Of Demons and Angels pt 1

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In the Crossroads I lash out with a demonic arm to pierce the space near where the Darkness resides,"You're upset. I did not expect my enemy would stoop to harming innocents. Before we even began fighting we agreed that we wouldn't involve innocents in the crossfire."
My eyes turn yellow while my veins blacken,"Tell me something. Is it possible to extract her power like yours was done by that cult?"
"The Brotherhood," the Darkness spits out,"Yes. It should be possible for me to create something to drain her powers like those fanatics' siphon. I'll need blood, a lot of blood, and most of my power. Once I start creating a siphon for her you won't be able to use my power to the level you're used to."
I wave my hand,"Get on with it. If worse comes to worse I can mash Empathy's power together Thrafsma's to create a pseudo-Darkness by drawing on my own reserves of hate along with the world's."
The Darkness nods and I turn away to leave,"Be careful. It wouldn't look good for one of my hosts to die to Angelus without a proper fight."
I pause for a moment and grin,"Don't worry about that. I'll fight, and rip Angelus apart with my bare hands if I have to."
I walk out of the shadowed corner of the Crossroads and into Lord Outsider's portion, who I find playing chess and examining the rook and knight pieces,"Found something interesting?"
"Hmm, quite." Without looking up he continues talking,"The Uzumaki child. I'm trying to decide if he would be better suited being a knight or a rook. The choice will affect his training immensely."
I pluck the white knight from my master's hand and place it down,"A knight should be versatile, able to move with variation. I can train him to master the power you give him, but he must still learn to use his chakra. Those two energies will make him a monster when he's older. He has no choice but to become a knight. What about pawns?"
The Outsider considers the set of eight with knowing eyes,"Those diclonius embryos you have the Darkness watching over should see you as their father when they are born. With the strength of the Darkness added to their vectors they should be fine fighters."
I cringe slightly,"Geez, are you trying to make me feel guilty? The way you say it makes it seem like I helped those diclonius for my own gain."
Lord Outsider simply shrugs,"It really doesn't matter what you thought at the time. All that matters is that in a few years you'll be the father of eight female diclonius."
I snort in acknowledgement and tear a hole in the fabric of space,"Whatever. I've gotta get going and meet the others at Camp Half-Blood to track Leo down."
I step through the tear and emerge in my room of my house for a moment before Blinking outside and extend my wings. I take off easily and rapidly Blink across the sky to both speed up my trip and push the limit of how many Blinks I can do before needing to rest. As I near the fifty-mark my mark starts to burn, showing that my body is nearing the amount of Lord Outsider's power that I can safely use. I ignore it and manage to make five more Blinks before the veins running through my right arm feels like the blood running through them was replaced by lava, making me stop at fifty five. I sever the link between Lord Outsider and myself and my arm stops hurting while I mutter,"At least my reserves grew."
By now I've just exited Montana and are flying into Minnesota. The snowflakes and frigid winds don't affect me since Dyrwyn is emitting a aura of heat from its spot on my back between my shoulder. After nearly hitting a flock of migrating geese I pass over the Great Lakes and decide to take a quick breather in Michigan for a coffee and a doughnut. I keep my wings folded in and mutter,"Bloody you claws, Thrafsma!"
By now the transition is near instant and is done by the time my hands hit the ground. I stretch my back and take off across the ground at my fastest speed until crossing into New York and mumble bitterly,"Home sweet home."
I decide to rest for last but of my run and activate a rune on my arm. My motorcycle appears in a flash of light and I shove the full face helmet on my head before jumping on. The engine whirls to life when a small spark of magic inserts itself into the ignition and I roar off. I dodge in and out of traffic, high-fiving a tourist trying to hail a taxi when I go past him and speed away before he can register what I did. I laugh behind the helmet and gun it to make the light just before it turns red, nearly clipping a woman in a tan coat. She turns to give me the finger and I look back to do the same with both hands since my bike can steer itself.
The rest of the ride is as uneventful as a drive through New York could be, weaving in and out of cars and nearly taking more than a few mirrors off the taxis. I sigh when I get out of New York and start making my way through the greenery of Long Island. I never really did appreciate how nice it looked when my mom was driving Grover and I away from the minotaur. In less than an hour the hill leading to Camp Half-Blood comes into view and I decide to put on a show for my own amusement. Flipping a hatch to reveal a red button with a skull on it I grin before pressing it. Flames erupt from the wheels and consume the bike along with me before clearing to show the metal and plastic making up the bike is gone, replaced by what seems to be human bones and organs.
The hell cycle, as I call it, finishes transforming in time for me to reach the bottom of the hill and slowly climb up it and over the lip to view Camp Half-Blood. Apparently seeing a guy riding a running motorcycle made of human corpses and flaming wheels was the last thing the demigods defending the border were expecting. My visored head lifts up to meet their gaze in a silent standoff before I give my bike a little gas and a puff of red mist shoots out the skull in place of an exhaust pipe. The demigods bear their weapons with trembling arms and I lock onto the leader before drawing my thumb over my throat as a burst of fire erupts from the skull-exhaust.
He pales and I nearly groan in disappointment when Chiron gallops to us and looks at me while his horse half skitters,"Did Perseus send you?"
I decide to not make my identity known and simply nod my head while trying to put my arm through the border, only for it to stop against an invisible shield. Chiron sighs,"I give you permission to enter."
I nod in thanks and roll down the hill and into camp. Chiron trots next to me,"The group is waiting for you in the amphitheater along with some others who were too stubborn to leave. I hope it won't be an inconvenience."
I shake my head no and suddenly gun my bike through the camp and into the amphitheater. Instantly all eyes are on me as all the demigods in the rows of seats silence themselves. The group picked to go with me to retrieve Leo regard me with mild curiosity and fear, with Piper retching when the heart replacing the engine contracts and expands. I slow to a stop and put the kickstand down with practiced ease before sliding off the seat made of human skin and onto the ground. Annabeth is the first to speak,"Did Percy send you?"
I nod and scan each of them through my helmet before turning to my bike and reaching into one of the pouches I'd put on the side. When I face the others again I'm holding a flare. I open it and it ignites with a sickly grey before I carefully place it on the ground and the demigods are sucked into the ground. I wave to the campers and hop onto my bike before I sink into the ground with them with Thrafsma laughing inside my head,"Ha! That was some awesome terror! Thanks for the show!"
I grin behind the helmet and exit the portal I made to see the demigods sprawled out in a jumble of limbs. This time the laughter bubbling up inside leaves my mouth and the demigods glare at me. Their glares only increase when I pull my helmet off to show my face and grin at them,"Miss me?"
"Like a sword wound," Jason spits out.
I waggle a clawed digit at him,"Tut, tut Mr.Hotshot. You need my help for this quest, and you'll listen to my instructions."
"And if we don't?" Frank asks as he untangles himself from Hazel.
I snap my fingers and my eyes take of Empathy's look,"You will. And if you don't, well, I can always use the magic Lord Outsider taught me to make you mindless drones. Personally that's a last resort thing though since I value your skills and instincts over your loyalty."
My eyes soften and they go back to their original green,"Regardless of what you think, I do want to find Leo. I never did help him find Calypso. So, can we call a temporary truce?"
Jason sighs,"I just know I'm gonna regret this," and shakes my offered hand,"fine. Until we find Leo we won't antagonize you and you won't try and get us killed."
I nod,"Good. We should get going to my home and get you all some winter gear, and then we'll head out."
I lead them northwards for a few minutes until we come up on my house and I wave to Orion,"You're in charge while I'm gone!"
He gives a thumbs up and I push the demigods into my house,"Come on then. The sooner you're ready the sooner we can get going. Guys can change in my room while girls can pick any other room. Don't worry about clothing selections since I enchanted the closets to suit each individual's need."
They quickly change into winter jackets and thick pants while I stay in my black pants and sleeveless hoodie with the zipper down to show a white tank top. They stare at me and I'm slightly creeped out after a while,"What?"
"How are you not freezing?!" Jason yells.
I honestly wasn't expecting that,"Eh? Oh, you see, my body's internal temperature is naturally around 110 degrees celsius. It takes arctic weather to make me even feel chilly."
The real reason I'm not cold is because of the heat field produced by Dyrwyn, but they don't need to know I have a legendary sword strapped to my back. I clap,"Well, lets get a move on!"
I lean my head out the door and whistle before I hear swearing from neighbors and the howling of hellhounds. Mrs. O'Leary bounds up to me and licks I scratch under her chin,"Good girl, and you even brought your friends!" and yell,"you guys okay?"
June's head pops up from her spot on a random hellhound's back and shouts back,"We're fine! Alex looks like he might be sick though!"
"I'm good! We all good to go boss?"
I nod and turn to the demigods while motioning to the hellhounds,"Take your pick."
Hesitantly the demigods move towards the pack of hellhounds and are greeted with growls before I give Mrs. O'Leary a look and she roars at them, making the hellhounds shut up and bow their heads. The demigods mount up and I look up to see a black dot across the blue sky. Gradually the back dot becomes a pegasus with a passenger before Blackjack lands and Zoë slides off him and transitions over to Mrs. O'Leary. I smile and get on Blackjack,"Follow Zoë, she's managed to pick up a trace of foreign power. I'm gonna go ahead and check to see if there are any extra defenses."
Before anyone can object Blackjack takes off and we speed towards where I can feel the mysterious power,"Ready or not Angelus, here we come."

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