Chapter 21

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I'm sitting across from Will at a small table. We're both sipping steaming hot lattes and talking a mile a minute. Stacks of paper are sitting forgotten between us.

We are at The Cosmic Cup. Thankfully, we don't have any life-changing confessions to make today. Will called me yesterday to ask if I wanted to go over our new script for the next week of summer camp, which is starting tomorrow.

" I wonder what the new counselors are going to be like." Will muses as he stirs his latte with a tiny black straw.

" There's not going to be a lot of them according to Ava, most of the counselors from this past week are staying on for the whole month."

" I just hope we don't get any crappy ones," Will says, his forehead creasing.

" Oh, don't worry, Ava knows who would be a good counselor and who wouldn't," I say.

Then we're silent. We both stare mournfully at the scripts in front of us. There are tons of things we need to do, but neither of us wants to do them. Finally, Will picks up a paper and stares at it. " Why did Ava decide to give us the longest, hardest script?"

" I have no clue." It's true. Ava decided to test our abilities by giving us a ridiculously long, and hard script to work with. The story is set way back when there were people called Viscounts. I don't even know what Viscounts are. Our one-act is entitled, The Pretentious Young Lady's. Just the title makes my stomach churn. Another problem is, how are we going to have our team represent the story? It's rather complicated, and, the way the people talk is so confusing that reading one sentence makes my brain sore.

    " Do we have enough people in this to cover all the characters?" Will asks, shuffling through the papers until he finds the list of characters. There are eight. Teams only consist of five kids. Also, how are we going to find another person as willing as Bet was to play two people?

    I groan and stick my head in my hands. " How are we going to do this?"

    " I'll call Ava and complain," Will says. I shoot him a look and he chuckles.

    But after an hour or so of simply reading the whole script and trying to make sense of the plot, we decide to call Ava after all. Will calls her on his phone, and it takes her a while to answer. When she does, I only can hear one-half of the conversation. Will states our case and then just says 'yes', and 'no' for a while. Finally, he ends the call.

    " So?" I ask.

    " She wants us to still do it, and since there are not enough kids, me, you, and another counselor will have to fill in." Will sighs, running his hands through his hair.

    " That's worse than what we had before!" I groan.

    " Yep."

    We sit quietly for a bit. Then Will grabs the whole scripts and smiles at me. I know what that means. So I roll my eyes but pick up more papers anyways.

Will is the most proactive of the two of us, so he has a bunch more ideas and plans before I do. Already he has written notes in the margins of his copy of the script and now has taken a blank piece of paper, drawing the stage and where he imagines all the props to be.

I like to watch him as he works. When he's in this little box of life, when he can focus on one thing, it seems as if his anxiety is non-existent. He does everything with ease and confidence.

" What are you doing?" Will asks.

I snap out of it, realizing that I had been admiring him for a bit too long. " You just do everything so easily I guess." I shrug.

" I do?" Will looks at me shyly. It's adorable.

" Yes," I say firmly. In the past week I've figured out that one of the best things to help Will with his anxiety is to give him compliments, tell him that he's doing well with whatever he's doing, and so forth. People with anxiety often might be doing a task, looking normal, but on the inside, they are overthinking everything.

" I'm glad you approve," Will smiles, then goes back to his job.

I decide to actually do something and begin to work. After a while, and I mean a while, I finally figure out what the plot is. It is very interesting. To put it simply, the story is about two stuck-up girls who turn away two men who they find simply not good enough for them. The young men decide to take revenge and dress their servants up as Viscounts and send them into the girls, who of course fell for them. The ending is the two servants revealing who they really are and the girls being devastated.

There are other side characters too, which are quite hilarious. One is the servant of the girls, and she loathes the stuck-up ladies with a passion. And another is a rather dumb uncle. That's the only way I can put it, and I pity the person who we decide to put as the uncle.

When we are done, and feeling somewhat prepared for tomorrow, we head out of The Cosmic Cup and towards Will's car. As we walk, Will puts his arm around me. I tense. Of course, it's a friendly gesture. But, I can't help but hope it's more than that. Having Will's arm around me makes me feel protected. It makes me feel like I mean something to somebody.

When we get to his car, he opens the door for me like he always does. This time he bows dramatically like the Viscounts in our script and says, " My Lady." I laugh and get in, a warm, happy feeling enveloping me.

Authors note

Yaaayyyy! A cute moment!

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