Chapter 26

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Sad love songs hit differently when someone breaks your heart. Harper is blasting them from the speakers at the highest volume possible. Specifically for my benefit of course. Sisters, I tell ya.

Today is going to be awful. Considering that my life just crumbled to the ground yesterday. Harper and I had a long discussion last night. Harper sides with Will, which is ridiculous in my personal opinion. How can she side with the guy who is bit by bit, shredding my heart into pieces? She keeps telling me that I shouldn't believe what Mark says, that I should take his words with a grain of salt. But she doesn't know Will as I do. She hasn't been watching him like I have.

" Excited for today?" she asks sarcastically.

" Nope."

" You know, sometimes you have to give me my hoodie back."

" No." I'm surviving on as few words as possible.

Harper had turned down the music to talk to me, but I turn it back up, signaling that this conversation is over. I don't want to talk. Whenever I try to talk, my voice gets choked and I break down. I broke down about five times last night when Harper and I were talking.

I guess it's hitting me now that I have no best friend. That love is just a figment of the imagination. Because what is love when it can be broken so easily? People say that love is one of the strongest powers on earth. Well, it isn't. Just ask my heart

When we enter the theater I'm already inside my shell. I put my head down and fast walk to the auditorium. I sit in a corner on the floor absentmindedly scrolling through my photos on my phone.

I can tell when Will walks in because everyone greets him with 'good morning!' And, ' hello!'.  Everyone loves him, everyone is blinded by his charm. Well, I used to be as well, but now I know better. I quickly exit the auditorium out the backstage door so I don't have to face him for at least a little space of time. When I'm outside I breathe in gulps of air, but it doesn't help the constant burning in the back of my throat.

    I hear someone walking towards me and realize it's Mark, " What are you doing?" he asks.

    " Just taking a breather," I say, not looking him in the eye.

    " Right, well I have a proposition for you, more of a suggestion really," He leans against the theater's brick wall.

    " Yea?" I awkwardly shuffle my feet and pick at my nonexistent nail polish.

    " Break off your friendship with Will, actually break off everything. Get him banned from the theater I don't care, it'll help your mental state,"

    " My mental state?" I spit, anger boiling up inside of me, " since when did you care about my mental state, since when do you randomly start irrational conversations so... So flipping quickly." Well self, that was dumb. I think.

    " I've always had Skye! And as for starting irrational discussions, aren't all our discussions kinda irrational? Plus I saved you from that creep the first time I ever laid eyes on you! I signed up for a hellhole of a week just to protect you, I even put up with you and Will's relationship even though I was dying inside. Then I realized all these things about him, the way he looks at you, the way he touches you, and then I overheard that conversation-,"

    " Wait, dying inside? Why-,"

    " I love you,"

    My heart stops. " Love?" I choke on the word.

    " Yes," he whispers, " I've loved you since the first time I have ever laid eyes on you."

    " How is that possible?" I say, feeling as if I'm in a dream, a very, very bad dream... wait. Flashbacks flood my mind. That dream... how can somebody who loves me scare me? He even scared me not in just my dream but real life! I think. I try to say something, but Mark continues.

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