and I'd hoped that our bond was strong enough to last for years to come. And yet you took the word of that. Utter. Bastard! You decided to listen to someone who never spent even a fraction of the time with me that you did! You never listened to me, your own flesh and blood! You didn't believe that I'd remembered what you taught me was right and what was wrong."
By now his voice had reached a quiet shout and was drawing the attention of those around them and he takes a deep breath to calm his anger,"Bottom line is you turned your back on me. I don't know if it was the stress of dealing with my former family's problems, or if it was something else, but you chose strangers over family. I didn't come here for answers, and I sure as hell didn't come back to reconnect. I came here for one reason and one reason only: to bury the hatchet and get this off my mind. With that done I can do this without regret," and he takes another deep breath,"Sally Jackson, you are not my mother. We have no family relation beyond blood, and even then there's not much of that left. My name is Perseus Estacado, descendant of Jackie Estacado the mob boss. Our memories and experiences before this means nothing to me."
He turns away to walk back towards Strawberry Fields before pausing for a moment,"I'm a father you know. A cute thing named Anna. She's a rescue that I saved after murdering her piece of shit father."
Without waiting for his former mother's reaction he walks away, and vanishes when he reaches the shadows cast by the overhanging tree branches.
He comes out his marker-assisted Blink in the palace of Boreas, quickly using Dyrnwyn to heat himself up and drive away the chill of the ice palace. The conversation of the minor gods dies down as more and more notice my presence. Several that I recognize either by sight or description step forward. Nemesis, goddess of vengeance and balance and Ethan Nakamura's mother. The two faced god Janus who passes his silver key from one hand to the other, all the while wearing a smug smile. A blonde haired male with a golden chiton, bow, and quiver, that he assumes to be Asclepius due to the staff with a single snake wrapped around it strapped to his hip. And finally the man who had given him Soul Touch in exchange for Reyna's life, Thanatos.
They part down the middle for him, offering soft greetings that he returns as he makes his way up to Boreas and his children,"God of the North. Goddess of Snow."
The old god inclines his head,"Monster of Olympus. I welcome you and all my fellow gods to my palace. Hecate informed me and everyone here that you wish to cash in the favor owed to you by us minor gods after Kronos."
He nods,"Correct," and turns his gaze on Hecate,"I am well aware that Chaos approached Olympus and offered assistance in the form of charms and spells that will allow for the gods to enter my territory with almost all of their strength." and the air around him becomes oppressive as he momentarily lets the curses contained inside his body express their presence.
A brief flash of fear enter's the titan's eyes as a horrendous creature composed of multiple eyes and human torsos appears behind the demi-monster,"Yes. I've taken the time to examine each page and after a rough estimate it shows that they will allow them to enter Alaska with almost 75% of their full power."
"Interesting. Tell me, is their one common denominator with them all?"
"Yes, they are all powered by the ambient mana in the air generated by Gaea. Usually magic users gradually draw in mana automatically to refill their reserves, but the charms and spells acts as a vacuum to forcibly rip mana from the enviorment and adds it to their divine cores."
Perseus clenches his hands,"So our shields and wards will be sucked dry as soon as they come close. I'll have to alert the barrier teams to the fact so they can modify the magic runes as a counter. But the fact remains that so long as they're on Earth they won't lose power...I can work with that."
He sighs,"Hecate, see if the spells can be modified to slow the rate at which mana is replenished. If so, do it. The rest of you, just do little things that won't be noticed. Loosen weapons, dull swords, remove parts for war machines, make any sort of animal they use less compliant. Just anything that can help, but won't alert them to your involvement. That is all I have to say, so you can all go while I discuss a few more things with Lord Boreas."
One by the minor gods vanish in flashes of light, shadow, or bouts of flame to leave the monster with the god of the north wind and his daughter,"Now that we're alone," he starts as a wicked smile stretches across his face,"let us talk about the debt you owe me for helping your daughter."

Hey guys. Apologies for vanishing for a while, but I had to pretty much focus on college and my part time job for pretty much up until a week or two ago. Add to the fact that my Ipad got a virus that pretty much destroyed everything I had on it, yeah. I ultimately had to scrap the thing and settled for a Iphone. And let me tell you, typing out a chapter on a screen that small is not fun at all. But, I'm jumping back into this story and have the ending planned out. So hopefully, within the next five chapters I'll have this project wrapped up, and can get top working on another that you guys wil hopefully like. Maybe Overlord, maybe RWBY, or even Rising of the Shield Hero (I'm seriously addicted to that series now) who knows. Anyways, I hope all you fine people reading this have a great day and as always, stay frosty.


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