Chapter 30

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It's been a weird day. Mark flipping his lid, my team acting strange, and my friends orbiting around me constantly. It's making my head spin.

I pack up my things in my trusty messenger bag, planning on going straight home and into bed. Harper is waiting on me, acting all impatient. I look up and glower at her.

"You're the one that's taking forever," she says, "I'm hungry, hurry up."

I purposely go even slower. Then I look up to see Will moving props backstage. He's carrying a fake boulder made out of styrofoam. I sadly stare at him. Harper leans over and whispers in my ear. " Go talk to him."

     I jump. " Absolutely not!! Do you know how awkward that would be and Mark-." I cut myself off.

     " Mark what? Why are we talking about that jerk right now, we are talking about Will and you."

" Yes well, Will and I aren't talking right now."

" It doesn't have to be that way!!"

Will walks out from backstage and raises a well-shaped eyebrow at us. ( We had stopped whispering). " Do u think he gets his eyebrows done?" I ask Harper in a low voice.

" Wonderful question, how about you go ask him!" She shoves me forward.

I'm about to refuse when something stops me. Will is looking at me. Well, he does that a lot, but this time it's different. His eyes are imploring and have a deep sadness in them that I haven't noticed until now.

Also now I'm just standing awkwardly in the middle of the aisle. I start walking towards him. He notices but ignores me, picking up a few more props and heading backstage again. I quicken my pace.

When I get backstage he's arranging kitchenware on the props table. Even though I'm standing right in front of him he doesn't look up. " Do you need something?" He asks.

" Um no," He finally looks up at me. We stand there for a long moment. I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, " Do you get your eyebrows done?" Mentally, I slap myself.

Will smiles, then chuckles, then full-on laughs, leaning against the prop table to steady himself. " What? Is that really why you turned into full stalker mode and followed me back here?"

" Kind of," I mumble, blushing deep red.

" I totally believe you" Will says sarcastically.

I give him one of my signature glares, and he backs away, raising his hands in mock defense. I smile a little at his weirdness. He points at me, "there's that smile, I haven't seen it for a hot minute."

My smile grows wider, then I grow serious again. " Can we talk?"

" Of course." Will immediately reads how the conversation just turned and sits amidst the props, motioning for me to sit beside him. I sit gingerly on a stool that looks rather aged.

I keep looking at the door, almost expecting Mark to walk through and see Will and me. But I push all thoughts aside and try to focus on the problem at hand. " Why do you feel like we shouldn't be friends anymore?" I hesitate then add, " best friends..." It's stupid that that's the thing that has been taking up my brain space. Bet's life is on the line but my brain insists on thinking about Will. Twenty. Four. Seven.

" I thought it was you that wanted to break off the relationship" Will responds quietly.

He thought we were in a relationship?!

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