Chapter 35

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     The rest of the summer stretches endlessly in front of me. It's packed full of opportunities and adventures yet to be experienced. Its possibilities excite me and scare me a little. Just the events of the past month have changed me in ways I never thought possible.

I sit on my bed and stare dreamily out at the morning. Everything is lightly drenched in rain. It's one of those weird showers where the sun still peeks through the clouds causing anything its rays fall upon to sparkle.

Harper bounds into my room. " What are you doing??"

" Staring out at the world I'm going to conquer," I say, my eyes looking a little dazed.

" Very funny, we have to leave in approximately three seconds." Harper isn't one to be romantical on a random Monday morning. " It's the first day of a new camp! New kids! New teams!" I keep staring out the window. " No creepy guy with death threats!" I shoot her a look. " Fine we won't talk about him, Will is gonna be there c'mon!"

She earns a small grin from me at her last words. " Im coming good grief." But I remain in my sitting position.

Harper groans. I lay back on my pillows, a smile still on my face. " Why on earth are u smiling like that?" Harper leans over annoyingly close to my face, blocking my nice view of the ceiling.

" I think I'm in love"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Harper talks the whole way to the theater. She's trying to get me to tell Will about my newfound feelings and I'm happily ignoring her. The rain gently beats down on her Subaru as we pull into the parking lot. She parks right next to Will's car. I look over and realize he's still sitting in it, scrolling aimlessly on his phone.

" Well, I'm gonna head in." Harper obviously has noticed too, because she gives me a pointed look as she exits the vehicle.

It takes Will only a few seconds to realize I'm staring at him like a creep. He laughs to himself and throws open his car door. He then opens mine and peers down at me, slightly shielding his face from the rain with his arm.

" I must look really good for a guy who just woke up to make someone stare at me like that."

" Oh shush," I mumble, unbuckling.

I start heading into the building but Will grabs my arm. " Wait."

" Wait? I'm getting soaked!" My hair was already dripping due to the rain picking up.

" Exactly." Will then tilts his face up to the sky, water pouring in little droplets down his face. His shirt starts sticking to his torso and I stand there enjoying the view.

     Will suddenly turns and picks me up, slinging me over his shoulder. I let out a squeak of surprise and beat on his back. But he just laughs walking steadily, finally, he dumps me in the grass. I glare at him, lying completely soaked on the ground.

     " What was that for?" I ask indignantly.

     Will looks down on my rain-sodden figure and raises his amazing eyebrows at me. " Do I always need to explain myself?"

     I'm about to answer when he plops down on the grass beside me. His hair is a wreck, and small strands are dripping water into his blue-green eyes. I reach over and brush his hair back from his forehead. I didn't expect it to be so soft. Will closes his eyes at my action and a contented expression envelops his face.

     It's then that I realize how close we are. Will's one arm is propping up his head, and he looks at me intently. He dips his head over mine and our lips are inches apart.

     " I love you."

     The words drop from his mouth and I can feel his breath on my lips. Then he quickly closes the distance and slams his lips into mine. My mind whirls and I get lost in the moment. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kiss him back. His lips move against mine passionately as if he's been longing for this moment his whole life.

     I pull away and look deep into his eyes. They speak volumes. I kiss him gently, and he wraps his hands around my waist.

Eventually, we stand up, dripping wet but happier than anybody else on the planet. We just stand there in the rain-soaked grass, the smell of rain on asphalt drifting through the air. Will lifts me and I wrap my legs around him. He spins me and I laugh tipping my face so the rain pours over me. Will tilts my face back to his and puts his lips on mine once again. He tastes of rainwater and something sweet that I can't quite put my finger on. I pull away and smile, my heart filled with happiness that I've never experienced before.

Then as the clouds begin to drift away and the rain begins to dissipate I say the words that have been in some deep part of me my entire life but have never been spoken.

" I love you."

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