Chapter 18

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I grip the steering wheel, rehearsing over and over in my head what I plan on saying to Will. " I have a crush on this guy... no that sounds weird, ummmm I'm particularly interested in someone... nope, too wordy..." This is not going well, I'm fifteen minutes from the theater where I'm meeting him, and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to say. Maybe I should just wing it, after all, I am good at improv, every theater kid is. I think to myself, trying to calm my nerves. I wonder what he has to say about himself though, and why would he want to tell me?

All too soon I'm pulling into the parking lot. As soon as I get there I see Will's car parked right in the front. I try to steady my breathing, it doesn't work. Pretending I'm capable and confident, I pull into the parking space next to him. I park a tad crooked, but I'm too stressed to fix it. After pulling the key out of the ignition, I quickly open the door and step out. Will gets out of his car at the same time I'm getting out of mine. " Good morning!" He says in that accent of his.

" Hey!" I reply, waving. I grab my messenger bag out of the back seat and walk over to him. While I'm walking I check myself out in the reflection of Harpers' Subaru windows. I look okay in the outfit they picked out for me. After many hours last night, Harper and Letti finally decided on having my hair half up and half down. I never tried that look before, but they said it looked good, and I trust their judgment.

To my surprise, Will opens the passenger door for me. I smile and say an awkward thank you as I climb in. Thankfully, it's clean inside his car. I hate messy cars, and I'm always after Harper to vacuum hers out.

" So, where to?" Will asks as he puts the car in reverse.

" Anywhere with coffee," I say honestly.

He chuckles and says, " Good choice, I could also use a good cup, have you ever been to The Cosmic Cup?"

" Never heard of it, have you been there?" I'm impressed by his knowledge of coffee shops.

" Yep, their coffee is delicious, especially their milk lattes, it was one of the first places I went to when I got here in Pennsylvania."

" Then let's go, how far is it?"

" About twenty minutes." He pulls his phone out of his pocket and fiddles with it for a bit. Suddenly I hear, " BLUETOOTH CONNECTED." Very loudly. " Goodness gracious, how loud was I listening to music?" Will laughs.

" Apparently very loud," I say.

Then to my delight, he hands his phone to me. " You can play whatever you like."

I get an evil grin on my face. " I hope you like show tunes."

    " I've only seen a few Musicals, but I've always liked Newsies."

    I do what I call a fangirl scream and bounce in my seat. Will takes his eyes off the road for a second to raise one of his iconic eyebrows at me. " I adore Newsies, you have no idea."

" I think I might have a slight idea." He chuckles, looking at me again.

" What's your favorite song?" I ask.

" From Newsies? Probably King of New York. What's yours?"

" Watch What Happens," I say right away.

" Every girl likes that one the most." Will sighs.

" What's wrong with that?" I challenge.

" Nothing." He waves it off.

I frown, but just for him, I play King of New York first. He bobs his head to the song and leans back in his seat. While we aren't talking, my stressful thoughts come flooding back into my head. How is he so chill? Does he even remember why we're going to get coffee in the first place? I try to calm myself down by staring out the window at the morning sky. I rarely ever see sunrises, simply because I hate mornings. But this particular one is beautiful, it tints the clouds light pink. I like how it makes the sky look like cotton candy.

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