[Revelation]: See You Later

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"Felix... A word with you, please."

The Vice President stepped away from the other two, needing extra privacy.

"I do not want to go elsewhere without my daughter by my side. Must I attend this meeting at all cost?"

"I didn't know you have separation anxiety, and I thought only children and infants have those."

"I am serious, Felix."

"You are just exhausted."

"It does not feel right. Why did they change-"

"And anxious. You are Anxiously exhausted."

"Don't I have the right to be?!"

Felix widened his eyes slightly at the sudden change of intonation. "Calm down will ya-"

"No. Don't tell me to calm down when my daughter is here by herself! And I HAVE TO attend some stupid meeting over her?!"

Felix placed a hand on Anastasius' shoulder, the other gesture to where Athanasia and Lilian were standing. As the Strategist followed the direction, he made eye contact with his niece. He saw how she quickly looked the other way, pretending she could not catch what her uncle was yelling about earlier.

Anastasius knew if not from his very daughter, but at times, with his own eyes, he saw how his little brother treated the girl. But this was the inferior issue of the other De Algers. He ought to not burden himself with more tasks.

Although, deep down, he knew his brother cared for his child as much as he cared for Jennette.

"What with the face? No. More importantly, What has gotten into you lately?" Felix asked.

"I... Don't know. Maybe lack of sleep?"

"It takes more than some deprivation of sleep to tackle you down. Something bothers you?"

Anastasius' silence was enough. Felix gave Anastasius a squeeze on the shoulder. "I've tightened the security. Don't worry. Okay?" Felix comforted his friend.

"I double-checked that as well."

"I know you would. But aren't you gonna tell me why you look like your soul was about to leave your body anytime it could?"

"Do I seriously look this bad?"

"Dude. You have bags under your eyes."

"At least I have no wrinkle."

"Not yet. Soon you will. If you keep this up."

"I did what I must."

"You can't possibly be taking care of Jennette by yourself when your hand is already full... Wait... Have you?"

"As a matter of fact. I have." Anastasius sighed in defeat. "I stayed up all night for the past few days, taking care of her. My work and my daughter shouldn't even be compared in the first place. Mind you, Felix."

"I've heard. You didn't even want to go to the meeting in the first place. You both are two pieces in a pot. Yet here you are. A President and a Vice President."

"You are welcome to use my position anytime."

"How about Sir Alpheus?"

"That man hates my guts. I doubt he would take the offer? Oh, how was the meeting with Nikolaos and Carak? Did they cancel the contracts?"

"They did."


"You seem contented with the loss of funds from the investors..."

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