Chapter 29

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                   Olivers POV
I keep checking my arm through out the day to see if the bruise is getting any bigger or more prominent. It gets a little purple, which is promising.
The rest of my team keeps watch of Mark. Sometimes they make it a little too obvious, like when Caleb wouldn't stop following him around like a puppy dog. Or when Evelyn attempted flirting with him. She told me later that she just wanted to be able to say that she flirted with a murderer.

At lunch time we all pass around our slips of pink paper. But there wasn't much evidence. When put into words it would just seem like we would be whining over a counselor being a 'bit annoying'. That wasn't near enough. We needed so much more. So I came up with a new plan, one that would actually work if we put our minds to it.

" What do you think would scare an adult to the point of them doing something drastic?" I ask, leaning forward so all can hear.

" What if we snuck a hand grenade in his pocket or something?" Nolan suggests excitedly.

" Do you want us to all to die?" Arthur asks.

" No, not that drastic, just something thats against the law, or violating the camp rules." I try to explain.

" How are we supposed to make Mark do that? He's not that dumb to expose himself so soon." Evelyn says.

" That's what I'm trying to get to. What if we got on his nerves, sort of frazzled him you could say."

" Like annoyed him enough until he snaps?" Caleb asks.

" Exactly." I brush the crumbs off my button-down shirt.

" It could work..." Evelyn looks sadly at her notes. Then seems to come to a resolution in her mind. She crumples the papers in her hands. " Alright lets go annoy the crap outta him."
                           ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
                            Skye's POV

Everyone's been acting weird today. My campers have been oddly silent, but also sometimes loud and bosterious, almost too loud I might add. Of course Will is acting strange because he's trying not to be 'friendly' with me.

My dear friends, Harper, Lena, and Elisabeth, are always in corners, doorways, and just about everywhere at once. There's just a feeling in the air. Like everyone is just restless.

I'm more then just restless. My sleep schedule is catty-wampus. I feel like I'm living in a constant state of fear, and I'm just downright emotional.

I need food.

       Thank God it's lunchtime. I sit next to Lena on the kitchen floor and inhale a hoagie from the WaWa just down the road. Who knows where Will is. Technically, we're supposed to be going over the script for our one act together right now, but we aren't for obvious reasons.

       I dig around in my lunch bag. I forgot to grab dessert. It's a bad day to forget something as important as sugar.

       Lena looks at me. "What are u looking so forlorn about?"

     I explain my situation, feeling kind of embarrassed that I'm not freaking out at the bigger problem at hand, but the loss of my dessert. " Oh you can have my extra Twinkie, here!" She smiles and gives it to me.

      I send up a quick prayer of thanks to God for making her existent, and shove the whole Twinkie in my mouth. Will walks in.

      I put my head down and chew furiously, the Twinkie now turned to sawdust in my mouth. I can just feel his eyes on me. Just out of habit, I want to look up, catch his eye and smile like normal. I miss those green eyes of his. I miss how they sparkle mischievously like a little kid when he smiles or laughs.

     God, I miss the normal.

     But now I have to live with this normal. Which sucks. But life goes on, and unfortunately I go right along with it.

I stand, collect my things, and exit the kitchen. Harper is in the hallway talking to her campers about who knows what so I join her. The kids are making her laugh, and she looks so... happy. The opposite of what I'm feeling. She looks at me, furrowing her eyebrows as if to say, " you good?" I shrug.

Suddenly I hear a loud ruckus in the auditorium. Harper and I both hurry in to see what's going on. Mark is standing onstage, trying to hold up against several kids chucking... what are those dodgeballs? Straight at his face. Then I realize in horror that the kids that are throwing said dodgeballs are my campers. Oliver, who is usually so calm and quite, is running at top speeds around the auditorium, screaming incoherent words, and once in a while launching a ball in Marks general direction. The rest of them are having a grand time, jumping on chairs, jumping on Mark and altogether just causing pure chaos.

The look on Marks face is one that will forever be etched in my mind. His patience is wearing thin, and at any moment he is going to explode. I watch as his neck slowly turns red, the color slowly reaching up and developing his entire face.

" KIDS" he roars. No one pays attention to him. " KIDS" he yells again. Evelyn right then throws a perfectly aimed ball right at his forehead. It bounces satisfyingly off. " CUT THE F*CK OUT"

The whole auditorium goes silent. The silence spreads through out the building until you can hear a pin drop. Ava slowly appears out of a back room, with a look of utter shock and anger.

Now it is a camp rule, one that is hammered into our heads at counselor training and throughout the weeks of camp to never under any circumstances swear. We're also taught to never raise our voices. Mark has done both.

We all part for Ava to walk through. She looks mad. I've never seen her so angry in my life. It's kind of terrifying.

She marches up to Mark, grabs his arm, and whisks him out a side door. He's in for it.

Then I remember my team. Their behavior was totally not acceptable even though it was sort of nice to see Mark put in his place. They all stand there with innocent looks on their faces. I look around for Will to see if he's going to do something. But he's just leaning casually against the wall in his usual way, with a small smirk on his face.

Even though I've been ignoring him all day, I decide to ask what on earth is going on. " What's up with our kids?"

" What are they our children now?" He chuckles lowly.

" They just went crazy! Did you feed them too much sugar or something?"

Will puts a hand over his heart. " Would I do that?"

I just stare at him blankly. He probably thinks I'm annoyed but in truth, I'm drinking in just simply looking at him. We stand there for a good thirty seconds before Will clears his throat. I snap out of it, mumble something about talking to our team, and walk away.

What is wrong with me?

But then I cant find my team. They apparently booked it out of here as fast as physically possible. I sigh. At least director time is soon. I might put the fear of the Lord in them then.

Normally I would let something like this slide, with only a warning not to do it again, but they don't know who Mark is and what he's capable of doing. I just want them safe.

Authors note

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading!!

Is the switching between the POVS too confusing? If so I'm pretty sure I can change that up.

Next chapter will be all in Skyes POV again🙂

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