Chapter 46: Enter! The Sentinel of Light

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Lucas nodded slightly in agreement. "Say, Athy, what did you see in your dream? What was it? Our previous lives?"

"...Don't be stupid. There is no such thing as an afterlife—"

There it was again. Her sights scheme the illogical virtual of a teenage boy with an identical appearance to her man, landing on a rail, crouching, staring at her. He beheld the figure of her boyfriend, but the way he looked at her was different.

Why did she have to compare in the first place?

She was hoping the reverie vaporized when she came back to her cognizance. The way he would look at her with those amorous eyes. Rather than seek amusement as the other boy did, he sought attention from her calm reaction.

Her eyes glinted when Lucas stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. "You don't feel well or something?" He snickered lightly at her illogical reaction to his question.

Then again, falling unconditionally was not all that logical, either in this universe or an alternative one.

"No... It's nothing... It's just a superstitious incident."

"Superstitious? I would call it—"


"Oh? Now you are picking up my language." She punched his chest playfully with her free hand, trying to dismiss his smug expression. Taking her hand that was still resting on his chest, Lucas snuggled closely. "Remember the day I picked on Raven for no reason?" Lucas asked.

Upon hearing his name mentioned, Raven let out a frustrating bark. Having been ignored for quite some time was not pleasant for the hybrid wolf-dog. 

"Hush! Mommy and Daddy are talking! Little Furball has to wait for his turn. Got it?" Lucas threatened his boy and the dog let out a low whimper. "Or I will put a fork on you." Raven tilted his head, watching his mom, whose hand floated in mid-air before landing on his dad's skull. "OW! Now, What did I do?!"

"You ALWAYS pick on Raven for no reason. So which day were you talking about?"

"Hey! That's not true! I only pick on him if he is being naughty! And It wasn't even the only time I locked him out."

"...What... Did you SAY?"

"...Uh.... Nothing?"

Either coincidental or intentional, a small whimper was heard, a cue from her boy who was staring at the scene dolefully. Athanasia commanded the dawning shadowy fluff ball whose head rested on the tile with a gentle hand gesture. An invitation was sent. The canine hopped on the sofa with his tail wagged vigorously, expressing contentment, giving his dad a toothy doggie grin. Lucas snarled back. But as soon as he saw the lioness was establishing her dominance, he shrunk into a small puppy.

Whenever Lillian went out to get groceries and Athanasia was nowhere to be found, Lucas would always find ways to annoy Raven. He would sometimes imitate the sound of a cat, so the dog would follow the source all the way to the backyard and then lock the pup out of his own property. He then blasted loud music inside the house so Athanasia could not hear the scratching noise on the door.

Though the grief within Athanasia's voice stung his ears. He would watch her run up and down the house, looking for her companion desperately. Giving up on the torment, he groaned loudly before shouldering the backyard door open instead just to let the dog back in.

Raven did get to come inside, but not without throwing his entire body and bumping onto his dad's legs, making Lucas land face-first to the floor with a loud thud. Lucas would quickly prop himself up and run after the dog only to witness the envious sight in front of him.

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