Chapter 32: Wolf's Howl

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Lucas's POV

The moment my eyes recaptured the vision in front of me, it didn't do me justice. I was left with even more bewilderment. Peculiar architecture. Newfangled environment. Strange place to be.

Where am I? My voice...? Why...

I didn't know why suddenly my body was moving on its own, guiding me to the unknown. I was only able to shift my eyesight, but nothing more, though it was enough for me to know that the sky was in a shade of red instead of blue.

No... This is a dream... How is this a dream when I know that I am in a dream? What is all this?

I was led to a door. Stepping in, I found myself in a very big room. This type of decoration only existed in a very wealthy family; Belonging to the daughter of that family perhaps.

Then I noticed something. Why didn't it guide me further? Did I regain control over my body? I clenched my fist before releasing the grip, repeated several times. It seemed my assumption was correct.

I found myself sketching my fingers on the edge of the frame of the king-size bed. A few meters away, there was another door, leading to the balcony. There was something familiar to that balcony. 

It was pleasant to be here as it was seducing me to the point where I didn't want to leave. But I had to. I was about to go back inside and I was merely halfway there when the door slammed shut in front of my face. 

What came next sent a shiver down my spine.

A scream from distance, from where I was heading right now distracted me from my thought, making my movement come to a halt.

What are you afraid of?

The voice in my head was mocking me because of my hesitation. But coming back to my sense, I scoffed and walked straight to the door, and pushed straight in. I was expecting to see the same room, but everything was a contrast with my thought.

More exceptional designs of the interior of the building. Judging by the range of the ceiling and me right now, it indicated that this place was ginormous as if this was built for a king.

Is this a palace? And what with this weather... It's cold...

I did pay attention to the temperature shifting, but unlike the other room I had been to, it was very warm and now I knew why I didn't want to leave. My egotistical won again because I wanted to win myself.

"Sn—p Ou- of this! Pl—" I heard it again.

The real question was 'Should I follow the voice?' or  'Try to escape whatever this place was?' This place wasn't my world. I shouldn't be here. I just knew from the gut feeling that was telling me from the inside.

I don't belong here.

"N— pl—se –! It's me! "

Then more vivid cry echoed as if it was luring, baiting me into a trap. I knew I shouldn't be pacing forward, but I did anyway. It was something about that voice. I felt such a resemblance. Before I came to a realization, the voice got louder, right there, I knew I was getting closer. 

No, this world is manipulating me. This isn't real. This is just a dream.

I slowed down my pace before stopping in one place, staring at the two people in front of me. One kept advancing and the other one kept retreating backward. I heard them speaking but it was inaudible. Whatever these two were bickering about, it got nothing to do with me. So I turned my heels and walked back to where I first entered.

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