Chapter 16

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We are almost finished with the entirety of our team's one-act. To my delight, it's getting pieced together quickly and the kids memorizing is going fairly well. Will is probably the reason why things are going so smoothly, I mean, he is a professional.

" Great job today guys, I'll make sure to tell Ava how well you all are doing. Also, I'm planning on asking her if we can practice on the stage tomorrow." Will says as he collects all his papers, shoving them into an already packed-out folder.

Angelo cheers. All the children have smiles on their faces. To practice on the stage during summer camp is a great honor. Usually, you only get to run your part onstage twice on the last day for dress rehearsal and tech. Speaking of that, that's coming up soon and we need to mentally prepare the team to act in front of an audience. Not only are they going to perform for their family and friends, but during tech, when we run the lights and sound, the rest of the teams get to watch. In my experience, that's more nerve-racking than the actual show.

As I exit the nursery, Bet comes up to me and slips her tiny hand into mine. She skips beside me as we head back to the auditorium where Ava's mom is preparing to read them a story. " I can't wait for Saturday!" She squeals.

" You're not nervous?" I ask.

" Yep, but that's part of the excitement." We reach the auditorium, and she rushes off to her other friends. I have never thought that nervousness could be fun. For me, it always makes me either forget my lines or simply not be able to speak. Yea, I've learned to control my nervousness but, sometimes I can't ignore it.

" Skye, come in here! Did you know Will knows ballet?" Lena yanks me into the kitchen. My thought process screeches to a halt at those words. I'm even more disconcerted when I see Will in the middle of the kitchen pirouetting. He's okay at it, not the best I've ever seen, but it's still better than anything I could ever do.

" He's teaching us how to spin." Harper is standing in a corner with her arms out in front of her. It looks like she's carrying an imaginary beach ball. She keeps spinning and failing.

" What did I just walk in on?" I say, observing the ridiculous mess of spinning counselors. Nat looks a tad sick at all the spinning, Elisabeth is doing well, and even Insa, the costume manager is turning in circles. Will looks as if he is greatly enjoying himself. I shake my head and grab a root beer out of one of the fridges.

" C'mon Skye join us!" Will pleads.

" Absolutely not." I pull myself up onto the counter and sip my soda while I watch the chaos.

Ava walks in. Bad time for the director to walk in. " What on earth?"

Everyone stops spinning. " Will was just teaching us some techniques," Lena says timidly.

To our relief, Ava starts to laugh. her laugh is large and boisterous, and soon we are all laughing.

                                                                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    " When did you learn ballet?" I ask Will. We're standing in the hallway. All the kids have left for the day, and there are just a few counselors left. I'm waiting on Harper to end her seemingly endless conversation with Lena in one of the dressing rooms.

    " Oh, when I was younger. I'm a bit rusty now." He raises one broad shoulder in a shrug.

    " You're okay," I say kindly, trying my best to look encouraging.

    Will gives me a skeptical look and leans against the wall, sighing. " What's gotten you so glum?" I ask, also leaning against the wall. I heard somewhere that mirroring a person's body language helps them relax. It doesn't work on Will.

    " What, do I look glum? I guess I'm just tired."

    " Everyone says they are tired when they don't want to tell you something," I say nudging him playfully.

    " Fine."

    " Fine, what?"

    " I guess I'm just nervous."

    " Nervous? Why on earth would you of all people be nervous?" This conversation is getting weird. And confusing. There go men, being confusing again.

    " You know what, it's fine I don't need to bother you any more than I already have." He turns to leave.

    " Wait, Will!" I grab his arm, turning him to face me, " I have no clue what's going on but..." I trail off, looking for the right words. " Look, you don't need to tell me what's bothering you or anything just..."

    " You just don't want to be in a tif with me?" Will finishes for me. I only have a vague idea of what tif means but I nod. " Ok, I have a proposition." He sighs, looking as if the next thing he's about to say is going to be awkward. " What if tomorrow, before summer camp, we go out and get coffee or something, and we can hash things out. I'll tell you what's bothering me, and you tell me what's bothering you."

    " But, nothing is bothering me." I protest.

Will just looks at me. I grow uncomfortable under his gaze. " I haven't known you a very long time Skye, but anyone could see something was bothering you today."

Oh no. That's what he's talking about. All day I have been uptight about finally realizing that maybe I kinda-sorta have a crush on him. But how on earth do I tell him that? I can't just out of the blue be like, " Yo, I think your sorta cute," or, " Hey, I have a crush on you." No girl in her right mind just point blank says something like that!

" Skye? Are you going to answer me?" Will is waving a hand in front of my face.

I snap out of it. " Okay, what time?" I ask weakly. I say it without thinking. That was dum. But I'll consult with Harper about this whole ordeal, make a plan and it'll all be fine... right?

" We'll meet here at six o'clock, sounds good?" He smiles warmly.

Ugh, that smile. " Sounds good!" I give him a thumbs up. What are you thinking? My mind keeps screaming at me.

" Great, see you tomorrow, bright and early!"

" Yea..." But he's already gone.

What on God's green earth did I just do.

       Authors note

        Hello! *waves*

        What do you suppose will happen in Will and Skye's talk?

        Comment your ideas!


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