Chapter 25

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     I'm trapped, Mark has cornered me and there's no way out. He towers above me as I shrink, whimpering to the ground. " There's no way out," he growls, " and there never will be." He keeps getting closer and closer, the closer he gets the bigger he seems. My heart rate is going at a hundred miles per hour and I'm trying to scream but there's a lump in my throat that is blocking any hope of noise coming out of my mouth. Right when Mark reaches out to grab me, right when his fingertips brush my skin...

     I wake up

                                                                 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    It's a sunny day. Without a cloud in the sky. Everyone is in a good mood, same as the weather it seems. But something is hanging over me, a dark feeling that I can't quite put my finger on.

We're outside this morning. The kids are taking advantage of the nice weather and playing improv games in the grass. Will is among them, laughing, smiling, and hyping them all up. I love how he takes so much effort and pours it into whatever he's doing.

I'm sitting on a rather old picnic table next to Lena and Harper. We're not saying anything, just watching the children in peaceful silence. This is a rare thing for a counselor, and I'm soaking it in.

Mark walks up to our table and sits with his back facing the scene. To my annoyance, he's blocking our view.

" Yo, you're in the way of our view," Harper says with annoyance.

" I am the view," Mark smirks.

Man, if I could smack that smirk clear off your face. I think. This guy is way too confident for my liking.

" So what's up with you guys?" he asks. I just frown at him and let Harper answer. I always do this. Harper knows that if I speak, something not so very pleasant will come out.

" Nothing much, how about you?" Harper asks with a sickly sweet smile.

" Oh you know, living the counselor life,"

This conversation is so fake and cheesy it's not even funny. Harper and Mark go on for a while about random things while Lena and I sit in silence. They're having one of those conversations that don't have any harsh words in it but at the same time their shooting daggers at each other. Especially Harper. Her eyes could cut through stone, much less Mark.

After Harper and Mark have exhausted their conversation Mark trains his eyes on me. " Oh, I almost forgot, Ava needed help with something Skye."

"You're telling me this now?" I ask in anger.

" Well, I sort of forgot about it since I was having such a lovely conversation with your sister."

I glare at him, but sigh and stand up. " What does Ava need?"

Mark stands up as well and we start walking toward the backstage door. " Oh you know, the usual." He says vaguely.

" What's the usual?" I ask perplexed.

By now we're inside backstage left. Mark turns on the only light in the tiny room. It casts a blue glow over his face, causing chills to creep up and down my spine. " Ava never told me to do anything," he says bluntly.

" What?" I glare at him, " then why on earth am I here?"

    " Many reasons."

    " Then what are the reasons." I challenge. I can tell he's trying to get under my skin, maybe even trying to scare me. Whatever the reason, I'm not going to show my fear, even if fear is coursing through every vein in my body.

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