Chapter 22

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My heart is racing a mile a minute. I practically cling to Harper on the way into the building. Today I have to face the reality of Mark. Which is the last thing on earth that I want to do.

" Why did you decide to trust this guy in the first place?" Harper asks in a low voice. Other counselors are entering the building as well, and she doesn't want anybody to overhear our conversation.

" I have no clue. I'm majorly regretting my decisions," I say, gripping her arm.

" As you should," Harper gives me an older-sister look and shakes my hand off her arm. She was never a touchy person.

When we walk through the front doors, the new counselors are in a corner talking to each other. They don't know anybody else, because they have been taking counselor training for the past two days.

    I spot Mark in the middle of them, and I almost run right back out the door. But then I see Will. I can see him through the doors to the auditorium. He's sitting on the stage, looking at something on his phone. I sigh in relief. If I can just get past Mark, and into the auditorium, I'll be fine.

    It doesn't work.

    " Skye!" Mark calls. I stop mid-stride and glare at him.

    " What?" I snap.

    " Woah, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He says. I roll my eyes and start walking again. " Wait, Skye!" He breaks out of the small group and chases after me. " Did I offend you or something?"

    I frown, " Maybe."

    " How?" He asks.

    He's so persistent. I think. " You know what, I'm just not in the best of moods this morning, and don't feel like being sociable." Ugh, that was lame. I mentally smack myself.

    But to my surprise, he leaves me alone, shaking his head as if I'm an incapable child or something. But, on a brighter note, Will has just now put down his phone and is smiling at me. I sit down in the front row and wave him over. He gets off the stage and joins me.

    " What were you and Mark fighting about?" He asks, putting his arm around me. I just groan and lay my head on his shoulder.

    " You don't want to know." I'm surprised I can speak. WE ARE TOUCHING RIGHT NOW my mind is screaming at me. Also, when did I get the confidence to freaking lay my head on his shoulder. Maybe it was when I fell asleep on him. I cringe at the thought.

    " When are the kids arriving?" Will asks.

    " Hm?"

    Will repeats his question.

    " Oh, they're coming in about half an hour," I reply.

    " Are you tired?"

    Boy, aren't you just full of questions this morning. " Yea." It's a lie. I just drank an extra-strong cup of coffee, and am pumped with caffeine.

    " Do you get moody when you're grumpy?" He inquirers.

    " Yea."

    " You're real talkative today." He chuckles.

    Just then, Ava comes bounding into the room. She comes in through the side door, so she spots me and Will in... well in the position we are in. " Aw! You guys are so cute!"

    I blush red hot, and Will quickly removes his arm from around me. I feel cold as soon as his arm leaves.

    Thankfully, Ava gets distracted by something else. Which happens to be the next worst thing. " Why is nobody doing anything?"

    " Ummmm," Will says uncomfortably.

    " Guys! The children are arriving in less than thirty minutes!" She starts giving each of us random jobs. Lena and I get the job of handing out folders to kids as they come in. We carry the stacks of folders from the library and into the hallway. Mark and Nat are setting up a table for us to put the folders on. I try to hide behind Lena as we walk. But Lena is the tiniest person on earth, so that plan fails. Mark looks up and grins at me. I ignore him.

                                     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    We're standing in a circle again. Again, I start looking around, picking out the kids with orange name tags. To my surprise, most of them are older, from age twelve to fifteen. I guess Ava picked out older ones, for the script we are doing. There is only one small one out of all five. It's a little boy, maybe about ten. He's wearing glasses that are too big for his face, and he has shaggy blond hair and brown eyes. He looks very serious. Like he's observing everyone around him thoroughly, and judging them each.

    When we play the same game that we played last Monday, the one where you act out your favorite food, he says very seriously, " My name is Oliver and I like potatoes." That's all very good in itself, but he doesn't do anything. He just stands there.

    " Do you want to act it out bud?" Ava asks kindly.

    " I did." He says, looking over the top of his glasses at Ava.

    " But-."

    Oliver cuts her off, " Potatoes don't move." He states as if he is the only person in the world who knows it.

    We all chuckle nervously, not quite knowing what to say. Ava just raises her eyebrows and tells the next person to go.

    According to how this morning has gone so far, I have a feeling that the rest of the week is going to be... interesting. I look over at Will, he gives me a pointed look, and I know he feels the same.

    Authors note

    Hello readers!

    How do y'all like Oliver?

    Let me know in the comments!

                        - heavengrace55

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