First Contract

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"Well...that was easy."~ Perseus
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

I change my left arm in between its dragon form and the form that I acquired from Thantos, a form I'm now simply calling Soul Touch since that's the only thing it can affect. I'm standing in my room in Alaska and exit it in the dead of night in full gear. June and Alex are waiting outside for me and wordlessly follow as I track through the woods and into the ice fields. We quickly rig up a snare with a piece of human flesh from a dead body one of resident monsters had sold us over a hole I cut in the ice. We wait for a while and Alex transforms into his werewolf form as the clouds clear to reveal the full moon. He hunkers down next to June and wraps himself around her to warm her while my wings are wrapped around me. Soon both are asleep and I watch the hole with eyes like a hawk as Dark Vision activates to throw the area into infrared vision. I notice a faint shape beneath the surface the size of one of the mountain lions I found in the deep woods and nudge Alex. He stirs and wakes up without a sound while popping his claws out and June wakes up from the loss of warmth. She quickly draws Earth Shaker from the sheath on her back while I grab the collapsible blade from my left leg and let it slide out while it glows a dull white in the darkness. Alex's claws turn to iron as the enchantment I put on him takes effect,"What is it?"
I don't take my eyes off the hole,"No idea. Its big though."
We wait for another minute before something jumps up from the water and snags the meat, and the hook that suddenly opens up inside its mouth. It thrashes around and Alex takes the chance to pounce on it while slashing with his claws. They leave a set of red scratches and the monster opens its mouth to snarl at him and accidentally dislodges the hook from its mouth. June and I watch as the two predators circle each other and I mutter,"Underwater Panther. I never thought it'd be so far from America." and watches as it roars at Alex,"Yep that's what killed those mortals."
He motions to June and she slams Earth Shaker into the ground to activate the powers that her sword has and manages to make the ice that Alex and the Native American monster are standing on to make it tilt violently to the right. Alex is expecting it and digs his claws into the ice while the Underwater Panther slides to the side and slams into the ice wall. The sheer weight of it coupled with the speed provided by the slippery ice brings down part of the wall on the beast and I leap forward with my blade. I make it in three giant jumps and bury the entire blade in the monster's heart,"Got you!"
The beast roars in agony before dissolving into ashes that circles around us before flying towards America, towards the realm of the Native American gods. We go back home and when we go through the doors it's a load of noise from the kitchen as Hetalia and Monique argue over what they're going to have for breakfast,"Pancakes!"
"Pancakes can't be beat!"
"Waffles are better cause they're crispy!"
"Got you!"
Monique walks out fuming as Hetalia starts making her pancakes for all us. Alex plops down on one of the chairs around the table and instantly Monique is on him and checking him for injuries until Alex stops her,"I'm fine sis. Really, I was just the distraction for June to trip the monster up and Percy to kill it."
I smile and drape an arm over the back of my chair,"You did great for your first official hunt Alex. Glad to see the enchantment you asked for is working."
He blushes at the praise and I laugh until Hetalia serves up our pancakes. We all eat at moderate speeds and when we finish I wash them before heading to my room to strip off my hunting gear and into a comfortable hoodie and jeans. I lie down and pick up a piece of paper with a name and phone number on it before grabbing a cell phone from my nightstand and type the number into it with my right hand. I put it to my ear as it rings and a woman's voice greets me,"Mr.Jackson?"
I growl at the name,"I prefer Fragment during business transactions. So you learned about from an anonymous source? What do you want?"
The woman chuckles,"No need to be so hostile Mister Fragment. The group I belong to merely requires your....skills in tracking."
I cock an eyebrow,"What is it you want found?"
The woman goes quiet for a while and I hear background voices before she talks again,"One of us has recently passed away and his possessions recovered by a member of a local gang. We have proof that this gang is connected to the European mafia. Amongst what was taken was a cellphone with sensitive information on the majority of upcoming political changes that could prove fatal for the US if it fell into the wrong hands. We want you to recover the phone at any cost. Payment will be delivered upon completion of the job and you can keep whatever interests you after you swipe the phone."
I rub my face,"You want me to murder people. What the heck is on that phone?!"
The line goes quiet before a man talks,"That's not important right now. Will you take the job or not?"
I sigh,"Fine. I'll do it. Where is this gang anyways?"
"Los Angeles. Check around the alleys behind the casinos as they usually have members stationed to mug pedestrians."
I close the phone and lift my mask off the nightstand and secure it to my face. I quickly write a note for the others and jump out the window with my wings fully extended. I fly for a bit without my mark active before turning it on and take off like a fighter jet. Wind streams off my wings as I emerge in Los Angeles after an hour of flying and quickly drop down on the roof of a casino. My wings fold against my back and I activate Dark Vision for a few second until I lock onto a person behind one of the nearly casinos and jump off the roof and land in the alley behind it. After a short walk I'm in the alley where the man is and walk past where he's hiding. He jumps out with a gun drawn,"Alright! Give me all"
He's faced with an empty street as I Blink behind him and rest a handful of claws on his Adam's apple,"Now listen here. I can rip your throat out or you can tell me where your boss is. What's it gonna be?"
He looks back and is faced with glowing red eyes set in a metal skull. He stares for a second and passes out cold on the ground. I sigh before using Soul Touch to sift through the memories stored in his soul and get the address I need before backing off and take to the air. I fly for a minute before I find the small mansion where the man lives and forego the gate by simply crashing through the front door with wings fully extended. A hail of gunfire sounds out and I force my body to quickly transition to monster form and the bullets bounce off pale skin. I roar behind my mask and charge for them, not even bothering to use any sort of strategy. The next few minutes are a bloodbath as I'm covered in red and the last person awake backs away,"Wh-What are you?!"
I stalk towards him and my wings block out the light so he only sees my outline and red eyes,"My name is Fragment. I am your judge. I am the jury. I am the EXECUTIONER!"
I scream the last word out and the man literally soils his own pants before passing out from fear as I look back at the others. They're still alive. I don't have the desire to kill people who could have families. I turn and after a brief look with Dark Vision head to the basement where I find the man pointing his gun at a crowd of young men and women,"Stay back! I swear I'll kill them!"
I hold my right hand up as my mark glows,"You won't have time to do that."
Time slows to a crawl and my breathing becomes labored as I disarm the man and slide the gun into the pocket of my mangled hoodie. I snap my fingers and time speeds up as the man pulls the trigger of an imaginary gun before I punch him in the chest. He flies into a table and destroys it while coughing up some blood as I advance towards him,"Artur Maes. Born in Belgium 1979. Moved to L.A. in 2000. Killed your brother to take control of the gang system he ran. Your number is up sir."
I lift my left hand as my monster form fades and the azure dragon scales form in place of the skin. He looks over to the captives with desperation,"Help me! I'll give you anything you want! I'll-"
And my fist comes down,"Scatter."
His body explodes into gore all around me and splatters the walls of the basement. Quick as a thought my left arm changes to the skeletal form and I use Soul Touch to snatch his freed soul and extract information on an existing hub of slave trade before crushing the rotten soul into oblivion. I ignore the people as I walk into an adjoining room and find a literal treasury of wealth and firearms. I quickly locate the cell phone and pocket it before walking to the exit. As I pass a table filled with guns a quick flash of power catches my attention. I follow the power to the source to find two handguns with unique designs on them that radiate power like The Outsider. I quickly put them in my hoodie pocket and walk out into an empty basement room. I exit the building and fly off to a hotel and meet the man at the front desk,"Room for one please."
He types into a computer and I give him the money in exchange for a key before heading up to the suite and call the number again,"I've got what you asked for and the boss is dead."
The woman sounds skeptical,"That quick? You must work fast Mister Fragment."
I shrug even though she can't see me,"I like to get jobs done quick and precise. Where should I meet you to give you the phone?"
She's silent,"I think the lobby of the hotel you're staying at would do."
I'm not even surprised,"Fair enough. Now, what's my pay?"
The woman answers easily,"100,000 should be enough for this small job. You might get more if you keep doing jobs for us in the future. Goodbye, Fragment."
I wait a bit before going down to the lobby and meet with a man in a suit. Wordlessly we exchange packages and I go back to my room while he goes out the door. I throw the suitcase to the side and deadbolt the door before flopping on my bed and drift asleep.
The Outsider smiles at a being across from him,"He found your weapons."
The being just shifts in the shadows projected by the pieces of stone,"Of cOurse he diD. He Is JaCkie's blOod aFter alL."
The Outsider doesn't drop his smile,"This is becoming more and more interesting. The left arm contains the power of death and the strength of of a dragon. The right has my power and the body is the vessel of a ancient beast. The mind and soul shall soon contain the essence of a weapon older than even most primordials. I did indeed pick a very interesting champion."
He places a black knight piece next to his queen,"You will become his sword and shield. Let it be so, Darkness."

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