Chapter 1

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    Life is good. I sit shotgun in my sister's old beat-up Subaru Outback. The windows are down and we're both singing at the tops of our lungs. The spring breeze wafts into the car, its scent sweet with the promises of summer.

    It's our first day back at our community theater after months of not being there. We desperately miss all our friends. Of course, we had wanted to be in their last show, but it had just not worked out, the summer's already packed and there's just no possible way we could squeeze that in. But now, finally, we are headed back.

    A couple of weeks ago, my sister and I auditioned for Pride and Prejudice. We weren't completely sure we would get in, especially when we found out several pretty professional actors auditioned too. But we did, both of us thank God. I mean, I'm cast as an extra but who cares? My sister, being the amazing actress that she is got cast in a fairly large role.

    " Harper! Think about it, we haven't acted here in three months! I can't wait to get on the stage again." I have to speak up over the loud music but Harper hears me, she smiles widely and shimmies in her seat. I'm a bit concerned for our safety considering that she's driving and attempting to dance at the same time. " BRAKES!" I yell grabbing onto the dash. Harper slams on the brakes. " Gracious, how can you not tell that is an obvious red light?"

" I was dancing okay? That takes extreme concentration." Harper grins mischievously and checks her review mirror, " Poor people behind us."

" Poor me," I say as I adjust myself in the seat.

" You'll survive."

" Mhm."

The next song plays, this one is a sad song about a man who lost his true love. Neither of us is a man, and neither of us just lost our true love but we both sing it sadly and dramatically anyways. I even harmonize a little with Harper's high voice. Never in my life could I get the concept of how a human could sing soprano. My voice is low and deep and I can sing high, but by the end of one verse, my vocal cords are ripped to shreds.

After about ten more minutes we pull into the driveway of the old church where we practice and perform. A sign that is rather crusted with age welcomes us it reads, 'Living Grace Presbyterian Church'.

" Home" I mutter as Harper parks.

" Amen," Harper says as she hops out of the car and grabs her backpack out of the back seat.

I step out and stretch comfortably. I've been sitting too long and my muscles feel like doing something with themselves.

Harper and I walk through the front doors and are immediately hit by the most wonderful smell in the world. I can't explain it, it's just a certain scent that brings back so many good memories. I look at Harper and smile as we walk down the hallway to the auditorium, she knows exactly what I mean and whispers, " The smell."

" Skye! Harper! Hey guys!" a little petite dark-skinned girl with curly hair that sticks out in all directions runs up to us and gives us both a hug.

" Lena!" We both squeal.

Then tons of other theater kids are surrounding us giving hugs and talking a mile a minute. " Alright, guys! Into the auditorium!" Our director, Ava comes into the hallway and waves everyone through the door, " Hey guys!" She smiles as Harper and I pass.

" Hey!" We both say in unison.

I sit between Harper and Lena. Ada gets onto the stage. " Alright, guys! Our first rehearsal!" Cheers and clapping erupt from the actors. " So, as usual, we're gonna do a read-through, but first just some general rules for you all even though I'm sure most of you know them." She goes through a list of basic rules that all actors have memorized like, don't have your back to the audience, know your blocking, NO talking backstage, memorize your lines, and respect your director and other actors.

    After all that she prays over our rehearsal and we begin. " Okay, Vanessa! Kick us off!" Ada plops down on the stage and pulls out her script.

    Vanessa begins, and I sit back in the comfortable cushioned chair and relax, finally, finally I am back in the theater.

Authors Note
Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading!

     The picture for this chapter is how I imagine Harper, hope you like her!

     Please comment, follow, and vote! Thanks!

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