Chapter 32

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It's weird seeing Mark without the familiar feeling of fear and loathing. Now I just look at him knowing he is simply someone who is stupid, creepy, and altogether failing at life. I could pity him. But I don't, he doesn't deserve pity, not even an ounce of it.

He said hello to me like he always does this morning, acting all overpowering and wise, and I looked him straight in the eye and said good morning as if nothing had happened, as if it was indeed a good morning. He raised an eyebrow and I stifled a grin.

Now I am eating lunch with my team, whom I fear I have rather neglected the past few days, and they are filling me in on their part of the scheme. " He punched Oliver once, Oliver show her the bruise," Evelyn demands.

Oliver proudly pulls up the sleeve of his shirt showing off a bruise that could've passed as a smudge of dirt on his upper arm. I act all shocked and he smiles widely.

" We didn't have enough evidence though, so we stuck to annoying him constantly, and we all know how that went," Arthur says. We chuckle at the memory.

" At least Ava doesn't like him now," Nolan remarks. " But it's not like she's gonna do anything about that, all I know is that she gave him a good scolding after the dodgeball incident."

" Wait, is that why you weren't shocked at their behavior Will?" I ask looking at Will, who is trying to look innocent.

" Um-,"

" I knew something was up!" I exclaim.

" Well, we were a tad obvious," Caleb says dryly. " I mean, Evelyn, making us march around with those horrible pink slips of paper for one-,"

" They were not horrible! I stayed up most of the night making those." Evelyn scowls.

" Guys, you all did great for such a huge task I put on you, I'm just sorry I did that in the first place. But now, forget Mark and enjoy your last two days at camp, I beg of you." Will says.

" It's impossible to forget one who has provoked such trauma," Oliver says lowly, cracking his knuckles in such a way it sends shivers down my spine.

" Oliver, I thought you would know by now to speak English," Evelyn says.

" That is English you-you-,"

Will cuts in, " Alright, lunch times over, get ready for director time, it's gonna be a doozy"

There's a general hubbub of chaos as the kids pack up their individual lunches and bolt out the door of the nursery where we have gathered. As soon as the door closes on the last of them, I sigh and plop my head on Will's shoulder. He rests his head on mine and we say nothing for a bit.

" I have a weird feeling Mark will be found out by the end of the week," I say suddenly.

" Oh really? What makes you say that?"

" Because, I have a gut feeling, and my gut feelings are always correct," I say rather proudly.

Will chuckles his deep chuckle and wraps his arm around me, hugging me gently before standing. " I shall have no doubt in your gut then"

I laugh and stand too, following him happily out into the hall packed with noisy campers.

The rest of the afternoon is spent honing down on our scene. Evelyn and I finally have called some type of truce and act well together now. Nat is still struggling with the delivery of his lines. You'd think such an expressive, hyper human being would do splendidly at this sort of thing, but he says each line as if he were rattling off the Gettysburg Address at a school play.

Other than that slight complication, all goes well and I call the afternoon a success. Will and I are exhausted after the long rehearsal so, while the kids are listening to Mrs. B tell a story, we decide to take a quick run to the Dunkin Donuts right down the road. It's a task sneaking out so no other counselors notice our leaving, and demand to go with us. But, we finally make it out to Will's car and make our escape.

Will looks relaxed and contented, one hand on the steering wheel and one resting on my leg. In a burst of confidence, I take his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. He is so shocked and pleased by this, that the car swerves a little. I like just looking at our hands clasped together. His hand is so huge, you can barely see mine. My blue nails look nice against his tan skin.

Suddenly we are in the Dunkin drive-through and Will is doing that awkward, telling the barista to wait a bit so he knows what I want. I just want a medium iced coffee, and he orders it for me, along with an iced caramel latte for himself. Once we have our drinks Will decides to park in the Dunkin parking lot since we have some time to kill before the campers go home.

I prop my feet up on the dash and settle comfortably down in my seat. Will looks at my feet on his clean dashboard disapprovingly, but I give him one of my signature glares, though not as harsh as most, daring him to tell me to stop.

" How is your cuppa?" I ask him teasingly.

Will has just taken a sip and chokes a little. " That sounded so wrong with your American accent."

" Well excuse me," I laugh.

We talk for a bit about nothing in particular, then I ask him randomly, " Will, how's your anxiety lately? It couldn't have been good for it this past week."

Will thinks for a moment then answers truthfully, " It was bad for a couple of days, the stress and everything I guess... but just recently, it seems as if it's almost non-existent as if it has all but disappeared." He smiles gently at me, reaching out and brushing his fingers softly over my blond hair, " I think... I think it's because of you Skye"

     " How??" I ask, confused by how I could be of any help to something so seemingly huge in his life.

      " You calm me down, set me straight, it's like I've finally found an anchor I can grab hold of." Will looks down and blinks rapidly.

     Tears well into my eyes and spill down my cheeks. I don't know what to say, so I simply reach over and hug him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me as close as physically possible with the center console between us.

     Stupid center console. I growl inwardly.

     But my thoughts are interrupted by Will silently shaking. It takes me a moment to realize that he's crying. I hold him closer while his tears fall onto me.

     He says nothing. I say nothing. But it's as if a thousand words are spoken and we have crossed over a threshold that neither of us had even known was there.

     Authors note

     Ahhhh!!! These moments between Will and Skye are my favorite♥️

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