Chapter 1: Where Trouble Follows

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"I hate this. All of it. This goddamn suit is killing me," a young man with charcoal black hair in a dark red shirt said while extricating his tie. His red ruby eyes gazed unfocused past the depth of the night through the window. Folding his arms, he exhaled in annoyance.

"I see you have not changed at all, Lucas," another young man with silvery snowy locks paired with his glittering golden eyes spoke with a smile, "Formality is needed. We were granted an audience with his Excellency, after all. "

"And you are as talkative as the day I last saw you."

"I have improved my communication skills, unlike you."

"Unlike you, I don't speak an ancient language all the time."

"It is called formality."

"It disgusts me."

"Is it because you do not possess such an ability?"

"Bold of you to assume my capability."

"You ought to use it sometimes."

"And who are you to lecture me?"

"Your friend."

"My What?"

"Aren't you two quite the chatters?" The slightly older man sprouted his sarcasm while turning to the back seat. He had a very tender smile on his face as he watched the other two boys bickering, contradicting his tone. His crimson, curly hair truly complements the tranquil expression he had on his face. "How is everything back there? Getting along well, boys?"

"Tell us what to do, old man. I'm bored," Lucas yawned as he stretched his body lazily.

"Eager to meet her?"


"His Excellency's precious daughter."

"I don't care about all this. Whoever she is. I told you. I'm just bored, okay?"

"Of course, you don't," Felix muttered while digging through the hard copy of the document, "I have already set up everything, including the paperwork for your enrollment at Arlanta Academy," He gave them separate copies, "This is the document regarding Lady Athanasia's information. I am certain you wish to know the face of someone you will guard."

"Whitey here is good at data collection and memorizing things. I will do the heavy lifting," said Lucas who still had his eyes contemplating care freely outside the window.

Lucas' personality was something everyone else had to put up with. His recklessness and egotism toward his tasks were always unveiled. Despite these flaws, he had done all of his mission justice.

Calm and collected, Ezekiel was the opposite. His serenity complimented his duty, but he favored taking precautions, leading to time consumption at the cost of some damage during their missions.

Having the duo together was like a Ying and Yang. Contrasting to one another yet completing each other. That was how their love-hate-brother-bond or rivalry had started.

"Lilian York is currently taking care of her, but in terms of safety, she cannot provide that sort of requirement to Lady Athanasia, which is where you two boys come in. Please take care of both of them."

"BOTH of them," Lucas rephrased with a smirk, making Felix cough in embarrassment.

"Then, failure shall not be an option. I guarantee my title as the future head of the Alpheus family," Ezekiel nodded slightly.

"Show off," a comment escaped the other boy's lips as he clicked his tongue. As always, Ezekiel was used to it.

"Here are the keys to your houses. One of you will have to stay right next to Lady Athanasia's residence. Since Lucas especially has a honed skill in close combat, it would be best if you stay right next to her," Felix said as he offered the keys to the boys.

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