Chapter 9

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It's the first day of summer camp. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I always am the first day. It's just about fifty children in one place, it'll be fine. I reassure myself. As if.

Harper and I are driving again. I'm considering telling her about what Will told me yesterday. Cut that, of course, I will tell her, I tell her everything I'm just not sure how to break the news. Of course, I could have done that last night, but we had to take Lina and her brother Blake home, then when we got to our house we both went straight to bed. So now it's the perfect time to spill the tea.

" Ummm so I have some news." I pick at my nail polish again.

" Tell." Harper turns down One Day More from the Les Mis soundtrack we're listening to and turns to me.

" Will isn't dating." I leave it at that. Waiting nervously for her response.

    " WHAT?" Harper screams. The car swerves wildly and I yelp, grasping my seat.

    " Gracious, you'd think it would be an emergency," I complain

    " It is! Do you know what this means?" Harper turns to me with wide excited eyes.

    " EYES ON THE ROAD!" I yell.

    " Fine, fine, but do you know what this means?" She asks.

    " Fine. What does it mean?" I am so confused.

    " It means that he is now single." She emphasizes the last word and I shrink in my seat.

    " And what does that have to do with anything?" I ask, knowing full well what she's thinking.

    " Didder, you know exactly what I mean." She always calls me the nickname we have for each other when she's serious. This is embarrassing.

    " I don't think that's why he broke up with Lena's cousin," I mutter, by now the nail polish on my index finger is completely gone from my nervousness.

    " Bet." She grins.

    " No." I frown.

    It's a mostly silent ride to summer camp, except for the random comments from Harper. She keeps muttering stuff about love. For Pete's sake. I tell her to shut up. She doesn't.

    We have to get to camp two hours early. It's a rule for the counselors. We work at setting up the registration table and getting all the folders with the kids' names on them in order. It's kind of awkward between me and Will. We steer clear of each other for most of the morning.

An hour before the children show up, Ava announces who is going to be counseling with who and what children will be on their teams. Some teams consist of five kids and two counselors. I hope with all my heart I get to work with someone that I can get along with. I don't even want to think of being on a team with Nat, he would be goofing off the whole time and I would be the one doing all the work.

    Ava starts reading off the names. " Harper and Lena." The lucky duck. " Elizabeth and Nat." Poor her. " Will and Skye." WHAT. Was this a joke? This had to be a joke. This had to be some prank made up by Harper. I stomp over to her after Ava is done listing off all the names.

    " You are not funny," I say angrily.

    " What's up with you?" Harper asks, obviously confused.

    " You put me and Will on the same team didn't you?" I ask.

    " Ummmm, no. I can't do that, even though that is a hilarious prank. You guys are gonna be adorable." She smiles and pokes me in the stomach.

    I groan and clutch at my hair. I hear a voice behind me. " You okay there Skye?" Of course, it was Will.

I give him a pained smile. " Yep."

" You don't look okay." He chuckles. Good Lord. His chuckle is deep, the complete opposite of his full-on laugh. " You're doing that weird thing again."

Oops. I must have zoned out again. You have to stop doing that.

" Anyways, co-counselors eh?" He looks way too happy.

" Uh-huh." I stare at my sneakers. By now Harper had drifted away, leaving me and Will alone. Wow, thanks for the help.

" I guess you'll be the junior counselor since your only seventeen," Will says casually. Shoot. I forgot about our age difference. That means he will be the main counselor on our team. Wait a second, how does he know my age?

" How do you know how old I am?" I question, looking at him suspiciously.

He looks embarrassed. Embarrassed. Didn't know that was capable of Will. " I asked Ava, actually I asked her to be on the same team as you since I know you better than anyone else here ya know..." He trails off.

" Huh? You know Lena much better than me I'm sure, and Nat, why didn't you choose him?" I ask, this man was a mystery.

" She asked me if I would be more comfortable if I was a counselor with someone I knew since I'm new here and I chose you. What's wrong about that?" he still did not give me a very direct answer.

I'm not sure how to respond to that so I just stand there. " Hey, guys! Kids are showing up, c'mon." Nat runs up to us, breaking the tension.

" Well, here we go." Will gives me a nervous smile.

I just nod. What just happened?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Everyone stands in a large circle in the auditorium. All the children are wearing different colored name tags that show which team they are in. Will and I's team color is orange. I pick out a few of the kids that have orange name tags. They look nice, one little girl, in particular, looks adorable. She has long brown hair for her petite frame and large hazel eyes. I like her on the spot.

Ava is telling us that we are going to kick off summer camp with a game that will help us get to know each other. " We are going to go around the circle and each person is going to say their name and their favorite food, but they have to act out their favorite food. For example, my name is Ava and I like spaghetti." She wiggles around like a noodle and everyone laughs. " Alright, Mr. Blake will you begin?" Another thing, the counselor's had the wonderful privilege of having 'mr.' or 'miss' before their name.

When it's my turn, I announce, " My name is Miss Skye, and I like sushi." I curl up in a ball on the ground, compacting myself the best I can. Will is next, " My name is Mr. Will and I like waffles." He does a cartwheel in the middle of the circle. All the children squeal and laugh. Wow, he's already a favorite. How does he do that?

When the game is over, Ava says for the kids to find their counselors by the color on their name tags. There is mad chaos as children run around looking for their designated teams. Will adds to the chaos by putting his hands in the air and yelling, " ORANGE OVER HERE!" My poor eardrums. But it works because five lively children bound over to us. The small girl, whose name is Bet, which I learned during the game, looks at us shyly through her long eyelashes. Will directs our team to go sit down close to the front. He leads the way, all of our campers following him obediently like a flock of sheep. To my surprise and pleasure, Bet sticks close to me, sitting next to me when we take our seats.

Ava gets up on the stage. " Alright, guys! Now that we got our energy up and running, let's sing the camp song!" I smile. This is a typical summer camp. And I love it. I guess it isn't to bad that I have to be on a team with Will. I mean, it's working out so far and all the children love him. And let's face it, it's summer camp. What could go wrong?

Authors Note
Howdy readers!
The pic above is how I imagine Bet.
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         - heavengrace55

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