Face to Face

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"We as a race are all guilty of something wrong, but most acknowledge why it is wrong. Those who will not acknowledge why their actions are wrong can sometimes become something society fears."
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

In my dream I'm standing on a piece of stone that seems to float in the middle of small island made of floating chunks of rock. A person is standing in front of me with their back to me,"Impressive no? This is where it all began. Where Chaos created the gods, and discarded the failures. Where I thrive. Welcome to my world."
I kneel,"Lord Outsider. Why am I here?"
He turns around and I see a regular looking man with dark eyes and thin lips turn upwards for a small smile,"So we could freely talk without anybody watching us. The Fates and even Chaos himself have no power here, my world."
I get up slowly while my mind races,"How is such a thing possible? Isn't Chaos all powerful?"
The Outsider laughs softly,"Hardly. There are three beings stronger than Chaos. In order from weakest to strongest is his sister, Eternity, myself, and Abyss, the father of Chaos and Eternity. I am above Chaos in control of my power. While he is able to create anything he wishes that is all he can do apart from his extreme elemental control. Eternity is a good girl and possesses the power to set anything in stone so it cannot be changed, but she is too good for her own nature. She refuses to cause pain to others. Me, I can control the fabric of reality and time. Reason has no meaning to me and I have no pre-ordained role in my existence. I exist to simply...exist. Animals obey me like my old friend Pan while nothing can hide from my eyes. The wind obeys me as we are both similar in nature, free and without a destination. I am neither good or evil, but instead neutral towards everything even though I do enjoy watching my champions shaking things up every once in a while. Abyss is an old man who just keeps living on with no goal, and no purpose. He is stronger than me by leaps and bounds but he has forgotten how strong he truly is, and from what I know he hasn't used his powers in millennia. Chaos was born from End's desire to create and improve while Eternity was born from his kindness. I was born from what was left of his dreams, nothing. I am simply a husk with no heart, no mercy, no real emotions. I am born from his will to simply exist."
I swallow and notice my throat is unusually dry,"Then why am I here? What is my purpose?"
The Outsider's smile fades,"I don't know. Your fate is always changing, defying every possible outcome that can occur. You were never supposed to become a monster. Never supposed to know about me. Never supposed to be able to hurt the ones you once called friends. This is why I chose you, because you have no purpose that can be told. I've told you all I can for now but if you wish to know more, seek me out by finding my temples. Find relics bearing my mark to bolster your own power."
He chuckles,"You have come very far with the little time you've been marked and have unlocked some of your potential as my chosen one, but there is so much more that you are capable of. Before you go though it's come to my attention that you are in need of a new weapon. Allow me to gift you with one."
He holds his hands forward palms up and a beautiful broadsword is resting in his grip. A simple polished grip with a golden pommel that has a foreign symbol etched into it with great detail while the silver blade shines in the dim light, making the engravings near the golden hilt that much more visible,"The Sword of Victory, Excalibur. The sword wielded by King Arthur, gifted to him by The Lady of the Lake. With this all swords lose their edge and become twisted while Excalibur remains straight and sharp."
He places the tip in the ground and holds his hands out again as a second sword appears in his grip. The one handed sword has a pale black gem in the pommel and a golden hilt with a marvelously polished black blade and a spiral styled ebony one handed grip,"This is one of the less well known holy swords of Britain, Dyrnwyn the White Hilt. When wielded by a worthy user the sword will become enshrouded with white holy flames from the tip of the sword to its golden hilt. The sword will never be extinguished and all who oppose you will fall away like kindling in a furnace."
He places it in the ground as well before looking to Percy,"Choose my champion. Choose and set your fate in stone. Choose Excalibur and you will be graceful like a creature of the wild, but will bear the sharpest claws. Choose Dyrnwyn and you will be like a roaring fire, consuming all in your way and leaving nothing but ashes to mark their existence. Choose."
Percy looks between the two before smiling to himself as he pulls both free from the ground,"I choose both. Like you said, I'm unpredictable."
The Outsider smiles at his champion, proud of his choice,"A fine choice. You will be graceful in battle, but posses the destructive force equal to a inferno when angered. Now then, away with you to begin your new life!"
Percy is sent flying back off the edge of the rock with his new swords held tightly. He sits up in the real world and looks down at his hands to find them clutching Excalibur and Dyrnwyn's grips while the two blades are in leather sheaths. Percy is silent for a few moments before getting up and walking outside to the backyard, which is basically an entrance to the Alaskan wilderness. He drops into a position comfortable to him and draws both swords, making Excalibur gleam and Dyrnwyn explode in white flames. He experimentally swings them around before eyeing a tree and makes a quick slash. A few second later the tree falls towards the woods while one part is a clean cut and the other leaves a charred scar in the soft pine wood. A savage grin splits his face as he feels a weight on his belt and looks down to see a mask shaped like the front of a human skull with iron threading attaching the mouth and keeping it halfway open.
He slips it on out of curiosity and finds the interior to be padded with plush satin fabric that forms to his face perfectly. He drops into a dual sword stance that seems to just appear in his head and executes it flawlessly after numerous attempts. Soon he's a whirlwind of fire and steel that decimates the land around him while fusing parts of the earth to glass. He decides to add his wind and water powers to the mix and soon water swirls around Excalibur while wind coats the blade of Dyrnwyn and fuels to flames, making the three feet of steel into a roaring pillar of flame while ice creates an extension from the end of Excalibur. One look at both make him grin as he eyes a nearby hillside and brings both swords down. A white flash blinds him,"Holy!" and leaves him with spots in his eyes for a few minutes after before seeing the hillside gone, only a plain of scorched and torn earth left behind in the wake of the power of the two swords.
As he admires his weapons June is watching with Alex as the two sit together in a bough of pine. The werewolf is first to speak,"He's even stronger than the rumors said."
June nods absently,"He wasn't going all out. That was a quarter of his full power at most."
Alex looks a little disturbed,"How do you know?"
June looks at him with clear eyes,"When he fought Zeus, when I was almost killed, he unleashed his full power for a split second. You could actually feel his power in the air, and that was enough to stop time itself until he lowered his power."
Alec is silent and watches as the half monster tips his head back and howls, a sound like his own wolf howl,"He's not gonna stop gaining power is he?"
June shakes her head,"I looked into the mark of The Outsider. It keeps taking in power around it and transferring it to its chosen one. Given enough time Percy could become strong enough to challenge the primordials themselves."
They're interrupted by Percy sitting next to them, gone from his spot 200 yards away,"Good to hear. So, what'd you two kids doing out here?"
June answers him easily,"Looking for you. Hestia wanted to say goodbye before she has to leave for Olympus."
He nods his head before blurring and racing away while he jumps from tree to tree like a wild monkey in a jungle to make it back to his home in under five minutes with the mask still on. He accidentally scares Hestia and is smacked across the face before she realizes it's him and apologizes while giving him a hug. He returns the hug with equal intensity before Hestia vanishes in a column of flames. He pulls his mask off while pushing a hand through his hair and stands before throwing himself into training.
For the next few weeks he's constantly training by himself, with June, even with Alex and Monique to better grasp his monster side. When he figures he'd finally grasped all the basics of his monster form, now called a vdélygma or abomination in english, he starts to train in a duel sword style provided to him by The Outsider until he's proficient. Any free time he has is spent meditating among the ice fields which also serves as a way to focus his powers and temper them while allowing his brain make the proper nerve connections for his wings so he doesn't have to tense his back for them to flap.
On one such day he's ripped away from his meditation when the ice around him cracks. He jumps up and climbs onto a nearby glacier just as the former is broken to pieces and a mass of tentacles rises from the water. He waits patiently and soon a head rises from the frigid water and he winces as the thing roars, showing row after row of sharp teeth connected to a hideous face. A second figure shoots out of the water, thrown by a tentacle, and nearly hits the side of a glacier before Percy grabs them and flies them a safe distance away from the beast before setting the person down. The woman is flushed from the cold water and speaks with a thick Japanese accent,"Thank you. I was assigned to destroy this beast, but I'm a little outmatched against Greek monsters. If you could help, I'd be very grateful."
He nods his head,"I'll help, but I get the kill."
The woman nods her head as the two sprint towards the monster and Percy looks over at her, taking note of her Japanese clothing,"What's your name anyway?"
The woman keeps her eyes ahead of her while drawing a instrument that looks eerily like a guitar,"My name is Benzaiten, Japanese god of all that flows. Lord Ryujin charged me with destroying this creature that was sinking ships in his domain. May I have your name young one?"
Percy answers as he draws Excalibur and Dyrwyn from the shears on his back,"Fragment. I was a demigod until Gaea cursed me." and moves to the side as a tentacle nearly crushes him.
He runs up the ice wall, freezing his feet in place when they go down and melting the ice when they pull up before propelling off and swiping at the face of the beast. Dyrwyn doesn't manage to cut the scales covering the beast, but Excalibur makes a small cut that bleeds gallons of blood so he must've hit an vein. The beast roars at him, throwing him back and giving Benzaiten a chance to rush past him and jump up on platforms that form under her feet as she swings her instrument in an arc to fire off a crescent of blue energy that smashes into the beast and pushes it back through the ice fields. The creature screams in anger and pointed legs slam into the ice to stop it before Fragment appears behind him and slams his hands down into the glacier hanging above the beast, making it break off from the main chunk and crash down on top of the monster. The beast gets up and lashes outwards while he pops his wings out and flies high enough so he can't be reached as he raises his hand above his head and concentrates. The mark of The Outsider glows a pale green as wind is concentrated around his entire arm before surrounding Excalibur to enhance the sharpness of it. He swings downwards and the wind rushes off the sword to cut through every piece of ice in the area and the monster as well. Both halves of the beast crash into the ground while the legs flail until Benzaiten incinerates them with blue energy while Percy lands in front of the head of the beast and leans against the ice. He catches his breath and the monster bursts into dust, leaving a skull that looks to be made of solid diamond that he offers to the Japanese deity,"Your leader might want this as proof of death."
Benzaiten refuses it,"It was your kill, the skull is your prize. Lord Ryujin could feel its death through his connection to the ocean anyway."
Percy nods and grabs the small bag attached to his back and is barely able to fit the skull in and zip it shut. The two sort through the remains of the beast and Percy yells over,"Hey, just out of curiosity, what was this thing?"
Benzaiten yells back,"Nothing major, just the Kraken."
Percy is still for a second before shrugging his shoulders,"Oh, okay then."
The monster and deity meet up after searching through the remaining bones of the monster and Percy's mark glows green and one of the bones Benzaiten is holding starts glowing a faint green from a symbol etched into a femur, the Outsider's mark. Benzaiten yelps when the bone starts steaming and Percy picks it up and feels a surge of power rush into him and a tingling sensation behind his eyes. When he opens the, the world is painted in black except for the blazing light originating from where he knows Benzaiten is. He blinks and the world is back to normal as he figures out what just happened. He mutters,"Sweet. Dark Vision just got a boost from that."
Benzaiten looks astonished,"So the rumors were true. Another chose of The Outsider has appeared."
Percy nods,"Yes. However I'm still fairly new at this so I can't do much without being drained. Well it's been nice, but I've got to get home."
He turns to go but Benzaiten stops him,"Wait a moment. Would you be interested in a business proposition?"
Percy turns slightly to look at her,"Of what sort?"
Benzaiten grins,"Monster hunting."

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