Chapter 20: In Denial

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All her efforts and attempt to hold him captivated inside his own house failed. She could tell he was still exhausted so she wouldn't want him to go to school. But as arrogant as he always was, Lucas threw a few tantrums of his own. He refused to get up from the sofa and just laid there with his arms crossed.  

She mumbled and grumbled while walking to class ahead of him, leaving him snickering lightly behind her back. She slid the glass door and walked past her classmate toward her seat. Recognizing her friend was approaching her, or someone else, she dug her heels into the ground.

"LUCAS! You are bac—"

Not granting Helena to conclude her welcome, Athanasia went in within the gap. Triggering questions from both her classmate and Lucas at her unexpected reaction.

She finched a little when both people suddenly averted their attention to her. "Uh... He is not feeling well. Please don't be too loud."

"Eh? What happened? Lucas? Are you sick or something? You do look a little pale..." Hand extended to reach her crush, Helena grasped onto nothing but thin air as she watched Lucas's body being pushed to his seat.

"Nothing to worry much! He is just uglier than usual."

"I'm gonna go get him some drinks then! The class hasn't started yet. Maybe it will help him gain some energy back!" With that Helena ran off to the cafeteria.

"Who are you calling ugly?" He asked, letting her push him around as she pleased. 

A strange sensation of irritation was building inside. Unconscious of her reaction, she slapped his back to ease her anger.  "Shut up! Keep walking! I told you to stay home and rest!"

"Don't wanna."

"If you lost conscious all of the sudden, I will stomp on you until you wake up."

"Lost consciousness? I feel attacked." He turned around making her faceplanted into his chest. She toppled back from the collision but he caught her by the shoulders, drawing her close and susurrate into her ear, not even concerned with the way they were drawing attention from their classmates.

"Want me to put my stamina to the test? In... Certain way?"

"What? Are you gonna run around the school right now or something?" 

She shoved his face away at the unforeseen closeness of their distance and the way his breath was tickling her ear was not helping at all.  She leveled her eyes to meet the floor, hiding every hint of the reddish color that was dancing on her cheeks as she sat down. 

Lucas chuckled and sat down behind her. "Aren't you a little too pure?" 


"Nothing. I'm gonna sleep." 

"Sleep at home!"

"Nah. I wanna be where you are."

"You ain't Raven. Don't be too clingy..."

"But it's fun being with you."

"Shut up!"

"Why don't you make me?"

Lucas pulled her hair playfully, inviting attention, and when she twirled around, ready to break his face with her book, it slipped out of her hand. He caught her book with one hand and smirked at her reaction. Letting out a gasp, she hurriedly turned to the front making sure her hair was not within his fingertips anymore.

"Aww... But your hair smells nice. " Lucas leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"YOU ARE FREAKING WEIRD!" She whispered harshly. She Inconsiderably experienced dizziness as the blood rushed to her face for a moment ago.

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