Chapter 19

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" DIDDER!!" What a wonderful time for Harper to scream my nickname. I'm in the dressing room trying desperately to do a French braid on Bet. Insa has hired me on to help with the hairdressing part of dress rehearsal. Everyone is stressed, especially the children, and it seems like there are not near enough hands to do all the jobs.

      Harper comes storming through the dressing room door. " Didder? Oh, there you are, Parker and some other kid are having a fight, and I can't find Will anywhere." She announces. In one fluid motion, she has walked over to me, taken Bet's braid, and starts undoing it. " I'll take over, now go take care of your child."

       " He's not my child!" I say with a grimace.

      " Who cares? Go take care of him!" Harper shoos me out the door before I have time to say anything else.

      On my way out, I spot Will coming around the corner to the dressing rooms. " Thank the Lord, I need your help." Grabbing his arm I drag him towards the guy's dressing room. There's loud yelling coming through the closed door, and not in a million years am I going in there.

      " What's going on?" Will asks. " Why are people yelling?" Before I can answer his question, the door to the dressing room is flung open, and Parker is chucked out. He falls in a heap on the floor. " Parker?" Will advances to make sure he's okay.

      I'm in shock about what just happened, but I have the common sense to see if I can find the culprit. What kind of person would just chuck a random kid out a door? I ask myself. Sadly though, the door is closed, and I hear the sound of someone on the other end locking it. Beautiful. I turn to see how Will and Parker are fairing. Parker is sobbing out some incoherent words and Will looks like he's about to laugh. Wait... laugh? " Will?" I say his name as a question.

" Parker, go tell Ava what happened, I'll take care of this." Will pats Parker on the back. After a few more tears, Parker trots off, almost tripping over his wise man costume in the process.

" What just happened?" I ask, not even sure if I want to know.

Will burst out in laughter. He laughs so hard he has to grab the wall for support. " I shouldn't be laughing!" He gasps. " But-," He starts laughing again.

" Good lord, man pull yourself together," I say.

After a few more chuckles, he pulls himself together. " Parker and this other guy, both have a crush on Bet!"

      " WHAT?" I almost scream. " Why is this funny?"

       " Because this other guy, apparently his name is Hudson, said that he and Bet were dating and Parker just up and socks him in the nose!" Will pauses to laugh. " But Skye, Hudson is the most huge ten-year-old I have ever seen!"

      Now I'm laughing, even though it is rather terrible. " There is no way Bet and he are dating!" I wheeze.

      Just then, Ava rounds the corner at a high rate of speed, she has Parker behind her, who is still sniffling, and an entourage of counselors. " Can someone unlock this door?" She asks. "  Guys, I know we all want to know what happened, but we need to keep going with dress rehearsal, Will? Skye? Your teams up next, the other team should be done in a few minutes, I only need a few counselors to help me figure this out, so the rest of you keep doing what you were doing." And just like that, Ava has everything in control.

      I give Will a small smile and step into the girl's dressing room. To my relief, Bet is dressed and ready, with a perfect French braid in her brown hair. She looks up at me with those big eyes of hers and asks, " What is going on?"

      Oh goodness, how am I supposed to respond to that? " Oh, nothing, Ava's taking care of it. But we do need to get backstage now, it's your guy's turn!" I steer her towards the door before she can ask any more questions.

      Thankfully when I get backstage with Bet, Will is there with the rest of our crew. They all look nervous, including Will. No one else would catch it if they didn't look closely. But ever since he told me he struggles with anxiety, I monitor his reactions. Sometimes, I can help him, other times, I can't. Right now his brow is slightly furrowed and his shoulders are tense. " You guys did amazing for tech! You'll do amazing now. All the other kids loved your performance!" I try to encourage.

      " Apparently not Hudson," Parker mutters. Jake, Antonio, and Angelo all nod solemnly. Bet looks confused. But before she can ask anything, the lights fade and it's time for them to go on.

                             ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" How did your team handle having to act after all the drama that went down?" Lena asks as she sips a large coke. Me, Harper, Lena, Nat, and of course, Will, are all sitting around a table at the local McDonald's. We decided that before the show, we need some fuel to boost us through the rest of the day.

" It went great! I was surprised it went that well." I say while stealing a fry from Will. He snatches it back and shoves it in his mouth.

" Me and Harper's went well because we did our part before Hudson broke his nose." Lena laughs.

    " Parker sure did sock him pretty good, but I heard it was just a nose bleed." Will chuckles. To my dismay, he's hiding his fries from me now so that I cant get to them.

    " Who knows, I'm surprised they are both allowed to be in the show tonight," Nat says. It's true, we would have had to get last-minute actors to fill in their parts.

    " I just hope they'll give it their best tonight." Harper sighs. I can tell she's exhausted. Her eyes are drooping and she keeps yawning. Poor her, she has had to deal with Hudson all week.

All too soon we have to leave McDonald's and head back to the theater. At this point, even though we are all exhausted, I feel like the rest of the night should fly by without any hiccups or bumps in it. At least I hope so.

Authors note

Hello everybody!

I just wanted to quickly say that if you have gotten this far in the book, you are interested, and invested in it. Which makes me extremely thankful!

So shout out to those who have stuck with me this far and hopefully will stick with me through till the end!

Comment your favorite part so far!

     Also, the photo at the top is how I imagine Parker.


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