Chapter 3

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I adjust my costume and try to breathe. My costume is already tight I don't need this extra stress. What stress you may ask? The stress of Will Poulter being here on my first show. I was not prepared for this. I am not prepared to have to meet him face to face knowing he has a girlfriend. I know, I know, I'm overreacting. But this is just... well... hard.

Lena comes into the dressing room and runs over to me. " He's here!" She whisper-shouts.

" Trust me I know," I mumble. It had spread like wildfire through the dressing rooms.

" Hun? What's wrong?" Lena asks, she has the same concerned look on her face that Harper had on hers.

" I'm fine just, all the stress I guess." I shrug hiding my face behind my hair as I bend over to pick up a stray glove that comes with my costume.

" Ok! Just making sure! I guess the first show is always the most stressful." She smiles and pats me on the shoulder.

" Yep," I answer. I soon have to go on for my part. Ugh. Will's gonna see me. I have never been so happy to be an extra. At least I don't have to be on stage too much.

When I get on the stage my face heats up. I try to slip into the world of the character I'm playing, where I can simply be a happy young lady at a party and not some stressed-out girl going crazy because she's about to meet her celeb crush. I walk center stage right where I pretend to blush when a young man asks me to dance. He leads me by the hand to where a line of couples is facing each other, preparing to dance. We begin and I focus hard on where my feet are going. I certainly cannot afford to mess up now.

Finally, my scene is over, the lights go out and I practically run off the stage. I book it to the dressing room and change quickly into a set of black clothes. Then I run backstage again, just in time to, the lights were down and its the scene where I have to set the golden chair. Hauling the chair onstage, I set it down and take one glance at the crowd. And there he is. Right in the front row. Staring straight at me. I look away and scamper backstage.

" I saw him!" I whisper in Lena's ear. She widens her eyes and jumps up and down making tiny, quiet squealing sounds. " Shhhh!" I try to shush her laughing and place a firm hand on her shoulder. She eventually calms down and just stands there, grinning like a complete maniac.

" I can't wait till this show's over!" She says quietly.

I don't say anything and just turn away, not wanting to think about it. I want to be happy for Lena and not spoil her good mood.

Half an hour passes. I have to book it over to the dressing rooms yet again, to change into my costume for the curtain call. That is what I dreaded the most. Curtain call. I have to stand there in my costume which I honestly hate, ( It's olive green, a color that makes my skin look super pale) and wait for everyone to bow, then greet the audience before I can escape to the dressing rooms again.

Thankfully I get to stand behind a couple of the young actors after I curtsy. I'm super self-conscious about how I look. Especially now.

After everyone bows and Ava thanks everyone for coming, we all file off the stage to mingle with the crowd. Immediately, I head over to my best friend who came for my first show. She always comes to the first show in every show, I act in.

" Letti!" I nearly scream and throw my arms around her. It's so good to see her, she always calms me down in moments of stress.

" How's it goin'?" She asks as she squeezes me back.

I whisper something quick in her ear, " Will Poulter is here!"

" I know! I saw!" She whispers back.

I pull back and give her a look that says, I am in distress! She gets it and gives me a side hug.

" Okay! I'm gonna go change, this outfit is horrid." I say pulling at the fabric uncomfortably.

" It does look horrid." Letti states.
I roll my eyes, " Wow, you make me feel so much better."

" Anytime!" She laughs.

" I'm gonna go change, bye!" I push through the crowd, just wanting to get to the dressing room. In my hurry, I slam smack into a strong, solid back.

" Woah, sorry." A deep voice says.

Then the person turns around. And I stare up in awe. Will Poulter.

Authors Note
Hey guys! Yay! Will has finally entered the story! Who's your favorite character so far?
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