[Mild NSFW]: Chapter 51: Realistic Reality

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Athanasia rested within Lucas' sturdy arms, and her man held her without a word, nuzzling his nose to her hair, taking in the rose scent he would come to feel intoxicated with. He was not sure if it was the rose or the girl herself. But it didn't matter to him.

All he wanted to do now was to obligate to what he was told, to keep her safe in his arms, even though he couldn't help but wonder if his sour mood was visible. But he was more curious or rather, distracted with the luscious trace she left behind on his lips.

Seconds became minutes that soon turned into hours. In the dark, Lucas was drugged by both the night and the medicines. It did not take long for him to succumb to his drowsiness and soon his arms around her waist slowly loosened. His breathing became labored as he was about to fall fast asleep yet again, and for a man who was busy breathing every moment, it should be in his blood, in this case, his lungs.

Then the pressure slowly increased, heavier on his stomach, a subtle pain ached his healed stitches, but it felt lighter on his chest. He opened his eyes to see a pair of crystals staring back at him, as beautiful as he remembered and would always remain to be so. She was about to get off of him, but he caught her hands, and left them on his chest. She continued to sit on his stomach and he continued to stare at her.

There was something about her that Lucas couldn't quite put his finger on. Was it her eyes that reflected light even in the dark?

Or the words she confessed earlier, that it usually would be him who took the chance to say. He was always hers, to begin with.

Or maybe it was the kiss that cast a spell on him. How he wished it would last longer

Or maybe...

"What?" Lucas asked. "Is there something on my face?"

She kept quiet for a while but then the curve of a small smile on her lips kicked Lucas' adrenaline awake. "Not yet", she said.

While Lucas was still looking for an answer, his girlfriend leaned in for a kiss, moving her hands through his hair. He felt her sigh against his mouth when he matched the pace well. He could feel her deepen the kiss, the heat, the moisture of her mouth as he pushed past her lips. As Lucas closed his eyes, his sense of hearing grew sharper. The wind rustled outside, hitting the window with the branch. Lucas could hear everything. His and hers. Especially the melody she dragged out of his chest. His deep growl in his throat. Her cute hums as she bit his bottom lips. The soft intonation of her voice that he would get used to. He heard everything.

He wasn't entirely ready when she attacked and as the lack of air became too much, so Lucas pulled away, dropping his head down back to the pillow, breathing hard, chest heaving up and down.

"Didn't like the kiss?"

His eyes flew open and he shook his head vigorously. "No! No! I did like the kiss! I mean you were-"

Athanasia kissed him again, effectively shutting him up, taking him on sensually. "I'm just teasing you." She said with a mixture of laughter after breaking up the kiss.

Lucas showed a displeased pout, nipping his bottom lips as he looked away. He looked so small regardless of how bigger in size he was to her, and, Athanasia couldn't resist how cute he was when he was underneath her like this. She, then, pressed a kiss on the tip of Lucas' nose.

Lucas slowly turned to face her. His face was filled with confusion yet contentment somehow. "What is... wrong with you today... tonight?" He pushed a fallen strand behind her.

This question struck her for a moment, but she softened up again and snuggled against his hand. Satisfaction filled him for that.

"What is wrong with me?" She asked.

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