Visiting Germany: The Third Night

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It's night when Perseus creeps out of the temple and looks up at the full moon,"Thrafsma, how's it going?"
"A little over a third of your immortal spark has returned. At this rate though you'll be limited 'till midnight tomorrow."
Perseus sighs,"That's actually better than I was expecting. Still, I feel naked without my spark."
"Agreed. It doesn't help that our souls can't mesh together until you've recovered. Feels like I'm incomplete."
Perseus nods but takes to the air with a set of wings created by the Darkness,"Get some rest Thrafsma. I need you at your best when my immortality returns."
The monster in him grumbles but soon slips into a deep sleep alongside Empathy. As Perseus sails through the air he practices Blinking to strengthen his resistance to the degeneration his true master's power causes in his body. He manages to make it halfway to Germany before he has to land and rest in a abandoned factory,"I can't even remember the last time I've felt this tired," and thinks for a moment,"no. I was actually worse off when I first used Thrafsma's abilities to sprint to New York and sneak into Athena's library."
The monster inside him snorts and Perseus mentally punches him in the head,"Shut it."
The monster grumbles but goes silent while Perseus stretches out across the ground. He closes his eyes and sits with his back to a old support beam as his body recovers from the degeneration. Steam hisses from his mouth as he lists off his wounds,"Right lung, left eye, both kidneys, and partial damage to my trapezius where my wings came out."
He coughs and more steam explodes from his mouth,"At least now the aftereffects are less severe. Last time most of my organs were ready to shut down. Guess my normal body really did get stronger from all that training."
His next few breaths come out with fainter steam until nothing comes out. As he opens his eyes a creeper slithers up to him and hisses the location of the Einzbern castle,"Mountains huh? How about defenses?"
A screech answers him,"Some sort of a ward that covers the castle and the forest around it. And it keeps it in a state of perpetual winter? Impressive."
He gets up and stretches,"So how far away is it?"
The creeper slithers around his leg and climbs up his body to hiss in his ear,"250 miles huh? So five hours of flying before I can even get a crack at the castle."
He sighs and the wings provided by the Darkness spring from his back and he takes the air for his long flight. As he flies he runs through his plan for getting in, finding the daughter of Kiritsugu Emiya, and getting out. His lips pull back into a psychotic grin as he ponders the challenge he'd face going up against multiple homunculus in his mortal state. After the five hours have passed he sees the castle and the woods surrounding it.
He quickly lands and his false wings turn to ashes that scatter in the wind while he examines the perimeter of the ward surrounding the castle,"Hmm," and he pokes it, lightly burning his finger,"I could power through. That would defeat the purpose of stealth though and I don't feel like fighting each and every homunculus here. I wonder..."
He holds a hand up in front of his face and white fog drifts off it,"So I can still manipulate the mist. If it acts as a presence concealment could I possibly?"
His covers his arm in it and presses his hand against the ward. Everything up to his elbow slides through without resistance but stops since the rest of his arm isn't covered by the mist. He quickly but carefully covers his entire body in a thin layer of mist and steps through the ward and is slammed in the face by a flurry of snowflakes,"F***."
His shadow shifts and Dyrnwyn rests in its scabbard on his back, keeping him warm as it circulates its heat in the air around him. As Perseus makes his way through the woods he sees the remains of a deer and wolf tracks,"These are bigger than a normal wolf's. I wonder though."
The brand on his right hand glows and soon the howls of wolves can be heard all around him while steadily closing in on him. He grins when a group of fifty wolves stands shoulder to shoulder in front of him and the biggest one steps forward before bowing its head,"Chosen one of Lord Outsider, what is your purpose for summoning us?"
Perseus' eyes lock onto him,"First of all what's your name? Second, how do you know of my master?"
The wolf gazes at him with amber eyes,"I am called Greywind, lord of these woods. Once long ago your master visited this world and my ancestor befriended him and became his companion for the rest of his life. Upon his death Lord Outsider blessed my family with speed equal to what I believe you call Blinking?"
Perseus nods,"I see. Greywind I never imagined that I would meet a family line that my master blessed. This is not unwelcome however since I need your help. Are you willing to help me?"
The wolf barks,"I have to whether I want to or not. My family owes your master much and I will try and settle some of our debt with my help."
"Right," Perseus starts,"I need you to attack the castle through a hole I'll make. Don't go out of your way to kill, but cause some pandemonium to allow me to slip in undetected. You'll know when to leave."
Greywind bobs his head,"Very well. My pack and I will await your signal."
They vanish in the snow and Perseus looks towards the silhouette of the Einzbern castle," am I gonna make a hole big enough to get everyone's attention?"
*1 hour later*
"And done!"
Perseus looks up at the entire wall he covered with c4,"I really gotta thank grandpa Jackie when I get him outta Hell. Who would've known he stored his more destructive stuff in the Darkness?"
He fingers the detonator and moves back about 50 yards before scribing a set of runes in the ground that he activates to form a basic shield that could withstand a single shot from a panzer. He slips on the headphones that came with the c4 and places his thumb over the button that'll trigger the explosion and presses down,"Boom!"
The wall is blown to pieces and bits of stone ricochet off his shield while a small shockwave makes Perseus lean forward. A second later the howls of Greywind's pack can be heard all around him as they dart past him with a distinct grey blur leading them. He gives them a few seconds lead and cloaks himself in mist before rushing towards and through the hole he made. He can see the wolves and homunculus going at each other's throats.
He weaves through the weapons flying through the air and has to duck as Greywind flies over his head to slam into a homunculus butler. He quickly leaves the battleground and maneuvers through the halls while activating Dark vision. His eyes sweep through the entire castle to pick out different outlines of people while searching for a signature that bears traces of Irisviel's own. He soon finds a signature that is nearly identical to Irisviel and cancels the mist concealing him in favor of donning Hell's Plating.
He rotates his arms,"Speed or stealth?"
He summons a few Darklings and sets them free in the castle to cause more mayhem,"Speed."
He breaks through the wall and enters into a room filled with steam and hears high pitches screams,"'Scuse me ladies!"
He breaks through the wall across from him and blushes behind the mask covering his lower face,"Never telling Zoë about that."
The next room he busts into is a dining room filled with fine china and has a old fashioned chandelier hanging from the ceiling. He spends a minute or two admiring it before breaking through once more into a library. He almost leaves immediately but pauses when he realizes where he is. He in a magnus' castle, that has a magnus' library, that likely has book about magecraft! A swarm of creepers exits his shadow,"Sweep the library for any books about basic magecraft, alchemy, rune structures, and theory. Also look for any books about unnatural elements that Sakura can use."
The creepers obey and Perseus continues through the castle until he reaches the last wall before reaching the signature he saw. He disengages Hell's Plating and the shadows around him grow eyes while Greed's armor covers him. He finally breaks through the wall and enters into an open room. The eyes of over ten homunculus servants are staring at him as he swivels his head to take a look around.
Runic circles cover the entire floor and in the middle of them a small white haired girl is sitting on the ground. Her eyes are wide in both fear and awe at Perseus' appearance and he wastes no time in speeding towards her. He jumps over a servant and throws another into the waiting jaws of Pride while at the same time using Gluttony to dissolve a maid that his hand stabs into. The three actions take all but ten seconds in their entirety and Perseus is surrounded by servants bearing all sorts of bladed weapons,"You might not want to do that since," and a servant's sword breaks against his skin,"that!"
His hand snatches one of the sword's biggest shards out of the air and stabs the butler in the side of the neck so it exits the other side and he chokes on his blood. He quickly maneuvers the gasping man so he takes the business end of a spear that tries to bury itself in Perseus. A quick manipulation of wind later and the woman's arms are sliced off at the shoulders before being beheaded.
Now seven servants are gathered around him before their shadows sprout spikes that impale them from behind and lift them into the air before ripping them apart. As their blood rains down on Perseus it's absorbed into his skin while staining the area around him red. He cracks his neck while staring at the old man across from him,"Well that was certainly dinner and a show. I wonder how you'll fair, old man?"
The old Einzbern backs up in caution while the little girl is frozen in fear as Perseus approaches them. His boots strike the floor and create the only sound in the entire room before a series of runes appear along the walls. Spikes of iron rush forward and cut Perseus off from view for a second before arcs of blue electricity ravage them and cause them to crumble to dust. Perseus lowers his arms from the sides of his body and glares at the old man,"That was a very well crafted set of alchemical runes. Unfortunately for you, Jubastacheit Einzbern, I can negate all forms of alchemic usage bar a true master of the subject."
Te old man can practically feel the smirk behind Perseus' mask,"Now if it isn't too much trouble I'll be taking the girl."
Illya falls through her shadow with a scream and Jubastacheit's face contorts into one of pure fury,"Who are to defile this place with your existence?! Tell me the name of the plebeian that dares make an enemy of the Einzberns?!"
Perseus grins as he casts a minor illusion that makes the light dim and causes his yellow eyes to stand out more against his black sclera,"I am the Joker, eighth servant of the war! King of Monsters, and the incarnation of sin!"
The old man pales dramatically and Perseus spins on his heel and walks out of the room,"Mind yourself Einzbern as any harmful actions taken towards me or my master will result in your ultimate destruction. And I can promise you," and the killing intent he projects cracks the walls,"it will be the stuff of nightmares!"

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