Chapter 33: You Bleed I Cry

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Athanasia's POV

I had seen this memory of him somewhere previously in my head. Even though it was just a dream but it was freaking me out with the similarity of him lying still like this.

I'm scared. Wake up! Please!

No matter how much I forced him conscious, he wouldn't budge a muscle. My breathing grew serrate, oblivion to my own tears which were streaming down my cheeks. Not until those raindrops fell on his face.


I held back my breathing when I saw the movements of his eyelids as they gently opened again. Still paralyzed in one place, I stared at him, beseeching soundlessly for him to say something just to made unsure it was not just another illusion.

"You are ugly when you cry, don't you know that?"

As his lips curved into a small smile, I was comforted but what he said next disturbed me to the point I thought it would be better if I just had killed him right here right now.



"It was just a prank."


"It is. Minus the point of how ugly you are looking right now."

"That is it! We are done talking! Raven! Inside! Now!"

I grabbed my dog by his collar while he was still resting his head on Lucas's stomach. Raven refused to leave at first, but I put all my effort, hauling him away from that idiot.

"Good night Princ-"

I didn't even give him the chance to finish his sentence as I banged the door shut so loud that it could awake all my other neighbors. I was still leaning against the door when I got in, debating whether I should go back outside or leave him be. Still trying to dry my tears, I recognized it was his jacket's sleeve I was wiping with.

"I should give him his shirt back..."

His shirt was stained and it would be better if I had it washed first before I gave it back, but definitely tomorrow. I was too drained today, emotionally and physically. With that, I went up to my room with Raven pacing closely as I took off his jacket, hanging it on the chair. I undressed my own red gown, gabbed my towel before taking a long nice bath. I really needed one.

Switching into my nightwear, I walked toward my bed with a damp cloth in my hand. I did not want my eyes to be swollen tomorrow. We still had to attend school despite having to graduate fully in just a few more weeks. The dance was merely a postgraduation ceremony after all.

"I wonder if dad gonna come... It has been a while since I saw his face..."

I laid on my bed with the phone in my hand, thinking about calling him, but I chose not to. It was not that late but I did not want to bother him with something so trivial. The whole house was too quiet for my liking and I was not used to being alone. Even though I got Raven here by my side, it was still a bit obnoxious having to share the house by myself. That was why I wanted, at least, Lucas to stay here with me for a while. Evoking what happened earlier, the idea of having his face so close to mine got me all flustered and I found myself rolling on the bed like some cat high on caffeine.

"I thought you... would... I thought..."

My face went almost sweltering hot when I got something else in mind in terms of the way he bent forward like that, but disappointment hit as quickly when I did not receive what I thought he would do to me.

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