Chapter 6: Breathe

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Sitting in the back row came with many advantages, and falling asleep in class without any concern was Lucas' greatest fortune. Only, he was not even close to his slumber. He would just pretend to be fast asleep, waiting for the right moment to strike-

To tease the person in the front seat.

With his forehead resting on his forearm, Lucas twirled the golden locks within his fingers.


He smiled to himself, knowing he hit her nerve as he disregarded her warning. He tugged her hair playfully to set off further irritation. Had enough of the aggravation, Athanasia turned around and slapped his hand.

"Stop it! I'm trying to study!"

He raised his arms to the air and stretched his body before resting his chin on the desk, looking at her with eyes half-closed.

"Study is boring."

"You don't even study!"

"Why would I learn something that I am already good at?"

"...You! You cheat during the test, didn't you?"

"Are you jealous of the fact that I am smarter than you?"

"I'm still the top student. You are not! But I studied hard for the test these past months!"

"Good job, Your Highness. So why don't you ask Lilian for the treat?"

Her wrinkled brows untied. Athanasia brought her fingers to her chin, head slightly tilted.

"Hey... That is not a bad idea."

"Only if she is going to keep you away from that kitchen. I'm not going to eat any burnt cake again."

"Who asked you to eat that!?"

"I was evaluating your cooking? I regretted every moment of it."

"You can't judge something you can't cook. You don't even qualify as a chef."

"Why would I cook something so inedible?"

"Take that back!" She yelled as she pointed at his face. Her reddening face gradually turned into a small pout, "It's not entirely...disgusting...! Right...?!"

To Lucas, with the face she was making right now, he thought she was about to cry. His hand ascended toward her involuntarily, wanting to touch her head and soothed her. Athanasia did not even notice since she was busy staring at the tiles below.

From the corner of his eyes caught three figures walking into the class. What concerned him was not with those people, but how his hand was so close to Athanasia. He clenched his fist and quickly withdrew before she could see what he was doing.

"Now, class. I brought some good news," The lecturer's announcement was enough to beckon her back to the front seat. And when she did, Athanasia saw her cousin and Ezekiel walking toward her with smiles as their usual greetings.

"Another assignment again?" One of the students asked.

Their teacher chuckled and said, "You caught on fast, but it's not all bad. It will be considered a treat for you guys."

"Professor, I don't see the assignment as a treat. I'm trying to pass your subject without taking the supplement here."

"I respect your honesty. Lucky for you, the treat is not the assignment. You all will be granted a field trip to an island, enjoying both the breeze and the view," He gave the lesson handout before starting to speak again, "The students sitting in each row will be the ones joining you on your trip. Three rows, three cruise ships. We will leave next week. So, get yourself prepared."

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