Chapter 34: Who Shelters Who

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"Lucas...! Please...! You are hurting me...!"

His blood-red spheres glittered at the same time as his grip force diminished yet still holding me tight. I hauled my arm away, hoping to break free and I did earn my freedom but did not expect to force him along with me as he fell off the sofa with a grunt. Maybe I used too much force when I fell hard backward. My arms moved on their own to support my weight but glid because of the freshly injured wrist.


I looked at the person in front of me, trying to prop himself up when our gaze met. He was back from whoever he was a moment ago, but he looked hurt and I had to assume it was from the injury.

His injury?!

"I—I'm sor—sor—ry." I will come back to you. Hold on.

I stuttered, still choking on my tears as I ran to the door as fast as I could. There was no way I would wait for the ambulance. I just needed to get my phone and there was a high chance that I had to use his car. The moment I got out of the house, I sprinted without looking when I crashed into an unforeseen guest, toppled backward upon the impact, and almost fell when two arms caught my shoulders.

"Athanasia? Why were you in Lucas's house?" I looked up at him, seeing a scowl on his face for the very first time.

"Ejekiel... Please..."

"What happened? Did Lucas do somethin—"

"Ple—Please help him... Please help Lucas... PLEASE!" I held his shirt tightly, yet he was showing no reaction. He would just stare at me silently. "HE IS HURT!" 

I heard him let out a deep sigh and then tapped on my shoulder. "Please wait for me in my car... I will go to get him."

"Please hurry...! I have to get my phone first...!"

"He will be okay."

Ejekiel patted me on my back, urging me to go before making his way into the house. I did not hesitate nor look back when I ran home.

Everything that happened inside his house happened so fast yet the time flew so slow. What would happen if I decided to check on him in the morning instead?


Athanasia's POV end.

The same distorted cry and the words she uttered were almost identical to his nightmare. His sights were obscured, but her painful scream was the one that broke his senses back to him.  He watched as her presence faded away with just a single apology. Was she afraid of him? Did she give up on him?

"...Don't go..." 

He crawled on his knees, desperately trying to get to her. But then he paused, looking at his hands. "Isn't it better that way? So you don't have to... Get hurt anymore?He gave up. His body also gave up when he fell to the floor again.

"LUCAS!" Ejekiel found the light switch and sped toward his friend's side, endeavoring help only to be shoved away.

"...Get away from me Dog..."

"You can take out your anger on me as much as you want, but for now, you are required to do as you told." He attempted another rescue, getting a hold of his friend's shoulders. And again, Lucas dismissed Ejekiel's hand from his body.  "You were supposed to be in the hospital two hours ago. Felix demands you be sent to a hospital. It is an order." The young Alpheus repeated. 

"...Heh. You can't refrain me with that pitiful body of yours."

"I do not have such strength, but I am not alone. His Excellency's men are ready to take action. All they need is my permission."

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