[Revelation]: In Another Life

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"Wow... So this is Mister White's house..." Athanasia looked out of the tinted window of the car, seeing a mansion most likely equivalent to hers. "Is it bigger than our place?"

"I believe yours and His Excellency's is bigger. It is because the building is in the way that it made the place look a bit hectic."

"I don't really like big houses."

"What is wrong with the house?" A deep voice entered the conversation. His eyes opened ever so slightly. Resting his jaw on his fist, he looked at his daughter unenthusiastically.

"It's fine... Just... Too big?"

"Do you want it demolished and half of the size rebuilt for you?"

"Wah!? NO! I mean I love our house!! I just... Have this idea of... a simple house. Like you know... When I go study aboard?"

"Abroad, you say? Where?"

"...Arlanta? I mean... The Arlanta Academy is very well known."

"Where did you hear that from?"

"My teacher."

"What makes you think you can go there?"

"My teacher said that with my academic grade, I should be able to."

"Alone. In Arlanta."

Now, this caught his attention. He straightened up his posture, sitting leg crossed, fingers intersecting with one another. A body language that told her to keep going.

"Well... Maybe... Felix and Lily will come with me?"

"We will discuss that when the time comes. What about that house you were speaking of? Which type do you want?"

"Why are you interested all of the sudden?"

"I am not allowed to?"

"I am just asking! Sheesh!"


"Umm.... Maybe a one-story tall house with balcony.... and a backyard!"

"Why do you need a balcony for?"

"Stargazing! The darker the night, the brighter the stars!!"

"Your place. Does it have a balcony?"

"You... have never ever been to my room?"

"I have."

"Then why didn't you remember?"

"I have more important things to remember other than some balcony."

"Ah... Right... I'm sorry."

If Felix could, he would have smashed Claude's head with a walkie-talkie right now. But he couldn't. He wished he could. All he could do was signal his dense President with a visible cough.

Felix looked at his superior through the mirror and they made eye contact that spoke 'What did I do?' from Claude. The bodyguard scowled, and the president sighed.

"What about the backyard?"


"What for- How... do you picture your place to be?"

"Hmm... Never really thought about that but... Maybe a place with enough space for a pet. A dog. YES! A DOG! AND MAYBE A BIG TREE? WHERE WE CAN REST UNDER THE SHADE? AND AND-"

"I don't like anima-"

"Milady. Your Excellency." As if Felix was gritting his teeth while calling out the title of the president. "I do not wish to intrude on the conversation, but we have arrived. I suggest we adjourn your discussion until dinner. For now, we cannot let the rest of the contractors wait."

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