Fighting a Garden Snake

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"So you're a evil god? I've seen better."~ Perseus
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

I run straight into a war zone from the shadows and narrowly dodge a spell that would've set me aflame before punching straight through the magician with my dragon arm. The force of the blow sends an air cannon flying into the roof as the man dies from a missing heart. I hear slashing and hissing from around the corner and figure it's probably Bast. I'm not wrong as I find her surrounded by magicians until I hold my right hand out and my mark glows pale green,"Serve me."
Rats from every corner of the ancient establishment flood past me and attack the magicians, chewing on wands, scratching limbs, or even outright biting through flesh. Soon it's just me and Bast as she huffs,"Thanks."
I shrug as the rats back off,"No problem. So where's the fighting?"
She turns around and extends her arm towards a long hallway until a barrier appears to stop her,"Down that way. They set up wards so a god can't get past-" and I finish for her,"But I can. This is gonna cost you, you know that right?"
Bast sighs as her cat eyes look to me,"I know that. Right now though we need all the help we can get!"
I shrug,"Fine." and mentally debate who to use for the fight.
Eventually I decide,"Fragment, you up for a fight?"
He roars a yes back and I race through the wards while shouting,"Bloody your claws, Thráfsma!"
My partial transformation under the moon is completed with my extendable claws, complete tattoos, and fangs. My fear aurora explodes from me as I race down the hallway and mentally talk with The Darkness,"I promise you can have the hearts of anybody who tries to attack us."
I can feel its glee,"ThaNk yOu."
Continuing the charge I enter the room beyond the hallway and notice wounded kids lying in the ground. I stop next to one and shake the boy,"Hey kid." and gently pat his cheek,"Wake up. I need to know what's going on."
He cracks his eyes open and they focus on my face,"They're here. Can't let them kill the Chief Lector."
He closes his eyes again and I press two fingers against his neck to find a slow but steady pulse,"None of them are dead you know."
I don't turn to face the teen behind me,"I can tell that, Anubis. Seems like you're enjoying having a host."
He grimaces,"I'm not just Anubis. I'm also Walt Stone, magician of Brooklyn House."
I shake his hand quickly,"Nice to meet ya. Now stand back so I can concentrate."
He moves to the other side of the room as I lift my arms and mutter under my breath and end with,"Evlogía Theoú."
A dome of transparent energy covers the wounded and I lower my arms to my sides as my hair shadows my eyes,"I assume Anubis filled you in about me?"
Walt nods,"You're a mercenary for the other pantheons. A immortal being."
I nod and reach towards my shadow as Excalibur's handle flies from the darkness and into my left hand. My mask is summoned to my right hand and it covers my face with a soft hum as my voice projects from the metal skull,"Shall we go have some fun then?"
Walt grins as grey energy curls off his hands,"Let's."
He goes first and intercepts a knife meant to end a girl's life with his bare hand, causing it to crumble to dust as he scowls at the woman who threw it. I appear next to him and he mutters,"She's mine."
I shrug,"Fair enough. Judging from your reaction I can tell that girl is precious to you. The rest are mine?"
He nods and I smile under my mask as I drag Excalibur through the ground as I walk towards the magicians before bolting forward,"Here I come, little magicians!"
I Blink around a freezing spell and stab Excalibur into the caster from behind him,"First blood is mine!"
He coughs up the red liquid as he slides off my sword and hits the ground while a deep voice rings out through the cavern,"You!"
I look over to see a man bound in magic rope and grin,"Hello Set. How nice to see you again. How's your shoulder doing?"
He squirms in his bindings,"You brat! When I get out of here Ra help me I'll-" and I laugh,"Shut up old man and enjoy the show."
I lift Excalibur and point the tip at a magician perched on a rock outcropping near the ceiling,"Shoot Págo!"
The blade seems to shoot out in a second to cover the distance and pierce him through the heart. Blood runs down the ice projecting from Excalibur and I grin,"Is this all the magicians of Egypt are capable of?! I was hoping for a challenge!"
As I speak I approach a downed magician and raise my sword to butcher him when I'm stopped by an invisible force,"Stop!"
I look back to see the human Horus was always going on about, Carter Kane I think it was, holding the pharaoh's crook in the air. I lower my arm and wait as he talks to the others about how war is pointless before they look to me,"I'm just here on a job. If you're still these kid's enemies I'll just butcher you like pigs."
Most of the magicians throw down their staffs and wands while releasing Set's host from his bindings until only one magician is left. He yells at the Kanes,"Foolish mortals! My master will rise even without the offering of Set's power!"
And then he turns to me,"And you will be the first one he devours, Fragment!"
I grin at the old man,"Words mean nothing to me! Don't insult me by having your puppet fight me!"
The old man sneers before his robes turn red and his eyes become yellow with a split pupil. I look back at the gathered magicians,"He's mine to fight. Besides, you look like you'll need time to recover your magic if you're going to face off against that overgrown garden snake."
The possessed man roars for me and sends off a flurry of spells ranging from electrocution to petrifaction. I slip past most and deflect a few with Excalibur before holding a hand out,"Spróchno!"
The magician flies back into the rocky wall as I walk towards him,"I really hope that's not all it'll take. If it is this is going to be rather-" and I'm blasted in the face with a fire spell.
The magician grins until I swat the fire away with my hand,"That's it?! Let me show you a proper fire spell!" and hold both hands out,"Ánthisi Flóga!"
Small fireballs fly out from my hands to explode on contact with the magician, making him howl in pain as I grin,"You cannot defeat me even with the help of Apophis. Surely he's told you who my patron is."
The man snarls before launching another flurry of spells as I sigh,"Such foolishness," and appear behind him while swinging Excalibur to the side,"must be punished. Goodbye you poor puppet."
Blood explodes from a diagonal slice over the man's chest. He screams as he tries to staunch the bleeding,"How?! He never told me you had the Sword of Promised Victory! He promised me that I'd rule under him! I cannot die here. I cannot!"
And my patience snaps,"Enough! Págos!"
The entire body of the magician freezes before shattering and melting. Walt or Anubis approaches me,"Did you have to be so brutal?"
I shrug nonchalantly,"He annoyed me with his words. He was just a useless puppet. Besides, Excalibur was thirsting for his blood ."
I sit down on one of the stone blocks in the room and lift a hand to take my mask off,"I know you can hear me Apophis! Next time send a good meat bag over for me to kill!"
My mask rests in my right hand to expose the triangular tattoos touching the corners of my mouth and the sides of my eyes as I look over to Carter,"Sup?"
Set's host approaches me with the leopard skin cape over his shoulders,"Your name is Fragment isn't it? Set won't stop rambling on about killing you."
I grin,"He's just pissed off that I managed to cut him from shoulder to hip when I met with him and the other gods. He'll get over it quick enough, won't you Set?"
The cavern rumbles and I look up,"Zip it! You kinda need help right now!"
I look over at the Chief Lector,"Nice to meet ya. When I'm on the job call me Fragment, when I'm off call me Percy."
The man grips my hand,"Amos Kane. I take it Bast contacted you?"
I grin with flashing canines,"Yup! She should be outside now holding back Apophis." and my eyes widen,"Crap! I knew I forgot something!"
Amos instantly gets what I'm thinking and faces the brats,"Magicians! The time has come to defend our world from Apophis! Our friend Bast has bought us time to absolve this conflict but we must join her to stand a chance! Ready yourselves and synchronize your godly magic for the fight ahead." and he faces Carter,"Carter Kane, you have been chosen by Ra to wield the crook and flail of the pharaoh. Will you lead us into battle?"
Carter looks at me and I hold my hands up in a placating motion,"I'm still on the clock. Right now I'll follow your orders."
He swallows and looks down at the two magic weapons in his hands before looking at Amos,"I don't know about this leadership stuff, we'll figure that out later, but I will lead the charge for this fight!"
A cheer goes up as Amos creates a magic seal in the floor,"This will take us above ground. Prepare yourselves for the worst."
I drop Excalibur into my shadow and step into the seal behind the others. Instantly I'm in a sandstorm and fly above it while activating Dark Vision to get a clear picture. A massive snake winds around the pyramid where Khufu is buried while the rest is under the sand and slithers around the magicians. I lock onto the two in front of the snake's head and notice a giant ball of light forcing the snake back with blasts of fire. I put my mask on and fold my wings in while dropping at an angle to slam into the head,"Hey ugly, remember me?!"
The garden snake snaps at me,"You!"
I grin under my mask and dodge the fangs as they snap after me by flying a few feet to the left as they sail by. He coils around and opens his mouth to swallow me just as a creeper head appears over my left shoulder and opens its mouth to show the barrel of a gun poking out it,"Chew on this!"
A bolt of dark energy flies from the barrel with the force of a sonic boom to throw the head back as its mouth steams. It hisses angrily and I look down at Carter's shocked face,"If you've got a plan do it soon! This sandstorm isn't the best to provide darkness for my attacks!"
He nods and I roll through the air to dodge a blast of chaotic red energy from Apophis and a demon arm flies from my right hand to pierce through the scales. I use it to pull myself forwards and latch onto the snake's neck long enough for my crawlers to dive beneath the flesh and expel a swarm of flesh and energy eating insects into him. He dives under the sand and I hold on with all my supernatural strength and crawl to the back of his cobra hood as he thrashes around,"Stop moving around you insect!"
I ignore him and pull out my collapsible blade as I see Carter and a girl hold up a obsidian black statue of Apophis and start chanting. The snake notices too and charges for them until I say,"Break all limits, Moíra Kófti!"
My tattoos gain a golden filling in the middle as my mark on my right hand flickers into ghostly fire. I raise a hand and slam it against Apophis' head,"You ignore them right now!"
He's thrown onto the sand and I waste no time in slipping off and stabbing the collapsible blade into the ground next to his head and clasp my hands together before quickly bringing them down,"Walls of iron sand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end. Bakudo 65: Five Iron Pillared Weights!"
Five bars of iron drop the sky and slam into Apophis to pin him to the sand while I sweat in concentration. He shakes the pillars off in seconds but a blast of fire forces him down as a girl dressed as an Egyptian princess drops from the sky. I quickly extended my arms out to the sides of my body and bring my hands together as my fingers make identical intricate symbols,"Temperance of gods and men, souls of the solemn, cut off from joy. Bound in the sins of the world, pallor in color. Bakudo 99: Prohibition!"
Black cloth warps around Apophis' entire body as shafts of iron anchor him to the ground. I brace my hands on my knees and look at the girl,"Thanks. I was worried I wouldn't be able to bind him long enough. You're Ra's host right?"
She nods as Carter and the girl finish their spell and the statue steams before disappearing in smoke as Apophis writhes under his bindings,"You fools! You may've destroyed me but you've also distanced the gods! Order and Chaos cannot exist without one another!"
I hold out a hand over his yellow eye,"Silence." and the entire body explodes into fire.
He writhes as I use Soul Touch to rip off a piece of him and toss it into my shadow. I'm vaguely aware of Ra talking with the brats when I feel someone stand next to me,"You okay?"
Bast looks at me with worry and I grin,"Sure no prob-" and collapse to my knees as my breath comes out in wheezes,"Damn it. I still can't use spiritual energy like Benzaiten showed me."
My vision starts to fade and I fall face first into the sand. I feel people grabbing my arms and drag me away towards a glowing circle before I finally pass out as a bright light flashes in front of me.
Translation from Greek to English
Evlogía Theoú- Heaven's Blessing
Págos- Ice
Spróchno- Shove
Ánthisi Flóga- Blossoming Flame

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