Chapter 34

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    Dress rehearsal comes in all its stressful glory. It's hard having to climb into costume while simultaneously helping the other girls get dressed. My dress is a horrific neon pink and has many layers. I have to wear hip pillows for Pete's sake because such was the fashion our scene was set in. Evelyn has the nicer dress of the two of us, and though we both now tolerate each other, I still feel like she's flaunting it in my face.

    The girls' costumes range from pretty little princess dresses to shirts made of rags. The rags are the hardest to put on I'm becoming to realize because you never know which hole you're supposed to be putting your arms through.

    Throughout all this, I keep hearing ruckus from the boy's dressing room. I choose to ignore it, thinking nothing could be as bad as the last incident in that dressing room.

    Finally, everyone is dressed, hair is combed, and nerves are prepared. Instead of staying inside, I wander outside and sit on one of the picnic tables, my dress billowing around me. It's a fairly cloudy day, and the breeze is cool as it fans my face. What a relief from the stuffy dressing rooms.

    " Enjoying yourself?" I look up, happy to see Will walking towards me.

    He sits down and places one of his arms around me. " What was all that noise I kept hearing?" I question.

    Will chuckles. " One of the smaller boys wasn't aware that you aren't supposed to run around the dressing room buck-naked."

    " Lord have mercy" I laugh.

    " How are you fairing, I mean that dress...." He trails off looking sheepish.

    " It's horrible I know, this color! And these freaking hip pillows! Also, did you know this dress has three layers? Three layers!"

    " That color isn't the best I've seen on you it's true."

    " Also I'm roasting! I'll probably be drenched in sweat by the end of rehearsal, then what will I do for the show-"

    " It does look rather warm."

    " Also the makeup I have to wear makes me look like a Barbie, I hate a lot of makeup, it makes me feel all cakey and fake."

    " That is a lot of makeup."

    " Oh God, will you stop agreeing with me??"

    " Was I supposed to not agree?" Will looks bewildered.

    " Yes sir, it's the way to a woman's heart, always no matter what, compliment her on something," Lena says coming out of nowhere.

    " Did you hear all that?" I groan.

    " I hear a lot of things," Lena says grinning.

    Will shakes his head, " It seems I'm outnumbered in this discussion."

    " It's true, hormones over testosterone and all that," Lena replies. " But that's not the reason I'm out here, Skye you guys have to be on stage in approximately two minutes."

    I leap up and run backstage.

Our scene goes smoothly and right after I get back to the dressing rooms I rip off my costume. Only after the pink pile of satin is laying prostrate on the floor do I dare take huge gulps of air. I couldn't even breathe in that dress.

I'm just back into my normal clothes when Ava comes bursting into the dressing room. She looks mad. More than mad, she looks as if she just swallowed a nest of hornets. " I now completely understand." She says to me, her face a dark shade of red.

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