Siege pt1

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Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts
Bold+Italics- Sword Technique

When we get home and put June in her room I proceed to rip my shirt off and reach for my lion skin. I throw my arms through the Nemean lion skin and none too gently pull it over my shoulders. White is watching with wide eyes,"My god, you're really serious about your threat."
I ignore him and will the skin to become an open white overcoat that reaches my knees while modified Hell's Plating forms underneath it. My exposed chest seems to be covered in obsidian contoured to my muscles with a gap between my pectorals. I look in a mirror and snarl,"Bloody your claws, Thráfsma!"
I feel the tattoos sliding over my and covering my body before I notice my lion skin has the same exact pattern on its surface. I decide to ignore it for now and summon my mask to my right hand and take one last look in the mirror before putting it on and letting the magic bindings secure it to my head. My eyes seem to glow like they usually do, until they dim and yellow flickers into their place. The Darkness surges up from my neck to cover my mask and form four demonic horns, two just above where my eyebrows would be and two from the back of my head. Both extend on a 45 degree angle for about two inches before extending four inches straight up. My claws brush over the glassy surface on my modified mask and I grin in satisfaction,"Of course I'm serious. I was fine with Beckendorf and Silena trying to capture me since they work for Chaos now, but I'm not okay with them manipulating June!"
I have my shadow slide up the wall next to me and bury my entire left arm in it. I feel my hand close around one of my swords and have a demon arm break off and wrap around the other before withdrawing both. Dyrwyn is in my left hand while the demon arm curled around my real arm has Excalibur in its grasp. I slide both blades into sheathes crossed over my lower back and slide the collapsible blade into a slot under my right arm. I open make a fist and it shoots out with enough force to puncture organs before opening my hand to let it return to a simple handle. White's eyes widen,"Dude you're like a walking armory!"
I turn to him and I can see him straighten under my gaze,"Gather the rest of the arrancar. This will be their first real combat experience."
White nods and vanishes in a burst of static before returning within moments with Mia, Ignitus, Hikari, Kage, Nelliel, Wonderweiss, and Ulquiorra in tow. Each one straightens as my eyes land on them,"Eternity has attempted to destroy me by having one of her soldiers possess June's body. I disposed of the spirit but this action will not go unpunished. How many of you have been able to reconnect with the part of your soul locked in your blades?"
Nelliel and Mia raise their hands,"Just yesterday."
Wonderweiss draws the European long sword from the sheathe on his back,"Three days ago."
Hikari and Kage both grin and pat the white and black handles of their respective shirasaya as they chorus,"A week ago, the day after you saved us from Barragan."
Ignitus huffs,"Showoffs."
My eyes slide over to him,"Cool your heels. This fight might be just what you and Ulquiorra need to unlock your release."
My gaze shifts to White and those who've achieved their release,"As for you lot, unless you have a good grasp on your new abilities don't use them. They might just cause more harm then it's worth."
I get a round of nods and lift my right hand seemingly grab the space in front of me. My mark glows and I seemingly rip the air apart like a veil to expose a world of floating rocks and buildings. Without looking to see if I being followed I step through and into the Crossroads. I jump from rock to rock towards a temple that resembles a giant tent made of purple silk but with pillars of marble keeping the tent's form. I quickly enter and kneel in front of a throne made of the same white marble the pillars supporting the tent are made of,"Lord Outsider."
My patron appears on his throne in a soundless teleport and regards me with his eyes,"Perseus. Why do you bring infidels into my home?"
I bow my head lower at the traces of anger in his voice,"My apologies master. However I desire passage into the realm where Chaos and Eternity reside. You know I'm able to make the journey through the dimensions unscathed but those with me would be destroyed as soon as they attempted such a thing."
The Outsider just looks at me,"Why do you desire to enter my siblings' realm?"
I lift my head and look at him,"To put them in their place. They attempted to use June against me with a evil spirit possessing her. I banished the demon with a threat for them that I intend to make good on."
The Outsider ponders my request before wordlessly pulling a key from the air and inserts it into an invisible lock. He turns it and the sound of a lock releasing is heard before a tear forms in the fabric of reality,"Go then. Remind them that there will be consequences for their childish desires."
He vanishes and I look back at the others,"You heard him. Let's give em hell!"
As one they draw their swords while I pull my guns out and grip them, almost crushing the handles,"Forward!"
I charge through and end up falling through the sky,"Shh*****t!"
My wings whip out and I stop falling while the others create platforms under their feet with their reiatsu. White looks around before his eyes widen,"What in the world?"
I follow his line of sight and notice the crystal spires that spiral above the shining ocean,"Is that metal?"
Ignitus drops just above the ocean and dips his hand into it before withdrawing the limb to examine the substance,"Mercury. Interesting replacement for water."
He shakes his hand of the mercury and wipes it on the red sweatshirt he's wearing,"What's the plan?"
I close my eyes and activate Dark Vision as I gaze at the spires. Glowing bodies pepper the formation and I notice two of the spires are hollowed out but empty. I point to one,"Hikari. Can you cover the distance and get inside with three jumps?"
She nods and my plan starts to form,"Good. Jump to the one left of the main tower and power up a cero. Kage can you make it to the tower right of the main base?"
He nods so I point to it,"Do the act same thing as Hikari. Get in there and power up a cero until you see me use Black Hole. When I do both of you unleash your cero to cause chaos so we can slip in easier."
They nod and vanish in a burst of static while I cancel Dark Vision,"Nel will go in first since she'll be able to counter their response to us and return it. White and Ulquiorra will attend me since I'll be going for Eternity and their regeneration is the fastest."
I unsheathe Dyrwyn and grip it in my right hand while my left hand is holding one of my guns. I point the barrel at the main tower and charge it with as much of The Darkness it can handle before exploding. The gun glows a dark purple and I point Dyrwyn at the tower,"Boom."
The explosive force fired from my gun rips through the air while being surrounded by Dyrwyn's white holy flames. The end result is like seeing a solar eclipse soaring towards the crystal. The blast impacts and blows the crystal structure away like tissue paper to leave a moderately sized hole. I charge forward with my wings whipping out behind me and my friends close on my heels. When we get close enough I can see hooded figures with staffs and wands chanting,"Nelliel!"
I slow down slightly and the green haired female passes me with her mouth wide open and a pink Cero ready to fire. She absorbs the incoming spells while firing her Cero before firing off a second Cero more potent than the first. The first crashes against hastily projected shields but the second Cero shreds through the shields like they were never there. The magicians go down and I push myself even harder,"Hurry! We've got to take out the healers before they revive those magicians!"
We're within mere meters of the hole when a sword nearly takes my head off. I duck and Ignitus crashes into the swordsman while shouting,"Get your asses in gear! This one is mine!"
He drags the swordsman away with him in a Sonido and Mia charges past me,"Come on!"
I catch up with her and quickly return Dyrwyn to its sheathe so my right hand is free to pull my second gun from the inside of my coat. I quickly fire off a round from the right gun to disrupt the healers before unleashing Swarm onto them. The bugs infect them easily since the healers have barely any experience fighting off something they've never encountered. I walk past them while the rest of my little group splits up to grab a battle. Ulquiorra and White walk next to me as we pass through the tower for a full half hour without a problem until coming upon a massive set of doors with two people guarding them. The male steps up from his slouched position,"Sorry buddy, but the bosses aren't allowing visitors."
I grin under my mask,"They're expecting me."
I look up just as the female decides to try and cut me in half before she's stopped halfway through by White,"You aren't worth my friend's time."
She squirms and the two vanish in a Sonido while Ulquiorra sighs,"That means I have to fight this trash? You're indeed cruel White."
The man takes offense judging by the frown he now wears. I pat Ulquiorra's shoulder as I pass him and appear behind the man,"Just entertain him. Don't want Chaos to get into a hissy fit because you killed a commander."
I hear them clash swords and push the two massive doors inwards so I can slip in.
(30 minutes earlier)
Ignitus holds onto the arm of his opponent as the two fly through the air before he throws him down towards the metal ocean. The man lands on the surface like it's solid and skids back while kicking up particles of mercury. He slams his sword into the metal and he slows to a stop before speaking,"Well good job brat. You managed to get me away from your group. Now what will you do now?"
Ignitus draws his chokuto from the redwood sheathe and the edge flashes dangerously in accordance with his amber eyes,"We both know what comes next. My boss is depending on me keeping you occupied until he's done speaking with your master."
"So," and he flashes forward,"let's play!"
The man brings his khopesh up to block the strike and uses the curve of the blade to drive it off course past his head. He tries to disarm Ignitus by twisting the curved blade with his strength but Ignitus resists while pulling his free hand back in a fist,"Bala!"
The blast of red reiatsu sends the man flying back until he suddenly stops in midair and drops to his feet,"Well done young one. It will truly be a shame to cut down such a promising warrior."
The kohl around his left eye seems to glow,"I can see I'll have to release my limiter against you."
Ignitus just glares at him as the man continues his rant,"My name is Tutankhamun, former Pharaoh of Egypt! Now raise your sword or be cut down!"
In a heartbeat the pharaoh is in front of Ignitus with his sword poised to carve his throat out until Ignitus brings his chokuto up to block it. He quickly places both hands on the handle to stand up to his opponents sudden increase in strength but is still thrown back. He gets up while massaging his numb left arm,"Aren't you supposed to be a kid? I heard you died young."
The boy pharaoh grins as he clashes with Ignitus again and forces his opponent to his knees with his strength,"The perks of being recruited by Lady Eternity. In return for giving me a horrible fate she made me and my wife stronger."
Ignitus groans as he forces Tutankhamun back and off balance before placing his sword back in the sheathe,"Dibujo rápida: hoja de acero inoxidable!"
Nothing happenstance for a moment and the pharaoh grins,"What was that supposed to do?"
He sees the image of Ignitus before him suddenly fizzle out and one word screams through his head,"Afterimage!"
He turns but no one is behind him,"That the problem with us warriors," and a burning pain makes itself known across his chest,"we always depend on experience in battle!"
Tutankhamun stumbles back as blood explodes from a single diagonal cut across his chest,"Wha?"
He falls to his knees as blood spills down from the clean wound. Ignitus stays standing for a few more moments before falling to his knees while his leg muscles spasm and he grits his teeth,"Stainless Blade still puts huge strain on my legs. Going fast enough to leave an afterimage for even seconds leaves me unable to use my legs for a few minutes after."
His arms spasm and his hands shake as he slides his sword into its sheathe,"Coupled with the huge strain it takes to swing my sword fast enough to make a cut that clean and the strength needed to cut through the muscle and bone.....I won't be able to move my arms or legs. If he gets up I'm pretty much screwed."
He watches in silent horror as the wound seals itself closed and Tutankhamun gets up with a satisfied smile,"Impressive. To draw blood from me after centuries of flawless victories proves you could be a threat when you have more experience. Because of that though," and he makes a single deep cut down Ignitus' chest,"I cannot let you live to reach that point."
He stabs his sword through Ignitus' left lung,"Farewell swordsman. Sa-Mir!"
Ignitus screams as pain rips through him and his eyes rolls back into his head. His body slides off the khopesh and falls through the surface of the mercury. He sinks like a rock as he struggles to stay conscious and alive,"Come on! Stay awake!"
His vision starts to darken until he feels a second presence resonating with his soul. He desperately tries to cling to it but it starts to slip through his mental grip,"I'm not letting you get away this time!"
He latches onto the presence and hears a roaring in his head,"We were one soul, and we are still one soul! Lend me your power so we can beat this b******!"
He draws his sword with the last of his strength while Tutankhamun is standing on the surface. He's watching as air bubbles break the surface,"What's he doing?"
He lunges back as a pillar of fire breaks through the mercury and into the air followed by a beastial shriek,"Blaze, Emperador del dragón de fuego!"
Emperador del dragón de fuego- Fire Dragon Emperor
Sa-Mir- Pain
Dibujo rápida: hoja de acero inoxidable- Quick Drawing: Stainless Blade

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