Chapter 33

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     It's the end of the week. The day that the campers have been gearing up for, and the counselors have been dreading. I for one have been dreading getting onstage and acting after having a super stressful week. I memorized the last of my lines last night. Bad idea.

     Will is all sunshine and rainbows, getting the team ready for tech rehearsal. He's been riding on some high since our little randevu in the Dunkin parking lot. It's cute, the way he keeps smiling at me over the kid's heads and being as close to me as physically possible at all times.

The kids are overly hyper from nerves and excitement. It's hard to corral them all into their separate teams and send them onstage. I love watching how their eyes glow happily when the spotlights shine warmly down on them. Most of these children have never had a stage experience like this, and they soak it up greedily.

     Our team makes it through tech simply by the will of God. I only had to call line once and Nat delivered his lines with at least a little more expression.

     After tech counselors have a thirty-minute break. I head straight to my car, deciding to take a power nap in the back seat. Thankfully, I have the decency to keep my vehicle clean, so I slide in, grab my hoodie and bunch it into a makeshift pillow.

     I had been sound asleep for a blissful twenty minutes when someone taps on the window. I groan and look up through bleary eyes. I half expect it to be Harper demanding my presence, but to my horror, it's Mark.

     Oh crap, did I lock the doors?

     My question is answered by Mark opening the door right next to my head. Sunlight blinds me and I sit up. Bad idea. This gives Mark the go-ahead to sit down.

     Why oh why did I not take Harper's advice and just carry a knife on me at all times?

     Mark may be dumb, but he's bigger than me, and most definitely the stronger one of the two of us. I glare at him. He stares blank-faced back at me.

     " I didn't tell you you could come in," I say, anger lacing my words.

     " I didn't need permission," Mark replies.

      This almost sends me off and I subconsciously move toward the door. But Mark reaches around me and grabs the handle, blocking my only escape. His face is inches from mine, and I can smell that horribly familiar scent of mint on his breath.

     " I've been noticing things." He says lowly.

     I refuse to break down and lose my cool, instead, I just raise an eyebrow, Will style, and challenge him to go on.

     " You're not doing anything I told you to do. You know the consequences don't you?"

     " Your 'consequences' mean nothing to me." I spit back.

     " Having Bet die means nothing to you? Wow, I didn't know you were so unfeeling"

    " I'm not unfeeling, I just have brains, which you apparently lack."

     Mark looks as if he wants to kill me right here in the back of my own car, " You-

     That's when I knee him in the balls and make my escape.

     I run faster than I have in years. Bursting through the front doors I wildly search for Will. The tiredness I felt before is long gone and pure adrenaline is coursing through my veins.

     " What's wrong?" Lena grabs my arm, stopping my wild pursuit.

     " Where's Will?" I ask breathlessly.

     " In the nursery why-"

     I escape her grasp and run to the nursery, yanking open the door where I find Nat and Will rehearsing lines. They look up at me in surprise. I go straight to Will and throw my arms around him, burying my head in his chest. He wraps his arms comfortingly around my waist though he has no clue what's going on.

" Can you leave us for a moment?" Will mutters to Nat who is just standing gaping at the two of us.

He leaves and Will stands back, putting his hands firmly on my shoulders and looking into my eyes. I'm not crying, yet, but he can clearly see the look of terror written all over my face. " What's wrong?"

" Mark and I... Talked." I say shakily.

Will's eyebrows draw together. " Talked?"

" He sort of trapped me in my car."

Will's eyes flash in anger, " He did what?"

I try to explain everything to him exactly how it happened ending with, " Then I kneed him where it hurts."

For the first time since I came bursting into the room, Will grins. But then he grows serious, " This can't keep going on Skye, he needs to leave, and soon."

I just nod, biting my lower lip. " But how can we make him leave, no one will believe us."

" He's bound to slip up at some point in time. Meanwhile, I'd tell Ava what has been going on, see if she understands, and keep going with the day."

" Easier said than done," I mumble.

Will looks at me gently and pushes back my hair so he can see my face. " I won't let you out of my sight again, I promise."

" And I won't wander off stupidly" I laugh, nudging him in the ribs.

" Let's get it over with and go talk to Ava," Will suggests.

I consent and he grabs my hand, pulling me towards the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It takes a long time to explain everything to Ava. She is extremely suspicious of everything, considering she wasn't the one experiencing first-hand Mark's threats. But she listens to everything we have to say.

" Guys, from my perspective it sounds ridiculous, I mean a counselor making death threats at a community theater? But, I have been noticing a few things myself, and trust me I don't exactly adore Mark. But I need evidence, legally that's the only way I can fire him as a counselor." Ava says.

" So what do we do?" I ask.

" What you have been doing, waiting for him to do something worth calling the police."

I sigh. Waiting was never my strong suit. But it was only one more day.

Little did I know how much would commence in the next twenty-four hours.

Authors note

Hey folks! I plan to only have two more chapters in this book. I can't believe it's already coming to an end!

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