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"Humanity can never be truly good, and it can never be truly evil. Those who seem to be are the ones who influence the world. They are the ones we call monsters."~ Krios530
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

I'm sitting on the ground while Hestia heals my broken and bruised ribs. After a minute it doesn't hurt to breathe deeply and say,"Thanks Aunt Hestia."
She smiles before she turns to June,"Are you okay?"
June still looks a little shaken up and I pull her in for a hug and she doesn't fight it but instead hugs me like I'm the last person alive. We hold it for a few seconds and I softly rub her head as I say,"It's okay June. It's all over now and I won't let anybody hurt you."
She just sobs and I look at Hestia,"I never thought Zeus had the gall to threaten a woman, especially a child."
Hestia looks away in shame,"He's done it before, but this time was different. He got the wrong person mad at him, and that cost him dearly."
I smirk,"Ain't that the truth! I honestly didn't know what I was doing until time froze for them. Are you gonna stick around for a while or are do you have to head back too?"
She instantly frowns,"And leave you and June out here without a chaperone?! If you don't mind I'll stay here for a few days."
I smile and stand up while still holding onto June since she's asleep now and offer Hestia a hand up. She accepts it and I take my time walking back to my house with June in my protective grip. On the way I help Orion and Bob take care of some wounded hellhounds and harpies. After we finish bandaging them up I teleport to my house and have Mrs.O'Leary shadow travel the others back while Blackjack picks up Hestia and transports her over to the house while I lay June down in the bed she used when she visited me before I head into the living room. Hestia is already seated while Bob and Orion give me a salute before heading out to the bar most likely. I'm left alone with Hestia and there's a comfortable silence for a few minutes before she asks,"What do you plan on doing now? Will you search for The Outsider?"
I get up from laying on the couch across from her and grip the sides,"Yeah. I'm going to head out at the end of the week to see if I can find any clues, or I might pay another visit to Olympus to see if there are any clues on his whereabouts. You're the oldest Olympian right? Do you have any ideas?"
She shakes her head sadly,"None really. I do remember a man who's clothing had a mark just like yours, but I don't know if he was The Outsider or not."
I sigh,"That's something at least. Before I officially head out I'm going to make one last stop in America to honor a fallen friend, and try to get some more info."
She nods her head and I say,"Goodnight Aunt Hestia."
She says goodnight and I head in to my room to see Mrs.O'Leary curled up and Blackjack already asleep. I smile as I affectionately scratch behind her ears and run my hand through Blackjack's mane while I pass by their sleeping spots. I get to my own bed and only bother to take my shoes off before lying down on top of the covers. I feel my wings expanding from their folded up position on my back to cocoon me in their warm embrace. It feels strangely comforting, like I've done this my whole life, as I drift off to sleep. I feel something drawing me towards them and I hear a voice,"Perseus Jackson. Why do you bear my mark?"
I smoothly answer,"I don't know. It just burned itself into my hand. I assumed you knew, Outsider."
He chuckles,"So you know about me. How?"
I laugh,"Please, you know. I've known you were watching me the second the mark finished branding me."
He respectfully says,"Perhaps I have. You wish to see me do you not? My symbol will guide you to me if you so desire, but be prepared for what that means."
I simply nod my head and my body arrives at what drew me. I walk among the paths of Olympus while staying in the shadows, and make my way towards the infirmary tent. I push aside the flap to see rows of demigods lying on cots. I make my way past them and see a boy and girl who look like siblings are lying on the death row. I extend my hand towards a water pitcher and the water contained in it rises before condensing into one huge bubble in my hand. I split the bubble in two and press one half onto the girl's neck wound while pushing the other so it fixes the boy's punctured lungs. It takes a minute but when I pull my hands away both are fine and breathing normally. I smile and create two bands of ice that I slip onto their right hands before moving on. I'm finding more and more wounded children so I do my best to heal them while sustaining my energy so I don't fade out. I'm doing okay until a hand catches my arm somehow and I look over to see Thantos sitting next to Reyna. He acknowledges me with a nod before turning his attention back to her and says,"She is nearly mine to claim. You go by Fragment now don't you? Heal her. I don't wish to have such a strong willed spirit die before she's had a chance to truly live."
I grudgingly say,"Very well death god. But I need something in return."
He nods,"You will have what you wish. Just do it."
I place a hand over her collarbone since her wound is more severe than the others and whisper, "Kaló̱ tous nómous ti̱s zo̱í̱s kai tou thanátou. Afí̱ste af̱tó to korítsi na epistrépsei apó ti̱n ákri̱ ti̱s laví̱s tou thanátou kai anapnéoun ti̱n anása ti̱s zo̱í̱s. Egó̱, o énas échei epilegeí apó to aoutsáinter, epilégoun na apsi̱fí̱sei ti̱ moíra kai na ascholi̱theí me tis synépeies to̱n práxeó̱n mou. Thánatos sti̱ zo̱í̱ kai ti̱ zo̱í̱ sto thánato, anapnéei anapnoí̱ enós angélou".
(I call upon the laws of life and death. Allow this girl to return from the edge of death's grip and breathe the breath of life. I, the one chosen by The Outsider, choose to defy fate and deal with the consequences of my actions. Death to life and life to death, breathe an angel's breath.)
The hole through her heart closes slowly as my mark burns deeper into my hand. I clench my teeth and feel them slice into my tongue accidentally. I ignore the pain while tasting my own blood as the hole finishes closing. My body is flickering violently since that took a great deal of energy but I manage to sustain my presence through sheer force of will. Thantos places a hand on my shoulder,"Thank you. As payment I name you my ally and give you power over my domain equal to what a child of mine would have. You now have control over the dead, souls more precisely. I hope this helps you in the future."
His hand becomes skeletal up to his elbow and as the flesh slowly creeps back up his arm I feel his power enter me. He fades from view so I continue to the throne room to see all the gods covered in large amounts of bandages and blankets. I chuckle to myself as I observe them all and hear them talking about me. Poseidon just sits on his throne looking distraught so I walk over and fly next to his ear before whistling,"Dang I really did a number on you all didn't I?"
He doesn't even look at me but continues staring into space so I switch to Artemis and see her girls lying at the foot of her throne. I sigh when I see some young ones among them and walk straight up to them with my wings extended into their full size. She doesn't even see me as I sit next to a six year old and place both my hands on either side of her head. My energy flows into her body to heal her fractured skull so that the bones are healed with only a thin line to show any damage was present. When I'm finished I move on to a girl who looks ten years old and every rib is broken while some puncture her lungs. I lift her up gently before bracing my feet and punch into her back. She screams and I do it again before the pain from it can set in. On my third strike the ribs puncturing her lungs are forced back into a rough copy of where they should be so I can heal her. By now everyone is watching as the girl is reclining on her own and Artemis asks,"Perseus?"
I don't respond but stay focused on the task at hand as I finish healing each connecting bone and lung. When I'm done I slip a ice ring onto her finger along with the other girl before I continue with the other young ones. One had a ruptured heart, and another had a broken spine. I heal both of them in silence before slipping their rings on and move onto the final child. She is definitely the one that needs the most help. I recognize Orion's special fire arrow wounds and hellhound bites all over her body so I sigh for what's about to happen. My mark glows poisonous green as I put a finger to her forehead and pour my remaining energy into her. She jolts before settling as my energy floats all around her and flies into her nose and open mouth, making her cough before sitting up slowly. I slip a ring onto her finger and say,"The only reason I did that, was because I don't like seeing children die as your pawns, Olympians."
I start to fade for real now but whisper,"Try to find me if you dare. Those rings can only be taken off by me and link me to the holder's life force. If you try to find me again I will kill one child per attempt."
They all have horrified looks on their faces as my form flickers and blows apart. I slowly open my eyes and my wings unfold so I am able to sit up and get out of bed. I grab a change of clothes and walk into the bathroom so I can change in privacy. When I'm finished I make my way to the kitchen and smell fresh chocolate chip pancakes being made. I hear giggling and enter to see June and Hestia both wearing aprons while June pours another bit of pancake mix into a pan resting on the oven surface. Both laugh when June gets some on her already messy face and I smile a little myself. They notice me standing in the doorway and Hestia motions to the set table,"You're finally awake! Sit down and tell us what you think of these pancakes!"
She glares at me so I quickly sit down before cutting a piece off one of the pancakes with a fork and taste it. I wait a second after swallowing before digging into the rest with a passion. I stop after my fifth one so that both women can have a chance to try their own cooking. While they eat I clear the countertop and oven top by making the water from the sink wash it away before going down the drain. When I'm finished cleaning up the pancake mix the ladies place their plates in the sink so I can wash them later. I flop down on the couch in the living room and my feet hang off the edge of one arm while my head rests on the other arm. June sits on my legs but I don't complain since I know she won't get off no matter what I say or do, and Hestia takes a seat across from us. We sit in comfortable silence until Hestia asks,"Percy what are you going to do with June? I mean since you're leaving soon."
I chuckle,"Don't worry I won't send her back to camp. Bob and Orion are coming with me on my personal hunt, so why shouldn't June?"
June looks at me and smiles,"No reason I can see!"
Just then someone knocks at the door and I use soul shadow to open it. Bob walks in while ducking under the door to see all three of us relaxing and says,"Everything is ready Percy. You almost ready?"
I nod and grab the book from the coffee table in front of me. As I make my way to the door Hestia grabs my arm with a curious expression on her face. I simply say,"I'm repaying a favor."
I walk out and whistle for Mrs.O'Leary. She bounds to my side from the woods and waits as I get on her and whisper,"San Francisco please."
She stiffens before complying and races for the shadow of the house, and dives in. When we arrive I scratch her under her collar where I know she likes it as she curls up to sleep off the trip. I have quite a bit of time before sunset so I walk around a little before I realize I'm right over the Caldecott Tunnel. I grin to myself before finding a tall tree that I climb halfway up before sitting cross legged and focus. My soul separates from my body and I jump down from branch to branch before sliding down with my claws deep in the soft wood. I land in the tall grass before I hear snorting and turn to see the Minotaur in all his ugliness with his axe on his shoulder. He roars and I snarl back while extending my wings to their full width of 20'. He backs up uncertainly so I just turn and walk away before sprinting at max speed. I'm at the entrance to Camp Jupiter in no time and no demigods are guarding the entrance. Must've sent everyone they had to fight me and the others in Alaska.
A foolish choice. I walk across the surface of the Little Tiber with ease before entering the deserted camp. Lares look at my flickering form as I pass by and I look at them in return with a real smile on my face. I hear growling and look down to see Reyna's dogs at my feet. I simply pet their heads and their tails wag before they bound off. I'm almost to the other end when I hear a cry of pain and follow it to a cage with glowing silver bars. Inside is a boy no older than six that has silver chains fastened around his arms and legs. A werewolf.

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