Chapter 6

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    " What do you want?" I ask, hopping off my bed and heading to the kitchen so I could stress eat.

    " I have some news." He says, sounding like a child.

    " Oh? Do I need to hear it?" I say, rummaging in the cupboard.

    " Yep." That's all he says, building suspense.

    I get annoyed, I was never a patient person. " What's the news?"

    " Oh, so you want to hear what I have to say?" He prods teasingly.
    I finally find what I'm looking for, a loaf of bread and Nutella, and start making a sandwich.

     " Just tell me already." I groan, slabbing Nutella on a thick slice of bread.

    " Alright, alright... I may or may not have signed up for the summer camps coming up for your theater." Will spills it all out.

    I stop what I'm doing and my mouth falls open, " Wha-what?" I stammer. A million thoughts rush through my head. There was no way Will Poulter had time to do such a ridiculous thing as take a month off of his work to volunteer at a community theater.

    " I thought it was time to take a break from all the hustle and bustle of life and do something fun." He says, again, he sounds like a small child.

    " ARE YOU CRAZY?" I yell into the phone, forgetting for a second that almost my whole family was in bed. I lower my voice, " This gives you no pay! Did you know that? You are volunteering for a month! Do you have any clue how hard that could be on your career?"

    " I can take off a month, I have freedom, at least to a certain extent. It's not like my job prohibits me from doing anything." He argues into the phone.

    Downing the rest of my sandwich I head back to my room. " I have no clue what is wrong with your brain, but if you want to do this go ahead, it's harder than you'd think."

" You should come live the life I live for a few days, I bet you would beg to differ." He chuckles.

I laugh right back, " Do you have experience with taking care of a bunch of very hyperactive children every day from nine to three? Because that is what you'll be dealing with for a month. And the best part is every week there's a new batch of 'em." For years I've been doing summer camps with Born to Thrive, the theater I act at, and I have a lot of experience with how exhausting it can be.

" I'm up for a challenge," Will says.

" Right well... I guess I'll see you in three weeks then." I say a bit awkwardly, it was nearing midnight and I needed to end the conversation.

" Yep! See you!" This time he hangs up.

I sit there, dazed. Will Poulter was going to my theater. My theatre. This was crazy. It made no sense. My mind was tired of trying to figure out what this man's problem was. It didn't help that my headache had turned into a full-blown migraine by now. After sitting there, contemplating my life for a few minutes, I finally decide to go to bed.

Authors Note
Hello again!
That is all. Bye!
                       - heavengrace55

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