Beginning of the End: the Sixth Night

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I feel a pair of small hands pushing against my right arm"Joker!"
"Yes," and I yawn,"little master?"
Sakura looks down at me with a concerned look on her face,"It's almost noon and I've been trying to wake you up for five minutes! You're supposed to teach me some more spells."
I groan quietly,"Sure. C'mere though first."
Sakura leans forward as I sit up and flick her on the forehead with my human strength,"Ow!"
I chuckle,"Patience is important for what I'm teaching you. Remember that."
She glares at me while rubbing her head,"Why did I feel that?"
I quirk an eyebrow,"You had your heirro up?"
She nods and I grin,"No you didn't. You haven't gotten the hang of keeping it active on a permanent basis. We'll work on that later. Now though it's time I teach you an elemental spell."
Her eyes light up as I swing my legs over the edge of my bed and walk out to the training area with Sakura next to me,"Watch and listen closely. Kýmata pou syntrívoun to themélio tis gis. Ta palirroiaká pou anevaínoun gia pánta aiónia kai alithiná. Me tin epíklisí mou sas kaló. Kai eísai desmevménos sti thélisí mou. Apalés thálasses pou gínontai ýpoula nerá katapínoun ósous tolmoún na stathoún enántia sti dikí sas!"
A faint roar is heard from under my feet and seconds later a massive whirlpool swirls outwards with the fury that drags sailors to their death and made the Greeks pray to Poseidon for good fortune. From her spot next to me Sakura stands in silent awe at the display while a small smirk makes its way onto my face before I speak again,"Pago!"
The whirlpool instantly freezes to create a bowl of blue ice, trapping anything caught inside it,"You are most fortunate you've a secondary water element, little master. Otherwise this would be a little more challenging."
She looks up at me for a few seconds before,"What language were you speaking? It sounded funny."
I chuckle,"That was Greek. Since my origins are rooted in the culture most of my more powerful spells are worded like that. Though I suppose I should tell you what it means in your tongue if you are to use it. Waves that crash against the foundation of Earth. Tides that forever flow timeless and true. By my invocation I call upon thee. And thou are bound to my will. Gentle seas that become treacherous waters swallow those who dare stand against your own!"
Sakura nods so I continue,"And the next word you can probably guess."
She thinks for a moment before hesitantly saying,"Ice?"
I nod,"Correct. Now I want you to practice the wording until it comes naturally. When you're able to do that summon me and I'll oversee you when you push your energy into the spell. I don't want any backlash to hinder you today of all days."
I make my way towards the doorway and stop with one hand on the stone outline when she asks,"Why?"
My hand clenches and carved through the stone,"My being the host of the Darkness gives me some...obscure abilities. One of which is a form of clairvoyance regarding what many people would regard as bad events. Tonight is one of those times."
Sakura hesitantly accepts my answer and sets to work on reciting the spell while I head outside,"Report."
One of the older darklings appears from my shadow and bows low,"We've been unable to track Caster, boss. He seems to have wards that actively keep us from finding him. However the blood staining his hands still screams for vengeance. Anything else?"
I shake my head,"No. Stand ready for tonight though, and have Vincent on standby just in case. Other than that how comes the progress on creating a temporary entrance to Hell?"
The minion shivers,"Slowly. The seven sins have proved to be a major help in supplying the power and corruption needed to create it, but we lack the ability to pinpoint the soul you're looking for. At best the portal would stay open for only a few minutes."
A growl slips past my lips,"That is indeed a problem. Nevertheless continue construction with the hope a way to pinpoint my grandfather's soul will appear."
The minion bows even lower,"Of course boss."
He vanishes back to the dark realm and I feel Wrath writhing in my soul,"Patience. You will enact vengeance soon enough."
It settles but doesn't retreat from the forefront of my soul and I notice faint wisps of red smoke curling off my fingers,"You really are an impatient sin."
I grin when the sin gives me a low growl of agreement and close my eyes, trying to focus on using a new technique introduced to me by the Darkness. Slowly I sink into my shadow, but it doesn't vanish while it conforms to create a two dimensional image of my body. When I open my eyes I'm staring up at the sky and squint from the sunlight,"Impressive."
My voice sounds like a whispered hiss and I take a few minutes getting used to moving normally before practicing my two sword style. Later, when I check a camera I set up, I can see Dyrnwyn has molten red cracks running down the blade while Excalibur's edges are colored white to represent their respective elements. I can hear Sakura practicing behind me as the water crashes against the stone walls of the temple and look up in time to see water flooding out the entryway with small patches of ice in it.
I watch the water flow around me while making my way into the temple to see Sakura in the center of a small circle of ice with her face set in a pout,"It didn't work."
I sigh,"Give it time little master. Not everything will come to you naturally. Hades knows I'd be invincible if that were the case."
She frowns but nods and tries again while I watch her, letting her work it out herself until,"That's enough. You're rushing the wording, and thus making the spell weaker than it should be. Take your time since I doubt you will be using this one in combat anytime soon."
My little master takes my advice and takes her time to pronounce the words clearly while I oversee the energy flowing through her circuits,"Stop."
She cuts herself off on the last line and frowns,"What's wrong now?"
Her anger dissolves when she meets my eyes and I glare at her,"You are taking a rest right now. No magic for the rest of the day since you didn't tell me your circuits were in danger of overload."
I ignore the protests coming from her and scoop her up,"Come on. We're going into town to get some more food."
She grumbles from her place on my shoulder but behaves after I Blink us into town and walk through the marketplace. I manage to snag some more fish and a small bag of carrots when Sakura pats the top of my head,"Perseus!"
I look up to see Rider towering over me with his own set of groceries and he smiles,"Ah, so you've also decided to come out on this fine day! It's a shame the others choose not to enjoy themselves like us."
I quickly throw up a mist conjured illusion and wait for it to take before responding,"Yes it is. Honestly though I thought you'd be working off a hangover from all that wine last night, instead of being out and about. Your master around too?"
He shrugs,"He said he needed to do some reading. I don't mind all that much though since it's always nice to see what different cultures consider edible."
I snort,"Tell me about it. You know some cultures consider guinea pigs as a delicacy? I don't think I could eat one."
He laughs,"So even you have some limits!" and takes notice of Sakura for the first time,"why hello there little one. I'm assuming you're Joker's master?"
She nods timidly and I sigh,"Don't mind her greeting Iskandar. When she summoned me she was in a bad family situation. And considering your height exceeds my own, she's rather skittish."
Iskandar nods,"I see. It was a problem during my life as well, but also a brilliant tactic to instill fear."
By now my illusion is faltering and I grin,"Lets meet again sometime before this war is over. Bring your master too so I can see what sort of human he is."
We shake hands and go our separate ways with him going off to find his master, and myself going towards the candy stores to get Sakura something to snack on as her belly rumbles. The rest of the afternoon is spent stocking up on food and depositing it in my shadow before the fingertips on my right hand begin to glow,"What the heck? Why are these suddenly working?"
The glow becomes painful to look at and I avert my eyes and hold my hand out towards the middle of the city,"So that's where you've been hiding."
I feel Sakura shift her body and ask,"What's going on?"
I do a quick explanation as I lift off into the air with a spell securing my master in-between my shoulder blades,"When I fought Caster I placed a tacking spell on him. Up until now it hasn't worked for some reason or another."
I scream through the air towards Caster's position and as night falls Hell's Plating slides over my skin in preparation for the battle. Just as the face-mask slides into place I spot Caster standing atop a rock in the middle of the river dividing the city and dive for him with my the metal claws from my gauntlets bared. Just as I'm about to get within range of the madman a demon springs up from the water with only a mouth for a face and I have to turn on a dime to avoid flying straight into it. The surface of the water is barely three inches away from my face as I race away towards shore,"I need you to get off, little master."
Sakura climbs down from me as soon as my feet touch the ground and I'm in the air again,"Thrafsma! Empathy! How long?!"
"Barely an hour left! Hang in there!"
I can see Rider, and Saber gathering on the shoreline and feel Lancer is in the immediate area so I quickly conjure a mist illusion to make the mortals see the moon's reflection in calm water. I barely manage to finish in time as a huge form breaks from under the water,"What...the..hell?"
My feathered wings shed themselves to become the wings provided to me by the Darkness and I quickly pull up to avoid a giant tentacle that sweeps past where I was a second ago,"Whoa!"
I swing to the side to avoid another strike and focus my spiritual power into my arms,"Bala!"
Two orbs the size of a small car rocket from my clenched hands and punch through the tentacle that gets in their way before blowing a hole through the monster's main body. I don't celebrate the small victory and watch as the holes I made slowly close up with flesh,"Oh, that's not good."
I quickly pull the mask down and use my fingers to whistle,"Vincent! Here boy!"
The monster tries swatting me away again, but another tentacle rises from the water and stops the monster. I simply stand back as Vincent, the baby cthulhu, rises up from the water to tower over the demon as he lets loose an echoing roar. I land on his head and give him a quick scratching,"Good boy! Just hold it still while we take care of this!"
I draw in a breath,"Hey, you bums!"
My shout causes the servants to jolt out of their thoughts,"You gonna help or not?! He can't hold this guy forever!"
Even as I speak Vincent groans when the tentacles he's holding grow teeth and dry and penetrate beneath his outer skeleton,"Seriously!"
I jump off Vincent's head and draw Dyrnwyn from my shadow. The blade hums in anticipation before igniting in pure white flames and I swing it with all my strength,"Hurrrah!"
A wave of fire explodes from the force of my swing and cooks the demon flesh in front of me before I hear thunder and see Rider out of the corner of my eye as he dives down to sever what I assume is an arm. The piece of flesh falls into the water and bobs to the surface before it extends on its own to rejoin the body. While this happens the damage my own attack caused fades away within seconds and I'm forced to back away.
I quickly fly down to the water's surface and stand on it while muttering angrily,"So you're a regenerator huh?"
My guns clear their holsters inside my trench coat and I raise them in the air,"Lets see how you handle this!"
Darkness flows into both guns, charging them to their maximum capacity and making them glow a dark purple. My fingers squeeze the triggers and I'm forced to command the water to keep me upright when two beams of Darkness explode from the barrels and punch two tank sized holes through the demon like it's made of paper.
Any hope I have of making it sustain lasting damage is wiped out when the flesh regrows and the holes seal themselves up,"This is gonna be a loooong fight."

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