Chapter 4

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My throat seems to enclose on itself and my heart pounds in my chest. No no no. I think this is the most horrid time to meet this man. Will just looks down at me with an amused smile as I grope for words. I look at my feet, my face burning. Not good not good. My brain is full of random words and sentences, but none of them want to come out of my mouth.

" Will Poulter, nice to meet you." He extends a hand.

I limply shake it and squeak, " Nice to meet you to Will!"

" Am I going to have the pleasure of knowing your name?" He smirks.

The nerve of this guy, the nervousness in me quickly changes to annoyance. " The names Skye," I say this with as much superiority as possible.

" Skye... never met anyone by that name. Ah, you must be named that because of your eyes." He guesses.

" Nope, my parents just named me that." I throw it right back at him, " Well, it's been real, but I gotta get out of this horrific costume, bye!" I dodge around him and disappear into the crowd. I hear him calling my name behind me but I don't give a hoot. What does Will Poulter the celebrity want with me, a normal human being?

I rush into the dressing room and rip off my costume. My head is whirling and I feel faint. Get a hold on yourself Skye I think pulling on a black tee and white jeans. I turn around when I'm finished to see Harper, standing right behind me. " Soooo..." she starts.

     " I don't want to talk about it." I brush past her and hang my costume on a rack.

     " He seemed mighty interested in talking to you." She prods, following me.

     " Oh shut up he has a girlfriend," I mutter.

     " That doesn't mean he can't notice other girls!" Harper pokes me in the ribs.

     " Well, he shouldn't be noticing other girls," I argue back.

     I head out of the dressing room and pray I don't run into Will again. To late. There he is. I hide behind a very handy tall guy that I didn't even know and begged the Lord that I was well hidden. Turns out I wasn't. " Oh! Hey Skye!" Will had spotted me and ran over.

     " Hey Will." I sigh stepping out from my hiding spot.

     Will looks at the guy I was hiding behind and eyes him suspiciously.

     " This your Dad?" He asks.

     I blush yet again and was about to say something when the man I was hiding behind stepped up and put an arm around me, " Naw I'm her boyfriend, who are you?" He asks. My eyebrows raise and I just nod along, I appreciated the guy stepping in and helping me in my awkward situation.

     " Will Poulter," Will says, monotoned.

      They do the manly handshake which mostly consists of squeezing the guts out of each other's hands. I stare at the ground and bite my lip. This is even more awkward now.

     " Alright love, we should probably go home, see ya, Will!" He leads me out the door.

     " Thank you so much," I whisper, I can feel Wills eyes on the back of my head.

     " No prob, sorry I couldn't help sooner." He grins at me.

     I just nod. I'm glad I got out of an awkward situation but, now I had to get out of this situation. " Ah, well, thanks again, I got to get home!" I smile and start to walk away.

" Wait! What's your name?" He yells after me.

" Skye," I yell back over my shoulder.

He runs and catches up to me, " Names Mark Vaughn." He holds out his hand and we shake warmly. By now we're by Harper's car. " Well, it's been nice meeting you, but... can I have your phone number? Ya know, just in case you have another awkward moment?" He asks.

I study him for a moment. He seems trustworthy. And he's nice-looking too, a curly mop of dark brown hair fell into his almost black eyes. He looked to be a little over six foot, with a strong muscled body. I decide on the will of a whim, " okay!" We exchange phone numbers quickly. " Well, it's been nice meeting you... I guess this is goodbye, for now." I smile up at him.

" Yup! For now!" He winks and walks away.

I sigh and hop in the car. I text Harper quickly to tell her I'm ready to leave. She texts back, so soon?. I tell her I'll talk to her about it later. Then I lean back in my seat. What a night.

Authors note:
Hey guys! Thanks for almost fifty reads!Yay!
The guy in the picture is how I imagine Mark.
Follow, comment, and vote, thanks!

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