Chapter 11

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     " Angelo, can you move a bit closer to your wife? Remember you are married, so you'll be comfortable around each other." Angelo scoots about a half-inch closer to Bet, who is standing there, sweet as an angel with a placid look on her face. It's director time, and to my distress, the room that we have to practice in is the nursery. The room is tiny and packed with toys.

     This is much, much harder than I thought it would be. Especially because I had to cast only five kids in a short scene that requires oodles of children in it. And here I am, stuck with four boys and only one girl. Joy of my heart.

     We are doing the scene from The Best Christmas Pageant Ever where they have their big Christmas show, and the Herdmans do an astounding performance. Bet, since she is the only girl, is playing Imogene, who in the show is a rough, rowdy girl who is the exact opposite of Bet.

     " Bet, please remember that your character is a very Tom-boyish girl who is not very comfortable playing Mary. You are doing amazing being like the real Mary, but that's not what we're going for." Amazingly, after I laid it out to her like that, she embraces her character. Bet slouches and grips the baby doll in her hands. " Much better, thanks. Okay, guys from the top!"

Will is leaning back in the folding chair next to me, his hands clasped behind his head. To my annoyance, he hasn't said a single thing during our director's time. He just sits there and observes with a small smirk on his face.

The scene plays out in front of me. Parker, Antonio, and Jake are the wisemen\Herdmans. I have some struggles getting them to line up and set the little presents at baby Jesus' feet. But, I suppose it would fit in well with their characters as the wild Herdman boys.

It's ten minutes till director time is over when Will finally speaks. " Hey Angelo, at the end, when Imogene is crying, how about instead of standing there awkwardly, kneel next to her and put an arm around her. I know it's not 'Herdman' like, but it would add to the emotion." I stare at Will in shock. I hadn't thought of that. Why hadn't I thought of that? " And we're missing a part. I thought at the beginning, Gladys Herdman comes as an angel and tells the Shepards that Jesus is born. Skye, why isn't that in there?" By now, I'm sitting there numbly. Will's so good at this. He's born good at this.

" Ummmm. That scene isn't in the script." I stammer.

" Well, I think it would add a little more oomph to the whole thing, I'll speak to Ava about it. Bet, would you be okay with playing Gladys as well?" Bet nods her head enthusiastically. "And you boys could easily play the shepherds. Okay, director time is over. Let's head back to the auditorium." He stands, stretches, and holds the door for everyone to exit the nursery.

" How did you do that? You don't say anything, then suddenly, you burst out with that." I wave my hand in the air to express myself.

" I wanted to observe first. You know, see how you directed, see how the kids responded." He spoke like it was a totally chill situation.

    " Aaaaand?" I ask, nervous for his answer.

    " You're a great director and I only had to suggest a few things. You should see me in when I'm acting in a movie with a horrible director, I go crazy." He grimaces at the thought.

    I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank God Will approves. Wait. Why do I care what his opinion of me is? I know the answer. But I stuff it inside of some deep crevasse inside myself.

     " What's next?" Will changes the subject.

" Lunch." I head into the kitchen and pull my lunchbox out of the fridge. Will follows me in and looks at me blankly.

" We were supposed to bring lunches?" He asks, his face filling with realization.

" Yep, why?" I know the answer, but I kind of want to hear him admit the fact that he forgot a lunch.

" Forgot my stupid lunch." He swears under his breath.

I raise an eyebrow and frown. I never like it when people swear. I have many reasons why one of them being that I was raised in a home where we were taught never to swear and another being that I just personally have a problem with it. We all have our opinions. That's just one of many. Will notices my look and stops swearing. " If you need it, we can share a lunch, my mom always packs too much anyway," I say.

" I would if I didn't eat the amount of an elephant." He grumbles. He's looking at the ground with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Is he embarrassed? Holy moly he is.

" Well then, I don't know what to tell you." I shrug and walk out of the kitchen. He's a grown man, he can take care of himself... can he? I stop in the middle of the hallway and chew on my fingernails. Without much thought, I turn around and head back to the kitchen.

When I walk back through the kitchen door, Will is still standing in the same place I left him, he's texting someone and muttering under his breath. " Ummmm. There's a Chick-Fa-La right down the road." I didn't know what else to say so I just threw that out.

" Is there? K, then I'll go there." His answer is short and sort of snappish. I step back with confusion on my face. He brushes past me and heads out the door. That was strange. It feels like his whole mood changed from the time I exited the kitchen to the time I came back. I shrug and go to find a place to eat. But I can't get the look on his face out of my head. Somethings up.

Authors Note

Hello peoples. Sorry, I haven't posted much, I'm on vacation. But, it's soon over so hopefully, I'll be back on my normal schedule.

What do you all think about Will's weird mood change? Any ideas about what is going on?

Follow, vote, and comment. Adios!

- heavengrace55

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