Chapter 17

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    I call an emergency meeting. What else am I supposed to do? I need backup now. Well, to be honest, all I need is a listening ear. So I tell Harper on the way home that I have something important to discuss and to meet me in my room at 7:00 pm sharp. I also call Letti and tell her the same thing. She wants me to fill her in right away but I tell her it's too important to discuss over the phone.

    It ends up being 6:30 pm when me, Harper, and Letti all congregate in my room. Letti was so hyped, that she showed up half an hour early. " Now tell us!" Letti demands, bouncing on my bed. She's sixteen, and she's bouncing on my bed.

    " Alright, alright just sit down first," I say, exasperated. Letti immediately plops down on the blankets and looks at me with wide, excited eyes. Harper is simply pacing back and forth, with a concerned look on her face. " I'm going out to get coffee with Will tomorrow morning and-." I'm cut off by both Harper and Letti.

    " WHAT!?" They both scream.

    " Good Lord calm down, let me explain," I gently push Letti back onto my bed, she had jumped up in her excitement. They both shut up though they look like they might burst with questions any second. " We had a slight argument this afternoon..." I tell them the whole conversation that went down. When I'm finished, Harper and Letti just stare at me in stunned silence. " So?" I ask.

    Letti takes a deep breath and then yells, " HE ASKED YOU ON A DATE?"

    " No, no! This is not what it sounds like, we're just sorting out a few things as friends." I say, trying to convince my ecstatic friend.

    " Yea Skye, Will just asked you to get coffee for a simple conversation. Mhm." Harper says. Her eyes are shining with mischievousness.

    " Think whatever you want to think, but the real problem is, I have to tell him what was bothering me today, and you know what that was!" I join Harper in pacing, running my fingers through my hair.

    " What were you bothered about today?" Letti asks blankly. Honestly sometimes, that girl.

    " That she likes Will," Harper states calmly.

    " Well, I wouldn't put it that way." I frown at my sister.

    " I would." She says, smirking.

    " Ooooohhh, that is a problem," Letti says, tapping her chin.

    " Ya think?" I stop pacing and fall onto the bed next to Letti. " So what do I do?"

    " Just tell him the truth, what could go wrong?" Harper suggests.

    " A thousand things! What if the feeling isn't mutual? Things will get so awkward! Shucks, they already are!" I stress.

    " At least he'll know you aren't lying to him," Letti says. To her credit that was a rather true statement. " Listen, you got yourself into a pretty bad pickle and honestly, the only way out of it is to tell him the truth."

" Guys, you know I don't have the guts to tell him, we've known each other since birth! Remember Travis?" I ask. That sobers them up good and quick. Let's just say, the story of me and Travis was what I always call my most awkward moment ever. Even Harper and Letti are traumatized by the experience, even though they aren't me.

" That happened like, three years ago, you have matured and Will is not a jerk, like Travis is, so lighten up, it'll all be fine," Letti says encouragingly. But I can see straight through her. At the mention of Travis, she looks a little pale.

" Maybe..." Harper starts, then she shakes her head, deciding against it.

" What? Tell me, Harper," I demand. I try to muster up all my youngest sister's power, and look her straight in the eyes.

" Fine, but I doubt it'll work, tell Will the truth, but not everything." Harper still looks uncertain.

" Isn't that still like lying?" Letti asks.

" No, here me out, what if you tell Will that you like a guy, but don't tell him who it is that you like," Harper explains.

" YES!" I scream, grabbing Harper's shoulders and shaking her in my excitement.

Harper shoves me away, but continues, " And if he asks who it is just tell him you aren't comfortable sharing, and if he persists we all know he is a jerk and watta-boom, watta-bang, all is solved."

" I thought we already agreed that he isn't a jerk," Letti says, confused.

" Harper trusts none of my love interests," I sigh.

      " Hey, after Tra-," Harper starts.

" Do NOT bring up that man. And besides, I learned from my mistake," I protest.

" A very big mistake," Letti mutters.

" Guys, guys! We're getting off track, am I going to do this or not?" I say, concerned about where the conversations heading.

" Well, goodness it's your decision, not ours, we're just here to help," Harper sighs and sits down on the floor, her back resting against my bed.

      " I like the idea, I'm just going to have to somehow keep my cool when I tell him," I say. " What about you Letti? What do you think?"

      " Sounds like a good plan, when's the date again?" Letti asks.

" Tomorrow morning... at six," I say.

" Six? Didder, you hate mornings." Harper pokes me in the stomach. I poke her back and grin. I'm glad the tension is gone. Harper is good at changing the mood, one second she can have everyone in the room serious, the next, she can have everyone laughing. I don't know how she does it.

" That's right! It's tomorrow, can I pick out your outfit?" Letti jumps off the bed, and without even listening to hear my answer, she's rummaging through my closet. " This is cute, wear this." She lays out a pair of high-rise black jeans and a pink button-down shirt.

      " Keep the jeans, not the shirt, she hates button-downs." Harper judges, picking up the shirt and putting it in the closet.

      " I love how you guys just plan out my life decisions while I just stand here like a lost puppy," I say with great sarcasm.

      Harper just shrugs her shoulders and reaches into the depths of my closet pulling out a simple white t-shirt, " This'll look good with a cute belt and let's see, those combat boots."

To give Harper credit, the outfit was perfect not over the top or anything but still cute. " That's perfect, what about my hair?" I turn and look in the mirror messing with my hair that was at present in a low messy bun.

" Men like it down," Letti says confidently.

" And how do you know this bit of information?" I ask, skeptical.

" A tv show," Letti says slowly.

" Right, let's just try a few things out and see what happens, Skye, go sit on that chair, I'll grab the hair things." Harper orders, rushing from the room.

I turn and look at Letti for support. " How long do you think this'll take?"

Letti laughs, " Knowing Harper, probably the whole night."

Authors note

Hi everyone! 🙋‍♀️

The outfit I'm imagining for Skye is the picture at the beginning of this chapter.

Thanks for reading!


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