Chapter 5

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I sit on the edge of my bed, my hands cradling my head. For some reason, after I had gotten back from the show I had developed a massive headache. Moaning, I lay back, head throbbing. Right at that instant my phone rings. I sit straight up and grab it looking at the screen. It's a number I don't recognize so I shrug and answer it. " Hello?" I say, preparing myself for some scammer to start rattling off an offer for a ' great deal' but instead I hear a deep voice, thick with a British accent.

" Hello? Skye? Is this you? I-." I cut him off.

" Will? How on earth did you get my number? Why are you calling me at such a late hour?" I ask, looking at the time, the clock read ten-thirty.

" Just wanted to check on you, wondering if you and your boyfriend got home safe." He puts a weird emphasis on the word boyfriend.

" Ummm, well..." I trail off not wanting to lie.

" He's not your boyfriend is he?" He asks, anger lacing his voice.

" Not exactly, he was just being nice I-." Now Will cuts me off.

" Not exactly? Tell me the truth!" Will demands.

" No! Why would I tell you about my personal life? Why would you care? I just met you a couple of hours ago!" I spit into the phone.

" You're right, I shouldn't care, but he looked like a creep, and I'm not an unfeeling man, so I just wanted to know if you are okay!" He rants.

" Well, I'm fine. And for the record Mark is a very nice man, not creepy at all." Anger rushes through every vein in my body.

" I just have a feeling about him, and Skye, usually I'm dead on with my feelings." His voice is serious and low, despite myself I silently fangirl over how amazing his voice sounds.

" Well-well- I think he's trustworthy. And that's all I'm telling you. I'm sick and tired of fighting over a random guy." I say, gripping the phone.

" Oh, so now your boyfriend is a random guy I get it," Will says.

" Shut up," I growl.

" No! I'm not going to shut up! Who do you think I-." And with that, I hang up on him.
I clutch at my now throbbing head, wondering what just happened. That's the most strange conversation I ever had. It's so confusing. Why does Will Poulter care if I date someone that he doesn't approve of? How did he randomly get my number and call me? Wait. How did he get my number? I decide to text him and ask even though I loathe to do so.

How did you get my number? I type, getting straight to the point

Got it from a little birdy He responds quickly.

May I ask who this birdy is? I ask.

Nope, His answer is blunt, something I'm not expecting. Then it dawns on me. Lena. No one else that Will knows has my number, at least that I know of. I abandon the conversation with Will and text Lena.

LENA I start.

     WHAT she responds.


     Don't blame me he asked for it.🤷🏻‍♂️ She says.

He asked for it? What? How is that possible? Ugh. This guy is nuts.

Suddenly, my phone rings, I look at the caller ID. It's Will. Again. I pick up the phone angrily and answer it. " Yes?"

Authors Note
Hello again! Sorry, this chapter was short! I'm rather busy right now.
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- heavengrace55

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